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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Cancer. My grandma outlived both of her children because of it. And given the amount of lives it costs, it seems like a good choice.. I guess AIDS and HIV would also be good contenders. We all can get behind the idea that Cancer should be fought. But with AIDS and HIV, the world's ignorance about the subject makes it hard to properly take up the fight it in the first place.
  2. There are certainly times where her scratch damage might be helpful. Unfortunately with an increasing difficulty level, scratch damage can quickly turn into no damage at all. Either way, 9000 gold for a second Florette is a sick joke.
  3. Reading people say that the game is "too anime" for their tastes always makes my tummy ache a bit. It's not anime to have characters with forceful, yet paper-thin personalities and no actual character behind that. It's just crappy writing. Not that this applies to all characters but even the ones with character are horrible wasted here. Like, Virion doesn't even get a boss convo with Wallhart, the guy who drove him to leave his people and his homeland.
  4. I expected this to be part of the problem since that way it would be harder to cover Sanaki and Micaiah. Not to mention that most of the other units couldn't take too much damage either.
  5. Sure, but Ike had himself and Nailah. Ike has actual range and Nailah has less vulnerabilities then Naesala while obviously outdoing Skrimir.
  6. Well, I think I did beat 4-2 on my first try but I lost Rafiel to the Falcon Knights and I could do too little to keep those Thunder Mages with their scary critcal hit chance away from Haar and Kieran. In 4-4, the Swordmasters were a massive pain with their high avoid and of course scary hitrates. When they didn't crti killed on of my mounts, I ended up being screwed over by the sleep staff Bishop, who wasted Ike's and Nailah's player phase while the rest of the team struggled to keep the reinforcements from below at bay. Even when I successfully finished the map, I lost not only Tormod's entire group but even Nailah. Sleep Staff + Arc Fire = Don't push the Laguz Kings too far. I thought that Micaiah's team would cause the most trouble. Micaiah and Sanaki can die if someone just glares at them and Sothe and Sigrun are not the most formidable combatants. Yet somehow those chapters ended up being a total pushover. And Sigrun actually ended up kicking tons of ass along the way.
  7. Maybe I'm alone with that but in my run I had the biggest troubles in Ike's chapters in Part 4. Despite Ike's team already being the strongest of the three, I had to do a lot of restarts. So personally I think that it is a good idea to assume that his chapters are going to be quite a bit harder then those of his comrades when creating the teams,
  8. There isn't even a Fire Emblem game besides Awakening that uses voice clips for battles in the first place. The closest thing to compare their to would be in Radiant Dawn, where characters are striking poses after killing an enemy. Edit: Anyway, this risks getting off the rails.
  9. I do at least agree that Chrom recognizing Validar seemed extremely random. Back then, they just walked over him and didn't gave him a second thought. I get why they didn't have a scene where he and Validar change a few words before he died, because then neither of them could at least pretend they are allies with a straight face but it's not like the characters needed to know that he was one of the assassins back then. And for having a reason to be generally suspicious of him... well, he openly admits being a Grimleal, Robin remembers him from her dreams which we were never told she had, he associates with Aversa and has a clone from Robin running around. And you could include some stuff about reports saying that Validar does very little to actually take care of his people or something like that, which would also have the little side effect of sounding like Team Chrom actually gives a damn about the population of other countries. Of course, Validar and Grima's behaviour is worse, seeing how Validar had absolutely no reason to reveal Grima at that time. Insisting on revealing a clone of Robin, then acting like it's no big deal and cutting off the obvious questions before sending them on their way with a warning that "the highroads of Plegia can be quite treacherous..." ...aka, openly threatening them. I guess it was somehow vital to their plan that they come across as evil as possible. It's not like that might make our heroes overthink their decision to leave the continent and their homes unguarded or anything. Anyway, the scene with Grima only serves as foreshadowing for the audience, which could have been done by simply giving Team Evil a scene without Robin around. Edit: On a positive note, their next meeting with Validar was handled surprisingly well, actually. Chrom's decision to take the Fire Emblem with him was justified quite well and they acted quite cautious and observant during the whole thing. Then it gets ruined by Validar, as he reveals he could have gotten the Gems any time he wanted rather then just goofing around like that, as well as revealing his best cards to Chrom. Good for him that Chrom is stupid enough to follow the "sunk cost fallacy" (usually a flaw for tragic characters) and insists that Robin comes along for the final confrontation, hoping that A: Robin can make a saving throw against Validar despite already failing to do so in Lucina's timeline. B: Validar's control even allows a saving throw in the first place. It's so irritating. It's bad enough if the villain has to do something stupid in order to be defeated. *glares at Manfroy* But when the heroes are just going to ignore the advantage they are given, then both heroes and villains come across as morons for absolutely no reason at all.
  10. Usually Linde because of her personal relationship with the guy. Too bad Gharnef doesn't acknowledge her or Wendell.
  11. Come to think of it, that was a really weird level. You have tons of allies, yet they are unlikely to ever get involved since they are deep into that zone that the enemies aren't allowed to reach. Also, the status menu says that Sothe and Volug can talk to Rafiel but that is impossible because he is always carried by Nailah.
  12. Seeing the supposed heroes of this game cheerfully killing actual people like it gives them an erection, made me feel a lot more uncomfortable then them doing this to these imitates. Not sure what stops them from at least giving them different palettes. Even if the Spotpass Characters are tagged on, the game should already have them as part of the MU feature. But it is a disappointment that they couldn't come up with something better then having two teams of entirely random characters face off against each other. They had the means to create every possible scenario in every Fire Emblem setting ever, and all they did was to slap random artwork on what might have just as well been generic grunts. It's such a waste. Well, the artwork is not entirely random. But a theme like "Boys vs Girls Deathmatch on Talys" is not worth a lot.
  13. Micaiah is probably the unit who really taught me that having intimidating stats in everything is not the end of it all. Given that this game doesn't have instantly moving reinforcements, it's really only the players fault if she gets hit. And the higher the difficulty level, the more valuable her ability to nuke armors gets since these guys are really hard to take down in this game. Seriously, effective weapons are so hard to come by in this game that I tend to use the Repair on freaking Hammers. And needless to say, mages got nerved too badly to be of much use. So having access to effective and accurate magic is really helpful. And with 90 Thani charges, she can cast it until the cows come home.
  14. Yes, she does. Granted, a car can't roll on the floor to turn around but it is nevertheless far from idea. She is fast, can jump high but something as simple as changing directions takes her several seconds. And the lock on is only maintained as long as you keep firing. Once you stop, (or turn around so much that Lara can't keep her guns aimed at the enemies) the camera will automatically move behind her. Which usually means that you will loose your enemies out of sight and are therefore pretty helpless as a result. Better hope they don't use poisoned darts or you need to use a medi-kit right there. Honestly, the effect that Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time had on the third-person genre can not be exaggerated. Come to think of it, Dullahan from Golden Sun: TLA would be another example. Oh sure, I managed to cheap my way through the battle with summon spamming but I never beat him legit. I only beat him when I replayed the game in preparation for Dark Dawn. Needless to say that after that his nerfed version in that game went down like a sack of potatos.
  15. Because obviously IkexRanulf is the canon paring. Aaaanyway, there is nothing odd about Ike staying in Smash. Just because an Awakening character wasn't announced yet doesn't mean there won't be one. Also, why I would bet that they at least considered making a Tellius sequel because Lekain's death didn't actually free Kilvas from the Blood Pact in the Japanse version (sequel hock), actually making a sequel would be a terrible idea because with god being defeated there isn't really anywhere to go with the setting. A hypothetical sequel would probably play centuries later with only a few characters that we remember, least of all Ike.
  16. Unless this topic is about putting all the individual male and female characters into teams, I don't see why that would matter. If the game engine favors males, then the male gender is superior.
  17. The engine is nevertheless giving female units handicaps that a male unit wouldn't have to deal with. Of course individuals can still stand out but a male unit with the same stats of Palla would be... well, still inferior because Pegasus Knight is the only class that males have no access too. But overall males would be superior to female units with the same base stats because they can do everything they can do and then some. They have twice as many classes in exchange for not being able to fly in first tier.
  18. I was merely using Ike in particular to illustrate what is probably the average level of the party when Tanith joins and his promotion is fixed. But I would hope that foot units would have higher stats then mounts on equal level to make up for all the disadvantages that they face.
  19. The male versions of classes usually get higher caps in Str and Def while the female versions get a higher cap for a random inferior stat. Usually Res or Skill unless they get very lucky and get Spd instead. Radiant Dawn also handicapped them by giving them lower HP caps while Thracia and the GBA games completely screwed them over with the Con system. The GBA games would go as far as to lower the carrying capacity for female mounts, so that the one advantage that lower Con would give them was negated. Come the DS games, and the designers somehow felt the need to limit female characters to classes that other female characters have as a base class. This goes to the point were Shadow Dragon has no female Cavaliers despite having Paladins and NMystery has Generals but no Armored Knights... despite none of these classes even using different sprites. There literally was no reason not to just allow females access to those classes. To add insult to injury, not only can male characters merge their class sets but females actually need an online item to access one of the few classes they have access to. And using that item locks them permanently out of another class. At least they get exclusive access to Pegasus Knights. Not that the likes of Linde or Lena get much use out of it. In Awakening, classes finally have the same abilities as their male counterparts... but they look even worse then the male version. Like, the toilet bowl armor of the Cavaliers gets understandably a lot of mockery for... looking like a toilet bowl. So the last thing it needs is to have the arm and leg parts disconnected from the rest of the armor because that puts a lot more emphasis on that awful looking middle part. But hey, as long as it's skimpy, who cares that the design looks like shit? Or something you merely shit into, whatever. I guess many people would say that having access to the Dark Pegasus is better then any male exclusive class. But I would question how much use they get out of that ability before Endgame, being a high level skill of a promoted class and all. Tear Ring Saga also went in on the fun. Males and females use the same classes...except for the Dragon Knight. For whatever reason (probably because of a lack of sprites) female Dragon Knights lack the ability to use lances on foot. Not much of a biggie for the most part but female Dragon Knights are also painfully difficult to get since they require the absurdly rare Dragon Flutes to promote into Dragon Knights. Meanwhile, the sole male Dragon Knight gets his Dragon entirely for free through an event. So yes, male gender wins by a landslide. It's no contest.
  20. Having a horse and wings makes Tanith awesome by default. But she is also a level 10 Falcon Knight with the stats to match by the time Ike just got promoted to a mere level 1 Lord.
  21. The final boss of Tomb Raider III. I don't really remember what it was, though. I think a spider of sort. What I do remember is getting oneshotted and having no idea what to do. I figured I should collect the artifacts but had no idea how to get the time necessary to pick them up. Not to mention that Lara literally controlled like a car and OoT style lock ons weren't yet invented. Of course, I made my way through most of the game with cheat codes, so I didn't have a lot of combat experience. The prison level might be the only level that I beat legit since you can't "input" a cheat without your gear.
  22. I guess it must have significantly contributed to my English vocabulary since back then I would usually set games with a significant amount of text to English on repeated playthroughs in order to get a different take on the script. But if nothing else, I at least learned the word dastard.
  23. Take a drink every time - Micaiah gushes about Daein - An enemy unit suicides itself against your units. - An enemy takes a Boss' Elixir - An enemy takes a healing item from potential PCs - An enemy captures your staff user - An enemy attacks a foe they either can't damage or hit - You find the Devil Axe - You restart a chapter
  24. I'm surprised to hear that Dynasty Warriors allows this. I would have expected that the individual Warriors games have the same standard in that regard. Before the reveal that there would be different playable characters I would have expected that everyone gets to play Link, with the diversity coming from different items and weapons that can be used. But I guess that at this point everything goes. Come to think of it, if we have both several PCs and the ability to choose entirely different weapons for Link, then I wonder if the other characters can also use them. And if that also means that by extension every characters plays the same with just the attached numbers being different.
  25. I can't live without them. It's always important to have some Cleric-in-a-can with you, just in case the actual healers can't keep up. But I can rarely bring myself to use Elixirs.
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