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Everything posted by Onestep

  1. I really don't see it as an issue. Pegasus Knights have clear weaknesses to counterbalance their mobility, and only appear one tier below Wyvern Riders. Historically, Wyverns are better than Pegasi knights in almost every game you get both, so it's no surprised that the game is treating them as a higher level class.
  2. It means she says that she is the top student. Jeralt's opinion is not taken into account, thus 'self-proclaimed'.
  3. That's hardly uncommon though. Male units rarely get access to Pegasi in general, and Wyverns are rarely playable until mid-late game.
  4. I believe Cavalier's have Move Again? Or do you mean flying in general?
  5. I don't know, you think they'd want to avoid that kind of redundancy. It does seem super-weird that Hero is basically Swordmaster from prior games in terms of skills though.
  6. Yeah. I mean, I don't mind them in general, but I wish they'd make sense. Be consistent, rather than allowing one part of the class chain, but not another.
  7. Wait, Hero IS Male only then? And it has Swordfaire? I guess Female Byleth isn't going to be getting as much use out of the prf sword as Male Byleth then.
  8. Yeah, I noticed that too. Super cool. Really liking the Black Knight theme he's got going.
  9. Probably Brigand/Barbarian? That 20 hit basically negates all accuracy penalties. Or maybe Dark Mage, since Dark Magic tends to be less accurate, but hit harder.
  10. I mean, 'superior' is a strong word. It's a handful of minor character buffs, when both houses have no problem procc'ing them anyway. I suppose if you were absolutely metagaming to the hilt, then with the information we have now that's correct, but it's not something most players would really think about, especially since you can recruit most characters.
  11. Some of these seem very good. In particular, Sylvain and Leonie seem like a perfect tag-team. And a flat 20 hit rate early on is amazing.
  12. Looks like, as the leak said, tea time is the new, more socially acceptable petting minigame. Interesting.
  13. Bernadetta looks like she's been taking fashion tips from Dorothea.
  14. We were fools. We never saw it, and it was right in front of us. We're playing a grim, handsome teacher with secret powers and a grand destiny. We were just Ingrid's hidden fourth route love interest all along.
  15. I mean, context is important. A game might have a consistent big bad, but the way you approach and deal with that big bad can vary from route to route.
  16. Kind of torn. I need more cocain- Three Houses content, but I'd also like to keep myself spoiler free. Just pre-ordered now though.
  17. I'm going to go with a 'You have failed me for the last time' or a 'You have outlived your usefulness' being the preceding line to the choking.
  18. If Hero is gender-locked, and gets Swordfaire, that seems a bit unfair towards Female Byleth. Given that Byleth's prf is a Sword, Swordfaire seems like a bread and butter skill to aim for, and this effectively gives Male Byleth +5 Mt. But I think we've seen both genders in the Mercenary class, so I doubt it'll be an issue.
  19. So the kneeling bad guy has an earring that looks like a purple eye. The other bad guys says: So the Fell Star consumes even the darkness. Fell Star. Fell. Fell + Purple Eye = Grima. I've cracked the code, lads.
  20. Probably going to stick to strengths for the most part, though if one class or another seems grotesquely overpowered, there might be some mass reclasses going on.
  21. If they have gone with the Dark Path/Light Path, I really want the choice between the two to be really obvious. No 'Need to have A support with three particular characters by Chapter 12' or 'Save these civilians and cause Edelgard to flip out ten chapters later' hidden nonsense. I literally want the choice to be Edelgard asking whether she should be a murderous tyrant or not, or something along those lines. I shouldn't have to look at a FAQ to unlock something major in a game that's primary draw is strategy mechanics and characters. And I say this as a huge fan of Growlanser IV, a game best described as 'Literally every character can die and everything is missable.' There's a time and a place.
  22. Do we NEED a canon path? I feel that it would be better if there were three distinct paths that were satisfying in some areas, and frustrating in others, so that none was clearly 'correct'. It's like how Revalations completely devalued Conquest and Birthright simply by existing.
  23. Lynnhardt seems pretty cool. As others have said, definitely not the image I had in my head of him.
  24. Honestly, Golden Deers have been creeping up on me. I was pretty sure I was just going to go Black Eagles as my first run, but the Deers have some great students. Lions remain pretty beige to me overall so far.
  25. I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I recognise all this. I just don't like it. The routes should have been kept more separate, in my opinion. They weren't, and I'm probably going to recruit students from other houses, but I would have preferred for the option to not be there. Maybe my opinion will change as the game gets closer, or once I'm playing.
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