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Everything posted by Onestep

  1. You misunderstand. In this case, I want limitations. I would just prefer that MORE content was path-locked, as opposed to being encouraged by the game to blur paths via recruitment. Some of the paralogues seem to, in terms of story, show-off the fact that you got them by recruiting a character from a different House, which is good. I do like that. But I'd still have preferred more locked content. It is what it is though, and depending on the limitations, it could work out.
  2. Have to admit, Golden Deers, originally my least favourite House, have been proving me wrong. They just have some of the best designed girls overall.
  3. I hear this argument trotted out about a lot of things, and I still don't think it's a good one. It's like saying FE8 isn't easy if you don't skirmish, don't use Seth and don't use class skills. A game shouldn't rely on the player arbitrarily limiting themselves to maintain difficulty/enjoyment. But in this case, it's even more annoying. The recruitment of other students unlocks paralogues, extra characters, items and presumably allows said characters to join you in the timeskip (otherwise investing time and attention in them in the school segment would be a huge waste). Not recruiting them is deliberately cutting yourself off from content that, really, should have been included in another way. If I don't use it and 'pretend it doesn't exist', I'll be missing out on numerous paralogues (no idea how many, but probably at least six if not more).
  4. Honestly, not really a fan of this mechanic, unless it's strictly controlled. The replayability and uniqueness of each route was one of the draws of the game to me, and this kind of infringed upon that. That said, at long as it's only two or three from each faction, it should be alright.
  5. Honestly, Flaws and Assets seem like something of a trap for Byleth, much like they were for Corrin. With a unique, powerful sword, investing in magic seems like an awful waste for example.
  6. As long as it's restricted to certain individuals, I don't see it as a huge problem. If you can grab anyone but the House Leaders, then that's over the top.
  7. Yeah, the more I pick over the gameplay display, the more hype I get.
  8. Her class teaches Spear and Bow, so that seems odd. Her name makes me think of Myrmidons though.
  9. Scene where they're doing choir training. Apparently you build up the relationship in the school section, then it can apparently become romantic post timeskip.
  10. Game is pretty poor-graphics wise, but considering some of my favourite games are stuff like Growlanser and Planescape, I'll live. Saw a bunch of new names and faces too. Shamir and Flayn stand out in memory.
  11. Romance confirmed. Charisma is a stat. Teacher mechanics look like they could be absurdly deep. We're reaching critical levels of hype, lads.
  12. So if we take the leaks as true, then the most important universal character to all routes would be Sothis. Who is S-supportable. Which would make the child-looking dragon the Azura of the game in terms of romantic implications. Nice to know that IS's reaction to people not being sure about the young looking dragons is "**** you, you will have this dragon and you will like it."
  13. Alright, some presumed spoilers. So if you look at the scene where the arms burst out of the coffin, then you'll notice that they have the same spiked bracers as the (presumed) Liberation King who fought the green-haired lady with Byleth's sword. So he's probably coming back to life at some point, assuming that was in the distant past.
  14. Just hoping it's not a 'Revelations' type route, that resolves everything with minimal bloodshed.
  15. Also is it just me, or is Claude by far the most heroic sounding of the three lords? Edelgard sounds resigned, but determined, Dimitri sounds like he's ready to rip and tear, meanwhile Claude's all 'I fight for my friends!'
  17. Shame. Really liked what I'd heard so far, she really seemed to capture the 'Polite and somewhat distant' thing they were going for with Edelgard. Oh well.
  18. Ah well, that's what I get for being out of the loop for a few days.
  19. Side note is that the new Cipher cards reveal the three main lords in what are presumably their promoted base classes. They're all lacking any of the distinctive details we were told they would have, though this isn't proof one way or another yet: presumably they'd avoid spoiling a potential time skip through a card game of all things.
  20. I'm going to be honest: I'm not happy. I've always had great respect for the Serene's Forest community, so seeing what I'm seeing from you guys right now... To be frank, it disgusts me. Just because a character wears a creepy skull mask and wields a villain, it doesn't make them a villain. Maybe he does charity work on Saturday. Probably he bathes in the blood of the innocent. Either way, we can't judge him for his lifestyle choices. As for the other fellow, who looks like a cross between an Inquisitor and Jack of Blades, he's probably a thoroughly decent person, despite his glowing eyes, flame motif and 6 foot-long helmet dyed blood red. We need to bring this community back to where it was, and accept that just because a character is probably a literal spawn of hell who indulges in occasional mass-murder and torment of others, they aren't a bad person.
  21. Bernadetta looks like a fusion of Noire and Morgan to me. Noiregan. Looks good though.
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