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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. It's the only way to give Keaneu Reeves a personality again.
  2. Those are you weaknesses? Quick! Off to find a Librarian in a bikini ready to go to the beach.
  3. It's not like people can prove you have sex.
  4. It's fun to be an asshole when it's creative. Oh wait.
  5. You'd be surprised how much confidence you can gain from having sex before your thirty. Ultimately, though, you're safest leaving it to the women you're with. Most girls have sex before 18. A lot of girls INITIATE sex for their first time. If they want sex, you may as well give it to them. There's the chance they could look elsewhere if you don't supply, and really, it won't bite.
  6. Now now, Death doesn't need any more ego. I mean, he's good, but I'm sure something could stop him. Even the Hulk stopped the Juggernaut when he was running. But he isn't Christian, so you might have some trouble offing him.
  7. Studies show 1 christian dies per hour. HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH THE FACTS?
  8. Just a note. Just because Ulq has the extra form doesn't mean the others can't reach it easily - He just says they haven't. It also doesn't mean that he's number 1 worthy. Number 5 could have had 3 forms and still gotten his ass kicked by Ulq level 2. He could be stronger than Stark, and as far as series timing goes, it'd probably be a bit better if he was, but that's not Shonen like, and they could get away with another 250 prints. Anyway. Breakdown. Don't be surprised if they go back to the surface after this chapter. Ichigo goes full Hollow. He can win that way. Especially with the Hueco Mundo boost. Orihime reverts him with her TIME MAGIC. Ichigo grows afraid of the mask -again-. With all the baddies in Hueco Mundo dead, they can finally be rescued by their friends. If it's good writing, they'll skip to Mayuri before they show up to make it seem like less than perfect timing. If it's bad writing, it'll be like ten seconds later, 'Sorry we sucked too much to help.' The surface Captains lose. Yama-Ji dies. I'm predicting it's not even close. Number 2 being the only Espada that dies. I mean, he's old, and he's a bossy villain. Shonen death waiting to happen. The Hueco Mundo captains and friends appear to stop the 5 enemies that are left. Give or take details. Now the story can go two ways from there. Aizen can claim and show he's already won and go become King or he can retreat for now, rebuild the Espada and become King later. He has to be King when Ichigo kills him, though. And he's obviously very far from being ready for that.
  10. In the comics, yes. In the movie, yes. In real life, no.
  11. Don't be so surprised that Naruto is taking a moment to prove that anyone can die. Though frankly, Hinata is 'too young' to die. Another fun fact that no one stopped to consider - Everyone who knew the seal to calm Naruto down is dead. Obito is probably still alive, anyway.
  12. It's a cool CD, though, for a laugh. Got to give credit to anyone who can rap about going to see the Chronicles of Narnia.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_CpZyrekBc...feature=related
  14. It's an awesome song. And Natalie Portman can rap. Better than she can act, anyway.
  15. I know they can't really sing, but Disney has them all sing. Hannah Montana's co-stars, for example, sing for Disney: One is Haley Joel Osment's little sister. We've heard his voice, there is no singing talent to be found there. The other is the younger brother to the lead singer of Metro Station. Let's not even go there. It's ridiculous.
  16. What's wrong with Jared Leto? His music shows no lyrical power, but the sound is decent. I haven't seen him act, though. And I've always found it odd that EVERYONE at Disney can sing.
  17. They're visiting theaters for their Concert/movie. Basically because Mickey hasn't thought of anything good in a while. They didn't show up tonight, but they're doing a costal tour all weekend, so I might have to deal with them tomorrow.
  18. Grimmjaw is essentially dead in the Anime, so. . . And for what it's worth, the series isn't that great. It's not hard to tell. Nice to see everything is coming full circle, and it occasionally throws me off, but honestly, most of it is predictable, and some plot lines have little chance of becoming ultimately useful. Like Ichigo's friends having powers. That's including Chad. I was surprised to find out that the top 4 Espada were well beyond number 5, instead of Aizen just having more henchmen. But he'll probably have more anyway, so yeah.
  19. No. Chans wouldn't be a credible source because the people who created the memes probably aren't there anymore. All in all, the project sounds pretty stupid. Then again, you told us nothing of it. Simply saying 'I need sources on a subject' isn't a good way to get what you need. There are a number of aspects you could be reporting on, and the sources would indeed vary depending on what you're writing.
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