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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Lenh

    Spriting Request

    Zero hacking experience but it just seems like you really need to think outside the box if you want laguz-style wings. Random ideas: -Add extra wing mug(s) to the scene behind the main mug, or dedicate BG space to wing-people scenes -Downscale your portraits to fits, e.g., but either the blink or the mouth is going to be lost, probably - leave the wings out of the mug entirely and focus on emphasizing them in the BS/map sprites.
  2. Speeeeeed submission! (Edit: It's a Splice btw) And she shall be Jean.
  3. and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBoEuC-h7ng The first two that came to mind (after Phendrana Drifts and DKC Ice Caves lol).
  4. That's no lady! (Her left hand oversized/oddly positioned, bellybutton is weirdly colored, rest is nice.) Animation seems fine~ Imo in the last couple frames before the reset the far leg, the suddenly flexiLite-hipGuard could use some tweaking.
  5. Lenh

    stuff i made

    Motion blur might not be the best choice (not much going on, other arm is moving but not blurring, distance moved < 6 pixels, having a no blur frame makes it look PERFECT), but if you wanna keep at it... A literal 4-into-1 frame blur. At least keep the dark blacks/browns in the middle shaft area for your blur frame.
  6. Lenh

    stuff i made

    Those map sprites are awesome (pretty much game material), but whyyyyyyy spear blinks out of existence every other frame. :(
  7. Yup, use skin tones for the gold trim. (Note you have 5 shades + black for skin.) I'd try using an angle-matched Zealot/Wolt(for white armor)/OldMarcus(for the pauldron flare) to get the armor depth down, then worry about changing the light source direction later (as depth won't change). Think the only shading you can pull from Zeph is the breastplate b/c of the shiny finish on his armor.
  8. Awww I liked the bright red paired with the cyan. :( For the FC guy, the inside black outline on the armor could be replaced with various darker shades of brown (ease transition, the armor color itself seems fine). The use of light blue on the armor borders pillowshading; there are spots you could probably replace the light for darker blues, not sure if you want to play with it or have a reference edit. Still, great progress so far. [Edit: Rearranged the palette reference Lots of shades available. ] Last lady looks fine~ (except for a little spot on the left eyelash)
  9. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    At a stopping point for this guy. 1st post is edited with the animation (and some old stuff). Have at it! Adding a rider is a great idea but ran out of oomph to even get it started, sorry :( Random Slingshot:
  10. Lenh


    (3rding the don't know what's going on) By the way his hand movements are, it appears like an energy gather->foward energy release (like how mages do their spellcast), but the red stuff makes it look more like his arm is supposed to be transforming and proceeding to an IronMan/MegaMan style shot (transform seems excessive for a regular attack in that case, he ought to go straight to the pewpew action). [Edit: You totally ought to go straight to the fun laser part and do refinement later with the results, personal thoughts. ^_^ ]
  11. (I think you ought to keep the competition~ Don't really have time to enter but it's nice to see a different ruleset than the standard splice comp.) Could Dorro be he?
  12. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    (no way man the rider's gonna have to be someone else's job) Thanks! The attack's supposed to be mainly in the impact and the drag down of the talon, which is a weak swivel atm. I'll try making the claw withdraw a backwards blur slash after the impact so it's a talon rip, hopefully that'll make more sense/more power. (Jumping back into the air to return to position seems a lot more frames to work on than the baby hop-step it's got now. If someone wants to recycle the frames to do that later, they can. This is gonna to be free for anyone that wants it.)
  13. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    One month later Any opinons on the griffin before the finishing up cleaning/detailing/shading/colorFixing, whether that weird blur is okay (or how to fix) and/or the after-slash should stay, or anything else that stands out? Pacing/pausing and blurs aaaghh
  14. Looks great, but the arrows bother me too (he's going to have a hard time destroying adventurer's hopes and dreams anytime soon). -The fletchings/feathers are overlayed over each other kind of oddly. I'd expect them to overlap from left to right or right to left, not centre out. - There is no notch on the arrow, at least one that's a viable pinch point. ? 90-deg cut on the fletching, haven't seen those.
  15. And bam! Shot taken. Really minor edits (left is orig, right is edited). Main things changed were placement of the silver on the sleeve and the collar in a few frames (closer to movement with the rest of the cloak), then a bit of shading and unsquishing the head on a frame. Not pro on shading either so decide on your own what bits you liked. The squash when the arm wave reaches it peak is legit enough, so kept it (same feeling with the leg being static). Still, really nice job and hope to see some more from you. :) 2c Glamour edition
  16. (Not sure if was seriously full custom, but) Reference this guy: You can pretty much 1:1 compare the armor shading, the jawline, and collar shape (draw the fixes, don't copy/paste). That should get you started enough to tweak the hair. gl~
  17. Just asking the question to affirm the answer :P [Edit: Ninja'd! Thanks, I'll give credit on it and any extensions then.]
  18. Yes that is an awesome idea, and well designed execution! Bravo~ I really like it as it is, has a huuuge entertainment value with the mad arm flailing. There is room for improvement: shading the folds to match the motion, and aligning the silver on the sleeve with the arm when he pulls it to his chest. (If it's okay I'll give it a shot this weekend.) It does seem really appropriate for make/break the seal & long range spells though, and I'll stash it for those purposes, thanks for sharing it~ (Do you want credit?)
  19. By straight I mean all crookedy bendy-like the mountains in a general north-south fashion, veiny at the higher elevations and thicker at the lower. (Yah sorry bad example ^^;)
  20. Uh, water's pretty predictable and on this map it would pretty much wash straight down the middle (thanks gravity), so the gullies going left and right don't make sense. Imo it's the wrong tileset to be making an up-the-mountain path with, there's not a straightforward way of getting a sense of elevation with it.
  21. Maybe change mountain path-> fresh terracing and the windy path is still good (crazy farmers). In general, those don't look like they were ever supposed to be 'cliff tiles' in the hard rock, carved by hundreds of years sense. They're softer, more like soil erosion/gullies and should probably border water flows as a rule of thumb.
  22. Has a stock image vibe to it (wanna say RPGMaker or some standard RPG, specially with the style of transformations+lowKeyFrame count used), would rather you call it a remix/notACustom and credit the stock if that's the case. (Apologies if it's not, there's just one too many questions here.) Goes from flame-thrower(used as fireball/wall)->'magic' fire->fire pillar indiscriminately without transitions. I understand the flame path but not the change in fire-types. :/ Add those tweens in, modify the frame of the flamethrower part that looks like it's impacted a wall and it should be pretty decent plain animation-wise.
  23. Sweet march, colored frames look good imo~ Other than jumping on the backstep you could try increasing his stride length (actually looks like that's what you had done but the paler leg jumps/skipsFrame on frame 17 instead of being at peak rise, would have him lower to the ground to keep from looking like a stagger and more like a defensive maneuver too). Or motion blur out the first stride and give a seminormal 2nd stride with the saved frames. Personal opinion but the sword might look more natural if it eased from straight horizontal to straight vertical over the backstep frames, unless he's filleting the guy (then might want to go with the jump anyways, but probably want another between angle frame in for the sword either way).
  24. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    (Yeh sorry, when I don't know how to answer I start very basic and work up from there. I liked your latest mug pretty well.) Answering your question: I do it with a graphics tablet in Fireworks. I can do it with the mouse and iDraw3 (sniper was done this way), but then I do colored dots for all the joints instead of lines, and that route takes longer. It ends up looking exactly like the draft pencil sketch, usually with additional frames and corrections.
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