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Everything posted by Onestep

  1. Just to jump in, I wasn't aware that certain classes were outright restricted from using magic. I was under the impression that much like weapons, any class could use magic, they were simply more limited by not having bonus casts, as well as lower Magic caps and growths. I must have missed where this information was found.
  2. I suspect it'll be more 'Active Effect' than huge growths. Byleth's, for example, seems to have a 1/4 Sol effect, which is nice, but not gamebreaking (depending on activation rate that is. If you could get it to 100%, it'd be pretty damn strong.)
  3. Also depends on what the effect of their Crests are, and if Major Crests are much stronger than Minor Crests.
  4. Depends on what bonuses battalions actually give. If some give stat bonuses or have extremely powerful gambits, then my personal bet for being absolutely broken is Bernadetta.
  5. It's kind of funny that they keep showing off Deer students as being 'stealable'. Deer are for poaching, I guess.
  6. Man, I got a week off of work, but it might not even be enough to clear a single route if that's the case. That's pretty insane.
  7. Either Black Eagles or Golden Deer. Eagles seem like they'll have the most interesting route so far, given that Edelgard has been built up as the 'face' of the Three House Lords, but Deer have some characters that I really like, and while I can recruit them, it's not quite the same.
  8. The Assist Class sounds interesting. A way of getting paralogues, I suppose?
  9. While I do like her design, does it not seem really modern to anyone else? As in, strip away the shoulderpad and she'd fit into a Persona or any other JRPG set in modern Tokyo.
  10. Two things stand out to me right now. First of all, I'm really curious as to the significance of Edelgard wielding a sword, as opposed to the axe whenever she fights Byleth. Perhaps she uses the sword as her weapon in other routes, and the axe in her own route? Secondly, we're seeing pictures of characters in Advanced classes pre-timeskip. This essentially guarantees at LEAST one more tier after advanced, or else the post-timeskip chapters will have very little character progression compared to the pre-timeskip.
  11. Also, it seems that Byleth get's his Blanco form prior to the timeskip, judging by the hairstyles of the other units on the coastal map.
  12. Cool to see so many different types of giant monster as well. Though IS's naming sense could do with some work. Calling a Giant Bird monster 巨鳥 is... well, it's an interesting choice. Note that 巨鳥 directly translates as Great Bird. Or maybe Big Bird would be better.
  13. Oh, I understood the first bit. It's the second bit that I can't guess from my limited Japanese. 'Gomenasai, Sensei' is 'I've watched subbed high-school anime once'-tier knowledge.
  14. It seems really unlikely that Byleth and Edelgard would actually kill each other on Edelgard's own route.
  15. 4th route DLC: Grey Wolves Break away from the Three Houses, and form your own House!
  16. A number of new trailers too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHL8hcdDlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpQh321AtZo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqS2IEj5rEM And hoooly shit, it looks like 5 years have done a number on Edelgard and Dimitri's sanity.
  17. What is Edelgard saying to Byleth as they sword-lock?
  18. Default Male Byleth looks better than the DLC outfit. I think fans of Female Byleth on the other hand, will feel obliged to buy this so they don't look like a an indy punk rock groupie wandering the Academy. Having said that, that is a spiffing hat. I wonder if you can just wear that and otherwise go with Default Male Byleth's gear.
  19. Honestly was hoping that Snape was an option. I guess Sirius works.
  20. Well, the point of roleplay is that you DON'T just pick the best possible options. That's powergaming. You pick the options which suit the character in your mind. For instance, many RPG's will have choices where making an evil choice will give far better rewards than a moral one. That's not restrictive or less interesting, that's fun.
  21. Personally, I'm slowly collapsing into a writhing tangle of impatience, desperately resenting every day between now and 3H release.
  22. Not unknown throughout history. Jadwiga of Anjou was crowned King of Poland, for example. This was because the polish nobility wanted the ability to deny her betrothed, William, the title of 'king' without their consent. Several nations, including Hungary, also simply had no legal provision for a ruling queen, but also no rule stating that the King actually had to be male. So to prevent succession crisis's, female rulers were still 'Kings'. Could be similar in this case, or perhaps, given that Fire Emblem nations tend to have FAR more gender equality than any medieval nation, the title is something of a historical artefact. Perhaps one of the first rulers of the Adrestian Empire styled themselves Emperor, and it simply became tradition that every following ruler was also 'Emperor'.
  23. Interesting that Edelgard can summon her Crest on command like that. I mean, we already knew people could do it, but it's strange to see her just pop it out like it's show and tell or something.
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