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Everything posted by Othin

  1. That is the weirdest-ass way to get a character I've ever heard of.
  2. Dragon Fang is not x1.5 damage. I believe it multiplies power by 1.5 before applying enemy Def, so it's pretty scary. But yeah, half the activation rate.
  3. Hmm, so they are. Interesting; that explains a few changes. Which gets really strange when considering that when selecting Corrin's secondary class, all the classes are listed in kanji, including the Nohr classes that are otherwise listed in katakana.
  4. We know what happens; we've been over this a billion times. Spiking someone's drink is never not bad. Jesus Fucking Christ.
  5. You fight a lot of Hoshido classes in Nohr story and fight a lot of Nohr classes in Hoshido story, so I'm not sure what's supposed to be confusing.
  6. More than that, actually. FE1, FE2, and FE3 all had "Hero" classes that actually had essentially the same name even in Japanese as the class that would appear in later FE games as the typical sword/axe class and get translated as Hero. It was written in hiragana rather than kanji, but pronounced the same, so there's no question that it was "supposed" to be the same class. The FE1 and FE3 versions were a typical sword-only promoted class, while the FE2 version was Alm's personal promoted class and used swords and bows. So yeah what defines the "same" class is very hazy.
  7. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-classes/ http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/nohrian-classes/ Other stuff like stats and skills are elsewhere on the site. Really, there isn't that much to them. Like, Hero is a foot class that uses swords and axes. That's all that's ever really been consistent about it. The Great Hero and Blacksmith classes seem to be the same way.
  8. There is no objective criteria for what defines an "actual new class". Look at the class data on Serenes and decide for yourself; you have the same information as anyone else.
  9. Apparently f!Corrin doesn't like pants or skirts, either. The outfit designs in this game are pretty terrible. I don't think any of the oddities ever get explained.
  10. I don't understand why they couldn't just do it like Wt, or negative Wt. So much more comprehensible.
  11. Any class that's listed with a changed name on Serenes has it because the Japanese name is different from what it's been for probably almost all of the past 13 games. Sometimes it's due to the class being a Hoshido version like Samurai, sometimes it's due to it being made gender-neutral like Rod Knight, sometimes it's a complete mystery like Great Hero. But it does seem like most of not all of those classes really will have new English names.
  12. I remember it giving a lot of Exp at low levels; I could believe it starts out there.
  13. Glanced at a bunch of unpromoted characters on my Nohr file and yeah that seems to fit all of them as well as making a lot more sense. Good find! Class stuff also makes more sense with that in mind, although I do still believe enemy class crit bonuses are halved.
  14. Yumi are effective against flying units. I believe those weapons are random only like in Awakening but I'm not certain.
  15. Having icons to designate "sword" versus "katana" is useful, yes, but having that icon show up in place of a weapon-specific icon rather than in the weapon's detailed information is not. Okay I'll stop participating in this little tangent I started now. Apologies.
  16. And how exactly do you claim to know this? It's easy to make assumptions when you don't have all the information.
  17. Well in menus, the weapon icon is exactly the same as every other tome. Gotta love the work they're putting into this game's visuals.
  18. Also in the Japanese 3DS boat. Bought it for Awakening when it wasn't certain to be localized and it works just as well here.
  19. I was talking about the main story, not the supports. But you can't just separate them, either, because the supports are an extension of the characters and setting developed in the main story, and both of them are part of the game's overall story. Even if they assigned different people to write the supports, it's a problem that they'd give the job to people this incompetent, especially when they apparently care so much about the game's story.
  20. They cut out individual weapon icons despite having a larger-than-ever selection of individual 3D weapon battle models. I don't even know what they want anymore.
  21. While I do think there's a bit more than that, it's pretty appalling that they made a story this weak even when claiming they specifically hired this special person to make it so great, and advertising it as such.
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