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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Paterno was passive in his role; he became responsible because he had the chance to protect children from being raped and did not take that chance. In this scenario, you become responsible because you have the chance to protect two people from being killed, and if you do not take that chance, it's at least as bad as what Paterno did. Passivity does not mean absolution from responsibility. I'm not going to do your work for you. If you're so confident that Kant's essay will help your argument, provide relevant quotes. It is your job in a debate to complete your own argument.
  2. I've given your pitiful excuse for an argument every bit of thought it deserves. If you wish to elaborate or to make a different argument, now is the time to do so.
  3. The bonus is indeed 10. Serenes' Calculations page notes the same thing.
  4. So you're saying staying out of a situation you could have stopped absolves you from responsibility for it? In that case, hello there, Joe Paterno.
  5. So you're saying keeping silent and allowing three to die, as opposed to speaking up and allowing only one to die, is somehow the lesser of two evils? And you're right, it's precisely the same situation, regardless of the wording. That's my point.
  6. Out of curiosity, would you feel any different if the question was instead worded so that you could choose two people of the three to save from being shot, and he would shoot whoever you did not save? This goes for anyone.
  7. Male characters can buy the Prayer Sword if it's broken, then use it themselves after repairing it. I assume inheritance works the same way: he can inherit it, but only if it's broken.
  8. FE5 did this, oddly enough by making CEV only Luck/2 so it was harder to have enough Luck to completely nullify an enemy's Crit. Of course, in that game, scrolls were a better method of avoiding the chance altogether... Looking at FE12's formula based on what Paperblade said, that looks like it would indeed yield similar results through a different method.
  9. So what? When considering the re-center, we lose virtually nothing as opposed to having perfect aiming in the first place, and the re-center is nice to have regardless.
  10. I think the battles are all doable without diagonal attacks (although you'll have to pass up some opportunities to hit a few enemies, like Stalfos), but a few puzzles require diagonal swipes. You also need the stab. I thought Fi was interesting at first, but she talks way too much and explains a lot of things I'd rather figure out myself. But then, with all the puzzles and other things, there's more than enough thinking you have to do regardless, so that's fine. Probably worth noting that out of several times I was stumped by puzzles and actually asked for her help, it was never any use whatsoever. And yeah, Lanayru is a great area in general.
  11. FE4 is notable in that out of the three FE games that are really different in a number of ways compared to the rest of the series (FE2, FE4, and Berwick Saga), it's the only one that gets a lot of attention, at least in communities like this one. So it stands out like that, having the potential to be quite polarized depending on whether you like the changes or not.
  12. The pointer thing is probably just a necessary side effect of using Wii Motion Plus to track it, and I'd say it's worth it as a trade-off. I never really had any problems initially, but I started constantly getting it lost from the third dungeon's boss and onward. But really, with the down button re-center to fix it, I can't complain. 34 hours in at the seventh dungeon. Don't know whether I've just been playing slow or doing more sidequests than I thought or if it's just longer than people have been saying. I know I spent a few hours being lost between a couple of points...
  13. And some of us find the non-ideal strategies interesting, even in FE4. If you aren't one of them, that's fine, but your point hinges on your view being held true for everyone who might discuss FE4, which is quite simply false. Also, I was speaking about the FE series as a whole, not just FE4.
  14. No, it won't. That's absurd. Regardless of Lakche's movement, it's easy for her to get into the range of his goons within a turn or two of seizing the castle so she can cut a path through them and recruit him.
  15. Personally, one of my favorite parts is that the stuff you get actually matters for once. No more of those chests filled with Rupees you can't hold and wouldn't care about if you could; you can actually use all the Rupees you can find to buy upgrades, including cheap expansions to your wallet so it never gets full, and other chests hold useful materials. Also adds more replay value for different playstyles with buying and upgrading different items; I'm not sure how different it would be, but it's something. The music is also amazing, especially the harp music. It's too bad it doesn't get used often...
  16. Patty getting no Exp and Shannan killing everyone is also precisely what happens if Patty flees with the Return Ring.
  17. It's perfectly possible to discuss ideal strategies while realizing how boring it can be to actually use them.
  18. Not notably. Double 9 Atk and you've still just got 18, which isn't enough to make it a good idea to use a melee unit with already bad durability, now at half HP.
  19. Actually, there's another way. If the weapon is designed to only be suitable as a thrown weapon, rather than in melee, it would justify making the weapons range 2 only instead of range 1-2, which would balance them out quite well.
  20. Do you not understand what Wrath does? Tiltyu is still really bad, but Wrath is the one thing she does well, with her (relatively) high power and ease at avoiding counters.
  21. I was not calling it a failing exclusive to FE4. I am aware that it was used in FE1/2/3, but that's not at all relevant. Certainly, the Wt changes were far more dramatic in FE4 than in the earlier games... but looking back, in FE3, Javelins (but not Hand Axes, oddly enough) had a Wt of 20, serving that precise purpose. Interesting. And no, it did not return in FE11.
  22. Ranged weapons were also limited in FE4, and I don't think anyone wants FE4's Wt system to return.
  23. Never played Super Mario RPG, so Wario. You've never played Super Paper Mario?
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