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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Round 2!: Challenge: Sci-Fi Fire Emblem Mugs: Cosplay an FE or OC character as a sci-fi character. Battlesprites/Maps/Misc: Create a Fire Emblem resource following the futuristic sci-fi theme. Submission Guidelines: - PM entries to me by the deadline, and specify whether you want to remain anonymous or have your entry attributed to you. - Keep entries within the usual spriting guidelines for mugs and battlesprites. Prize: A chance to choose the next round's theme! Winner is randomly selected from the entrant pool after the deadline has passed. Deadline: All entries should be submitted by August 31st Feel free to use the contest thread for WIPs, ideas, personal challenges, etc related to the contest, and have fun!
  2. That's been the main comment on commitment, so making the deadline 2 months sounds good. ^^;
  3. A low (but high quality!) turnout~ by AthenaWyrm Anons: ------ My question to you guys: Should we continue the challenge a month contest or let it go?
  4. That's some pretty cool stuff! Really digging the variance and everything overall on the sprite side, although the scribbles/boredom pieces don't seem as clean as the Nintendo pieces (that's probably obvious to you). Looking forward to seeing more of your 100-character challenge whether or not you get to 100.
  5. Just a reminder that there's about 2~3 days left until the deadline~
  6. My spriting journey began with a decent year in 2005 (RPGMaker, editing stock resources and porting various SNES/GBA sprites in), then a gap, then a few months in 2008 (focused on editing FE6/7- resources, attempted mugs and posted 'em on FEP, didn't work out*), then another gap, and finally came back again in 2012 (finally joined the community through the DA group and then into SF, and here we are). There was probably a lot of lurking and pixel-admiring in the gaps, but can't remember that at all. In my opinion I haven't improved as much as I'd like, so I gotta get off my lazy and get dedicated. A year actually working on things is probably worth more than 5 of off-and-on business. (Fire Emblem's about all I can sprite, although if I ever get enough confidence I'd add Suikoden and traditional 2D fighters to the mix.)
  7. A place for general talk about spriter-specific things. Socialize! [spoiler=Old Polls:] [spoiler=Favorite Mug Color Style (June 2013)] FE1: Yohan Kebab FE4: ∑-sigma- FE5: Lenh, Hamlet, LunaSaint FE7: DH_Ninja, L95, Kitty of Time, Mystgun, Tchyrimi or halfrohp, Kramgnauh, Anacybele, eCut, Kon, The Merc, KoopaTroopa, jealousy, Lord Glenn, Hamlet, MarioKirby, Kratos Aurion FE8: DH_Ninja, GreatEclipse, L95, Aviv, Matt Snow, Sqawl, AstraLunaSol, deranger, Vestige, ∑-sigma-, Amelia, Freohr Datia, Agro, Shin, Kon, The Merc, Cyron, KoopaTroopa, Primefusion, Hamlet, Canadian Dynamite, Yohan Kebab I make my own colors and love them most: DH_Ninja, Aviv, Thor Odinson, Sqawl, Amelia, Freohr Datia, Anacybele, jealousy, General Ciraxis, Hamlet [spoiler=What resources you sprite(last half of 2013)] Mugs(FC): DH_Ninja, Acha Emiya, Aviv, Thor Odinson, NICKT™, Amelia, Freohr Datia,Anacybele, eCut, Kon, Aramercis, Haku, Aeothos, General Ciraxis, Kratos Aurion Mugs(Splices): DH_Ninja, GreatEclipse, Lenh, Acha Emiya, Aviv, Sqawl, deranger, Tchyrimi or halfrohp, NICKT™, Freohr Datia, Kramy, Anacybele, eCut, Agro, Shin, Kon, Haku,Aeothos, General Ciraxis, Hamlet, Canadian Dynamite, Parrhesia, Kratos Aurion Battle Sprites: DH_Ninja, Lenh, Aviv, Thor Odinson, deranger, NICKT™, Kramy, Anacybele, eCut,Aramercis, Aeothos, General Ciraxis, Hamlet Map Sprites: DH_Ninja, deranger, NICKT™, Anacybele, eCut, Agro, General Ciraxis Weapon Icons: NICKT™, Anacybele, eCut, Aeothos, General Ciraxis, Lord Glenn, Hamlet,LunaSaint Other FE Elements(layouts, effects, fonts, etc) : General Ciraxis, Lord Glenn Maps: DH_Ninja, Acha Emiya, Matt Snow, Sqawl, deranger, NICKT™, Anacybele, eCut,Shin, Primefusion, General Ciraxis, Lord Glenn, MarioKirby, LunaSaint I don't sprite: Vestige
  8. Narga/Loptyr/Grima/Yune/Ashera/AnyGodArchetype. (In other words, it'd be nice if there weren't a clear-cut evil antagonist.)
  9. Lenh

    A Splice Request

    Thanks Vestige~ ^_^ Thanks for the improvement edits too, Sigma~ I've gotten a good learning exp out of this thread as well, lol.
  10. Lenh

    A Splice Request

    Mwahaha, double posting! Here ya go~ I don't do any of the hacky stuff, but you should be able to splice Matt's blink/talk bits in pretty easily (might need to tweak the Pent/Matt/Lloyd palette too).
  11. Lenh

    A Splice Request

    I'll try. Give me an hour or two, might do the base edits first and see if you still want his hair to be longer.
  12. I like your stuff and think you're progressing okay but apparently someone says you wanted critiques so... :P The two versions of the cloaked guy look about the same: eye-shapes changed but the dark shading stayed. Added another light color and brightened up the irises, played with the shading, not sure if that made it look any better. Noticed that you can probably afford to bleed lines together more, and have the individual parts of the mug affect each other more. -You don't always have to end things in black or the darkest color; if something matches up/down on the color ramp they look fine when plotted together. -The far side of the body can usually take on darker / more muted shading than the near side. In a lot of your stuff it looks like the shading intensity always stays about the same regardless of placement on the body; varying that up might make things look a little nicer. Also: The collar and cuffs where they reappear from behind the neck are misaligned pretty harshly, might make things look a little lopsided/skewed/smooshed.
  13. For various reasons, I'm extending the deadline to June 30th and scrapping the marathon idea. Hopefully that should be enough time for everyone and no one is disappointed about the slower pace. ^^; The reward for entering is just going to be a chance to choose the next month's theme, same as the Collaboration Experiment. ('Winner' is randomly selected and has two days to respond with a theme, otherwise I'll start the next month with a random idea from the current idea pool.)
  14. Ahh, heated and old argument. My main beef with Brawl was that there was a whole lot less gameplay depth to it than Melee had. 'Complex' features like L-canceling, wavedashing were taken out and analog/DI feels less important, while end-all/interruption mechanics like the smash ball and tripping were added. Replayability for Brawl lasted about as long as completing SSE and had the novelty of a Mario Party, as opposed to the 10 years/competitive following melee had. Then again I never joined the competitive Brawl scene so I'm not sure what sort of flavor the 'exploitative' high-level play ended up as, but it certainly exists. Melee and 64 kind of stood on its own in terms of style too, compared to Brawl. I really hated the amount recycled/borrowed content that ended up in there (official art stickers, preexisting models, soundtracks), made it feel like a fan game / hack dream.
  15. I ended up getting pears, FC: 1907-8304-0007 if anyone wants some, and I've added everyone on the thread. Redd's in my town atm too. Gotta collect everything all over again now. ^^;
  16. There's the FE 3/4 figures (which are within the $50 mark on eBay), and other games in the series. Promo posters and other swag's there too, but at not so great a price value. Getting winner's theme of reasonable choice closer to completion could've been a prime motivator/prize. Then again, I guess the main point of the contest is to get just SF Green done, not create a lot of hype/drama behind color factions. [Edit: double-checked prize prices on eBay, and also found this legendary coffee cup.]
  17. Just making sure, is this gonna be the banner for the default Serenes Forest green? (I.e.are the alt theme banners to stay blank, take this contest's winner, or is something different altogether going to happen?) No promises but I'm gonna give it a try (for sweet publicity).
  18. We'll see how this round goes with the current deadline. If enough people end up wanting to invest the time on this theme, the deadline can be extended 1~2 weeks.
  19. and eCut caught the correction before I was able to thank you for pointing it out. It's starting to feel like a time paradox. :(
  20. Whoops, it's supposed to be June. Fixed + ty Seph~ ^^ @eclipse & eCut: 3 weeks is a little too much time left open for something that's supposed to be an easy job. Splice contests have a 1-week timespan so I'm basing it off that, and if it ends up being too short for enough people I'll go ahead and extend it on request. [Edit: ninja'd by eCut]
  21. It is summer-time*, and also time to kick off the first round of spriting challenges! Beginning with a traditional theme... Round 1 Mug Challenge: Sprite your OC or an official mug in summertime wear~ Battle Sprite Challenge: Sprite a unit that looks like it would belong on the beach~ Submission Guidelines: -PM entries to me by the deadline, and specify whether you want to remain anonymous or have your entry attributed to you. -Keep entries within the usual spriting guidelines for mugs and battlesprites. -If something is excessively large I may request a thumbnail to display as an image link to the full entry. Deadline: All entries should be submitted by Sunday, June 30th. Feel free to use the contest thread for WIPs, ideas, personal challenges, etc related to the contest, and have fun! -------------------- * for the Northern hemisphere, Southern Hemispherians are invited too
  22. Everyone's entries are so adawwwwable~ Great work all around~♥
  23. I don't know...is there? What looks off to you? Anyways it looks like splice work; the main things you could focus on first are making the splices clean and fixing up the color usage. Choose one of your mugs and give me all the base material you worked with, and I'll walk through the steps rebuilding and cleaning it up with you (aka using a tutorial).
  24. 1. Receive vague criticism, mostly text that probably took a few seconds to minutes to type. 2. Spend a few minutes to hours fixing sprite based on criticism, display. 3. Receive more criticism. 4. Repeat. (This is the tiring one.) Basically the reason I don't maintain my thread and am sympathizing with Nayr. Sure, there's a lot you can learn from people's responses to your work, but there's a lot more 'IT'S IMPERFECT GO FIX IT', and vague witticisms than teaching/showing what's wrong and giving you the time to learn from it. By the time something valuable comes along I'm usually too turtled to act on it. If it's for a production then sure people should be able to rail on it for nonconformance. For funsie work, I don't see the big todo about people wanting huge updates. Take a criticism, remember it for the next piece, move on.
  25. Me and Kram's!™ Generic wyvern trainee. Hope Astel is doing okay too...
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