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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Astelaine: It's 1:00PM 1/19 now, let's say it closes at noon 1/20. (can't do math right now. If anyone working on something needs a couple of extra hours just let me know.)
  2. Just a reminder that today is the last day for submissions (about 20 hours left). Only one entry for maps so far, somebody enter so there's a comp there and not an auto-win :(
  3. Good thing skill is crossed out or else you'd be getting a lecturin'. I'd say swallow your pride and give it a shot unless you seriously are busy. And it's not often I get to proclaim a doomsday! Entry period ends this Saaaaturday nighhht~
  4. Tis and true! Still waiting on a game that combines the best of Suikoden and FE.

  5. Sounds like an alright setup for the story so far, as long as Sodor isn't an island.
  6. That loop's not too bad, I like. Bending Leif's far leg up during the backdash frames could probably help both leg bendy and force stories.
  7. Remember this? Please forget that. I'll allow mockups for the battle sprite section as well. (It's either that or say everything but the BG on a BS proof-of-concept mockup is OK.) Apologies for the confusion around this, and going back on a comment. Hopefully this revision just simplifies things for everyone. So CT075 can have his weapon icons... Since it came up: If you want to display your entries meant for the competition outside the competition (in sprite threads or wherever), that is OK. How secret you want to keep your entry is up to you.
  8. Was kind of hoping that the dimension thing would regulate itself, with canon bosses not being super huge and all. Oh well~ Map units on maps are now officially legal! Don't make the individual sprites larger than 32x32px (2x2 tiles).
  9. Ubel that went from misleading to creepy Map units sound okay, but before making an official yes on that I want to leave the idea open for a day. Anyone have any objections, now's the time.
  10. Welp, on the SNES side the cap came around 64x64 (1024x1024px). That's not going to fit well on a browser window much. Setting the cap to 36x36 (576x576px) for max map dimensions, ok?
  11. Aw man there's no cap to lift from the Mapping Comp. :( It has to be playable under FE mechanics, i.e. not ridiculously large. I'll say now no larger than the largest map in Seisen/Thracia. Gonna look for tile dimensions this evening, unless someone knows that number already.
  12. Just sharing the love ^_^ Since the format requirements were confusing I've reworded them and taken out the obvious 'make sure it's still a mug/BS/map' bit, and officially added the mockup bit. Going to keep the names of entrants hidden on Post #2 for now, then show 'em about a day before the deadline so everyone can double-check that they've been included.
  13. Sorry Seph, maybe some other time. @Arch: Then do a battle still?
  14. Too easy to wow people with animations, unfair to categorize with stills.
  15. Seph: Not sure where WiiU came along. Jelly: Looking at the sizes now, yeah, it does make more sense to keep it SNES/GBA, and don't think anyone will miss it (so wish granted). If it's different than the usual style it'll be acceptable to provide a mock-up for proof.
  16. Ubel, please don't speak for me (and I'm a she) :< No background on battle sprites. [Edit: This comment no longer applicable. Full mockup allowed.] Yes, you're allowed to do anything as long as it still serves a mug's purpose; pretend you're making assets for a Fire Emblem remake on the SNES/GBA/NDS/3DS or something. Just keep it within the color limit and design it to work within the screen size of one of those platforms.
  17. Let's get started! Rules are now finalized (they will not change) and submissions are Open. At some point in time I'd like input from you guys how the raffle draw should be conducted. Otherwise, sprite on, and may the RNG be with you! [Edit: Oh yeah Arch send your official entry; I need the PM to stay organized.]
  18. No animations allowed on the BS. ;p Yes and no on the assumptions. The connection to Fire Emblem has to be more than subject matter; it has to be within the spirit of the game as well (updated first post with this). You could like make a mug of Krom in GBA Kingdom Hearts style, but you'd have to fill in the blanks and add tweaking so it looks legitimately like you could use it as a Fire Emblem mug. Going to say it's OK as long as you entirely custom it yourself and fit the new guidelines.
  19. ^^^ This. Added a 32 color cap (16x2), that takes out DS and GB styles (which imo become plain digital art instead of spriting). If you're willing to put out a different style than the standard I'd say go for it, 'redesign' is part of the theme. As long as it's a portrait, and in the constraints, and FE. Working on the rules (and sleeping) atm, we'll do private voting and I'll just cry sad tears if the community is more mobster than free.
  20. Ubel: Not sure what exactly you mean, but I guess the tactician is essentially My Unit, so technically yeah that's legit. Only one entry per category. That would be massively appreciated. ^_^ Just having a couple unbiased people on the FE side willing to judge and rate entries on some criterion would be cool. I'm going to give it some thought still, and PM you if judging ends up as the way to go.
  21. Yeah, it doesn't chink my budget much, so Merry Christmas all~ ^^ Mew: I'll festive up an entry post banner probably during the weekend, although I'm still up for a separate holiday event. You could always admire the box art if you won a copy, too~ Arch: I will fold up your name really tiny, and hope it stays at the bottom of the hat. (But seriously yes you still get equal chance with everyone else, submitting before contest was open aside.) ;P ~ Thanks Kon, and hope you can participate. --- In regards to the winner selection it seems then I probably will have to ask for some impartial judges. Unfortunately that means I'll have to ask for volunteers and advice on who good choices are, otherwise I'll just ask around and hope they aren't corrupted and/or choose friends of my own (who will probably themselves remain anon, although their voting decisions will not be).
  22. Mapping it is then (I'll just take your suggestion for the theme, don't know anything about mapping).
  23. That's what the raffle is for, but in the same I want to discourage low-effort submissions. I'll probably revise it so one draw is with all entrants, the other is with ranked entrants, and toss the spam rule.
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