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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. I've gotta drop out of this round, too many things on my plate (sorry bros). On the plus side that makes an even number for battlesprite participants.
  2. Nah, I gotta stay random*. * We can collab anytime without a timeframe and I want to stay open for others I haven't worked with before.
  3. Sprite more, keep at it and it'll click. Don't expect to get it right on the first time.
  4. Dawww guys I'm flattered, thanks ^_^;;;; so much for derping around for the heck of face mashing Edit: And yay, another entry~
  5. Looking at your sig + avvy, I'd be happy to see you on board the next round.
  6. The random spear woman's pretty cool, bro~ I think there's still big room for work out there for proportions/anatomy and shading, but keep at it.
  7. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Ha, thanks guys ^^; Done with puppies/dogs for now.
  8. Lenh

    Spriter's Resource

    1. First post hasn't been updated for over 2 years. 2a. Reference GBA sprites for some example of the texture/object/placement you want to get an idea of how light plays on it, colors to use. Not necessarily for direct splicing, but as reference. 2b. Pi's video tutorials for building from scratch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWGAeoCsqrQ 2bb. Other people might have tuts/examples too, depending on whose style in particular you like? 2c. Guess it would help to know what sort of customing you're up to. (How bad can it be?)
  9. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Must...break ice again.... -> slightly altered schnauz ...woof!
  10. I was gonna play with easing the cape and hair when it falls and aligning the frames to try to remove some of the jumps. But then I tried and you'll probably have just as well results. ^^; So, looks good so far~
  11. <3 Puppy~ Do you mind if I play with this? You can reference the bangs to get the feel to how the rest of the hair should be colored (more lighter shades, no pillow shading). (Think the hair and cape motions could use a bit of polish too, but that's difficult to explain.)
  12. Breaking the 16-color limit is like the greatest incentive to full-body. Sign me up for both mugs and battlesprites!
  13. @Boney: If they didn't blacklist you and got you in the random pool then that's their own problem. (ilu2, hugs, etc~) I'm definitely battlesprites, and can go for portraits again this coming round. Especially if puppies are involved. ^_^
  14. Wasn't it that you just PM the host your blacklist beforehand if you have someone you can't work with?
  15. All in all I'm still interested and am good with staying in the random pot. There have been a couple of instances where I wished things were a little more matched according to schedules/goals, but things always turned out well in the end. For the record: Timezone: CST (GMT -5:00) Availability: Flexible, IM/AIM/Skype/Livestream And I do really like to get things started early on :p
  16. Nowwww animate Chibi Zephiel spinning!
  17. JIIIIFFFFF That jab->cross-slash is so pretty! But yeah, align the feets (and correct the 1px height squish on frames 26 and 27) if you can.
  18. Honestly pixel-for-pixel they're about the same, but take different modes of thinking. An animation takes more planning, and fixing an error that pops up can cause a lot of rework (but the errors might be okay to overlook in the final product). A mug can come more organically, but all of the final product gets looked at in detail (so errors typically need correction and are easier to correct).
  19. Lenh

    Odd Mug Request

    Hey hey, stereotypical that must mean there are examples and things that make them fit the generic bill. Rather than excpecting a shot in the dark to make it, can you describe your ideal mug. Build? Age? Expression? Costume? Good/Neutral/Evil?
  20. A battle sprite, animation, map, layout design, weapon icon, anything that someone could hack into a Fire Emblem game.
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