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Everything posted by Othin

  1. His parent conversation is with male Mark, not female Mark, so yeah, he's a guy.
  2. Frederick's falling really far behind; he has 18 Def and 41 HP to Renha's 52 Atk. He's not going to stand a chance. Only Krom and MU can fight him. Yeah, 10 damage. To be honest, I think I can manage Renha, but I have no idea how to reach him. In particular, there are 15 Griffin Knights on the map; they have 27 Spd and 47 Atk. Any one of them could one-round most of my team. I don't understand how I could possibly beat this. Only MU, and he's not much help to himself. Sairi and Krom are my next best fighters, and I definitely can't have them fight him. Getting an HP or Def level-up is my plan; MU levels up enough that it should be likely. --- To be honest I feel pretty close to running through two or three of the KvK maps for Exp and to get some extra allies. I don't plan on playing any of them more than once, but it might just be enough to decide this if it's utterly unfeasible from this standpoint. And it should make the rest of the game that much more interesting.
  3. Yeah, he can't actually use the Noble Rapier; he just holds it to drop it. And I'm not sacrificing anyone.
  4. Well, both of them, I guess. Unless you pair Tiamo fast, they're both going to take a while. And I don't remember either of their maps being easy.
  5. I don't think it's that simple. Cynthia in particular takes a while to be able to recruit, potentially longer than the other children.
  6. Well, I dragged myself through Ch17. The right side was surprisingly easy once I left behind some of the dead weight characters that were no longer helpful. Took plenty of trickery and careful strategy as usual, but just one attempt. But now I'm face to face with this fucker. Renha Swordmaster LV15 HP 66 Str 32+5 Mag 3 Skl 39 Spd 41 Luck 39 Def 21 Res 19 Move - Sword A Amatsu, Noble Rapier Accuracy +10, Avoid +10, Sword Expert, Astra, Vantage My fastest character is MU at 33 Spd. Without buffs, I have absolutely no character capable of surviving a single round against him. With Krom in Double, MU can avoid both the double and the 2HKO to last two rounds, but that's before taking the lava floor into consideration, so he still needs healing. Then there's Astra. If he activates that, his damage is precisely enough to kill Krom!MU at full HP. If MU gets any Def or HP during the map, he'll be able to survive to get healed if it happens on the player phase, but if it's on the enemy phase, the lava floor will kill him. The only way to work around this is to give up the enemy phase entirely and use either Rescue or Olivia to pull MU out of range every player phase, my whole team taking damage from the floor the whole time. Did I mention MU isn't looking at doing better than a 4HKO with shaky accuracy? Of course, this is all after I get to Renha. In the meantime, I have to slog through a field of Swordmasters, Sages, Warriors, and Griffin Knights. The Swordmasters have 35 Spd and double everything, the Sages hit crazy hard and at range, the Warriors have a ton of Str and Counter, and the Griffin Knights can fly past my defenses. I'm not even sure where to begin thinking about how to slog through this, and the only thing keeping me from saying I can't imagine how it could get worse is the thought of Ch19 ahead.
  7. To be honest, I didn't think it suited Ronku much either. It was cramming him into a generic role that was detailed in ways that weren't accurate with him.
  8. Ah, yes. Mixed up the skills. Eh, who cares about Lethality anyway when you can have Astra? Were we talking about the actual Skl stat? I thought we were talking about Royal Weapon.
  9. Royal Weapon increases the rate by a flat 10. If you have 50 Skl, Royal Weapon increases Lethality's activation rate from 25% to 35%.
  10. Excellent! Well see now I have to calculate how one could wind up breaking a cap and triggering a wrap-around, if possible. --- Hmm. According to this, if Cynthia's parents' absolute Spd stats add up to 47, she should start with capped Spd. Shouldn't be hard to see what happens if they have even more.
  11. Good thing we have these tables then, huh? Worth noting that all bonus characters have caps corresponding to a certain best/worst stat configuration for MU. While the DLC characters don't seem to have their growths determined the same way, the SpotPass characters might.
  12. The word likely used for "king" is not gender-specific and could just as easily mean "queen".
  13. Are you saying the promotion at that weapon level would be optional or automatic? I'm thinking of Pokemon, where if your Eevee gets enough Happiness, it can evolve into an Espeon or an Umbreon, but if you really want it to be another evolution, say a Vaporeon, you can keep it from evolving into one of those two even after attaining enough Happiness and just use a Water Stone on it whenever you want. That, I think, would be much more accepted.
  14. This is fantastic. Way to go, Sirius!
  15. I'm looking over FE13's difficulty levels, and Lunatic is really ridiculous. The hardest difficulty mode NoA has localized is FE11 H5, and this goes far beyond that. I suspect they will pull an FE9 again and reduce the highest difficulty level, giving us some mode above the Japanese version's Hard mode but not as crazy as Lunatic. And you know what? I think that's a mode I'd rather have in the game than the existing Lunatic and Lunatic+ modes. The difficulty I'd like to play for FE13 lies somewhere between the Hard and Lunatic modes, and if this turns out to be the case, I can see myself buying a second copy to play that mode on the American version. So this is something to keep in mind. The localized version probably will take FE13's highest difficulty down a notch, and I suspect it'll be better off that way in the eyes of most, but not all. I don't know which side you'd be on. --- This all said, I'm very satisfied with my purchase of the Japanese game, as it's become my second favorite video game. But circumstances were different when I made the choice than how they are now, so it's up to you what that means.
  16. Both are good, but it's much more important to be really good at one than decent at both. The issue is, so few characters have good Res, but it's really valuable for Libera. I think it's easier to list the promoted enemies that I have encountered so far: Hero Sage (just one) Trickster (just Gangrel) Paladin Bow Knight Warrior Sniper Great Knight General Dark Knight Falcon Knight Battle Monk Valkyrie Hmm, that's still most of them. The scariest ones are definitely the faster and the more mobile ones. Range also plays a part, and they have a decent likelihood of possessing whatever skills they might have. For example, of the five Warriors in Ch16, about two would usually have Counter, so I'd need to specifically target those with MU and blast them with Arcthunder rather than letting them ever get the first attack. The variability in which ones would have it would often change my strategies. I should note that all regular classes appear as enemies throughout the game, with the exception of Priest/Cleric and Troubadour. So the rest are all on their way at some point.
  17. I've never played that far in HHM, but FE13's Valkyries are a lot like what I've heard of those. But yes, Valkyries have never been an easy enemy. Edit: Or maybe those were just powerful by FE7's low standards for difficulty, looking at Lumi's post. These are truly scary. For player characters, I could never use Miriel or Richt for long because they would just fall apart at any attack. MU does better, though, and Liz and Mariabel were able to work out fine since they didn't have to fight. Sariya and Henry are sturdy, but too slow to avoid getting doubled. Enemy mages are generally easy to kill, but they hit for enormous damage in the meantime, and ranged attacks are hugely threatening in Lunatic. Libera can do fine against them, though. But this only goes for the unpromoted mages. Dark Knights are of course sturdy, and Valkyries are incredibly fast. I imagine Sorcerers and Dark Pegasi will also fit into those two respective categories when I start encountering them. Not so worried about enemy Sages for the time being. Anyway, I came up with a way to get through the middle right path and reach Fels on Turn 5, but I lost three characters in the process and screwed up the kill. I should be able to have Krom secure the kill if I give him the Beast Killer and keep Olivia alive, as I plan to. The strategy also needs some work, and I think it'll take more Rescue staffs to not run out. A lot of characters seem to be dead weight at this point, but I still want to deploy a full team, and they may be useful for ganging up on other enemies I need to kill if I plan things right. At the moment, Krom and MU are doing almost all the fighting.
  18. The Valkyries are actually the scariest enemies on this map, by far. They're the fastest at 30 Spd, able to double and 2HKO almost my entire team: without Double support, only Krom, Dion, Libera, and Sairi avoid getting one-rounded. Their huge mobility and near-immunity to magic used to counter their ranged attacks just makes them even scarier. It was hard enough in Ch16 dealing with the Heroes that could steamroll most of my team, and the Valkyries are even harder to fight. Oh, and there are twice as many Heroes now. Can't say about the Dragonstone.
  19. Manaketes just use Str. As for not having to worry about Cries for a while, that's not entirely true; they've been showing up for a while, but they often aren't a big concern because the enemies don't actually try to use them effectively. And actually, I was wrong: the Valkyries and Battle Monks here sometimes use Resistance Cry and Luck cry, but neither one is much of a concern. Speaking of skills, the enemy Battle Monks often have Resistance +2. Wonder how they got that, eh? They don't have Secluded Lady, though; enemies only have up to five possible skills, so for promoted classes with two possible first tiers, one skill has to be left behind. A number of skills don't get used by enemies anyway, like Defender, Weapon Saver, and Dual Support+, but all six of the Battle Monk skills are accepted, so they just dropped Secluded Lady from their own list. Valkyries still use the skill.
  20. You need to deploy him in story maps, and he's a great unit, but you don't need to actually have him do anything. Unless you're playing Lunatic, in which case he's incredibly important as one of the few units to stay effective throughout the game.
  21. I guess there's some stuff like that, but it tends to be a bit different since enemies tend to get triggered in packs instead of moving one by one. The one thing that comes to mind for that is Ch11, where enemies spawn from various forts until Turn 8. You want to get control of some of the forts to stop the enemies, but while you can get the ones on the sides and some of the ones in the middle for a while, one of the middle forts is within Gangrel's attack range, so standing on it gets you not only ripped to shreds by him but also puts you in range of other enemies. I assume it would trigger the whole pack of enemies around him, and you really don't want to do that. I wound up waiting until they all charged on their own and luring the others away while MU dueled Gangrel, but in the meantime, I couldn't do anything to stop enemies showing up from that particular fort. And of course there was nothing to do about the forts at the bottom near Gangrel, either. Lunatic bonuses definitely help. Henry still has issues, but at least he has a ranged attack and can crit stuff. Sairi and Serge just barely work out as competent for assisting with main-field fighting: they can't act as a frontline, but they can at least do more than Double support. And at this point, that's still really valuable. I haven't gotten Basilio and Flavia yet, but I imagine they're extremely valuable when they join, as well. At this point, most of my team just isn't catching up, and I know even a lot of the units I'm using will never get as good as Basilio and Flavia are when they join.
  22. I highly recommend it. The experience is familiar, but also fresh and new.

    I've been playing FE pretty much since FE7 was released in America. I started playing the Japanese games a few years ago, but I actually never started taking Japanese until last fall. Studying Japanese and playing Japan-only games, especially Berwick Saga, have pretty much been helping each other.

  23. I initially played it on emulator, but my computer couldn't handle it so the speed was horrifically slow. But I was able to gain enough of an appreciation for the game from that that I bought and modded a PS2 to play it, and I'd say it was money well spent.

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