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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Ok here we go. I don't have the previous texts anymore, so I couldn't figure out where I could insert the data exactly. You will do that, alright? Just follow these steps: A) Backup your Rom. We never know what might happen. B) Assemble the last events text I gave you. Read the "Ending Offset" that should pop out in the confirmation screen. C) Open Microsoft Calculator (or any other calculator that supports hex), toggle 'hex', write the offset you read before and add... 50 to that. D) Open one of the two event texts I'm giving you now (Eirika's or Ephraim's). E) At the beginning, there should be "ORG $???????". Just replace the question marks with the offset you got in the calculator. F) Save and assemble. If everything goes well (I'm not sure since I have not tested it) then check the EndingOffset again. If for some reason it doesn't work, just report it to me. G) Same as before, you put this new offset in the Calculator and add 50. H) You write the new offset you get into the other ORG of the other text you've yet to insert. I) Save and assemble. Tell me if everything works. Eirika ch 15.txt Ephraim ch 15.txt
  2. I usually use Taunt in a Dragon Dance set. Works like a charm. Sableye is still despicable though And I don't need Taunt for Trevenant, I just Crunch it to death
  3. I seriously need to be Cymbeline'd right now. Please please?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Junkhead


      *yandere mode activate*

    3. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Sanaki will comply with dropping a fire ball down on everything hahaha :)

    4. Junkhead
  4. There's no real answer to the OP's questions until the terms "good" and "bad" aren't clarified. While it's true that ethics are different between one society and another, there are more than a few traits which are shared by most people in the world. Justifying someone's actions by saying that "they're not bad since evil and good are relative terms" is a naive and quite indecent statement. We're genetically programmed to think that something is "good" or "bad". Every newborn has positive reactions to certain stimuli (things that taste sweet, human faces, mother's voice, well aligned mugs...) and negative reactions to other ones (things that taste bad, strangers' faces - around the 6th month of life -, scary mugs, and obviously painful things, etc.). This does not depend on culture, but at the same time it's something really immature and basic. Culture and education strengthens and gives more variety to an inborn formula of ethics. So, to keep this short, if the concepts of good and evil are relative, this doesn't mean that good and evil do not exist, but simply that a huge variety of good and evil exist at the same time. To continue what I was saying, humans have some very basic inborn good/evil detection mechanism, but so far there aren't any known genes encoding an 'aggressive' / 'bad' character. Aggressive and more generally 'bad' actions in adults are being forged by education and society, so the correct answer would be the first one you proposed. This obviously does not justify anybody from his faults, since I'm pretty sure that people in most cases are not passive amoebas being forged by others but have their own intelligence and will to take actions and decisions. If you're interested in some documentation on the matter, I'd suggest to read these: Bandura's Bobo doll experiment, Zimbardo's Stanford University experiment, Milgram's experiment on evil caused by authority.
  5. Meh, it sounds perfectly fine to me, but again I'm not a native speaker soo... In any case the subtitle is pure genius, and I think that whoever gets to chapter 5 will agree with that.
  6. They're way smaller in the demo. But yeah, this is one of the greatest RPGs ever. Just buy it already~
  7. Yeah sorry I'm late, I've been a lot of stuff to work on as of lately. These are wrong, you probably didn't toggle "FE8" while Disassembling. Also, they're the same file. Please pay more attention next time. Bring me the right events and I'll add the stuff you want.
  8. Taunt is also very useful to prevent Will-o-Wisp's and nasty stuff like that.
  9. Heyo Tiz. :3 How's Norende reconstruction going?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      That's great. Still, you'll need a lot of money to purchase all that precious equipment, haha.

    3. NoNameAtAll


      I have a Japanese Mammon that has that 25,000 Pg Elixir. I'm covered. :3

    4. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      ... Whelp, I had one too but I killed it without realising how precious it was. >_>

  10. Then Mega Lati@s are real too. °-° I want more megaaas
  11. I don't think you have much back up support on this one, honestly. While it's understandable that you don't like his behavior, I think that most people here don't care at all about him. Just read the comments on the previous page, if you want some proof. You're trying to make this pass as some needed banishment for the sake of the forum, but in reality it's just something personal. We shouldn't further derail the topic for personal matters. I won't reply any more. Feel free to answer, though, if you want. See ya.
  12. I remember the first spriteee and she's looking even better than before! Congrats. ^w^ There are some issues on the second sprite though. I think someone with more experience than me could give you better suggestions, but maybe her head is a little small and the fur doesn't feel very natural, it's just.. sticked there (especially on her right shoulder from our point of view). Also I can't really understand what is the grey thing below the fur on her left shoulder.
  13. So you're writing all those long posts just to disqualify Chiki from his (presumed) merits? (>°_°)> From my point of view you're just trying to prove yourself better than Chiki and you can't accept that someone who you consider inferior in terms of battling ability has achieved a (presumed) coveted goal. And it's understandable, honestly, but this is not the right place to talk about it. Could we please return in-topic? Oh my, that was really intense!
  14. Here~ Enjoy your Landy! P.S. And thanks for the Dratini. Nice IVs! I'll use that for some breeding and/or Masuda methoding. It could also become a splendid Dragonite.
  15. ... Derp, I didn't notice that I'm waiting for you. Craig, if you're around I have your Landorus ready. It's in its Therian form so you'll have to trigger the Mirror event and turn it back to its normal form. Also I couldn't give it a nickname unfortunately because I restarted my Black2 game recently and I didn't get to the point where you can rename pokémon yet (and you can't give it nicknames when you transfer it from the Radar software).
  16. Thanks. That seems like a solid set. I've tried something similar but it was a specially defensive set and it really didn't work as I expected. I'll try that out soon.
  17. Alfred on the 3DS and Alfred Kamon in-game. Here you go, anyway: 3909-7667-0449
  18. You already have my friend code right? Sorry I can't remember, it's been a while since the last time. Dx
  19. I'm online right now~ Sorry woodshooter, I'm a bit late, but I noticed I didn't have a female Helioptile with Dry Skin so I was farming one, and the only female Gible with Rough Skin only has 3 IVs, I hope that's fine anyway.
  20. Thank you very much. I really like this team honestly. It's not a full Baton Pass team, as it can work quite nicely even without boosts, and when I do set up it usually takes me few turns to become really dangerous. The only effective ways to stop a well-executed BP team would require the use of Haze, Clear Smog or Dragon Tail, all of which are pretty uncommon. Unaware Clefable with Seismic Toss might work too. Roar and Whirlwind don't, since I usually bounce them back with Espeon. I've also met a really creative player who managed to stop me with a Sturdy+Mirror Coat Magnezone. That was awesome. Meh I get what you say. I do approve justified quits, though. If the opponent thinks he has already lost the match and he doesn't want to lose time, he's free to forfeit. I just think it's lame to quit when the match is still open. People usually do that after receiving a critical hit or when they get predicted quite badly.
  21. Anyway, I'm Arufureddo atm on showdown, but I tend to change username quite often. At least I found this really nice guy with an awesome team. We've been supporting each other for some matches and we also exhanged friend codes for the real games. Nice. @JSND: What's your Chesnaught set, if I may ask? I've been trying to use one for a while but I can't find an effective set for it. @Silver Lightning:
  22. ^ *shrugs* I just had some Ranked Battles today after 2-3 months of inactivity, and I should say that those japanese folks got even stronger with Pokébank. At least you managed to stay above the 1500s. I lost a lot of battles and got to 1450, haha. I should have 1520 or something like that now, though Yes, it's hard. But I prefer to call that challenging.
  23. It's 2 am now here and I'm going to sleep, sorry. We can do the trade tomorrow if you're available. All right! Hmm, ok, I see. And LOL, Italian nicknames? That shall be done.
  24. Oh I see, thanks you both. That set with Rain Dance seems pretty bossy, I should try that. Meh, I'm probably overreacting because I've only played against top players as of lately and 9/10 of them were really inpolite. But really, I wish I had encountered all those nice guys you seem to be talking about. I'll just pick another username and reset my points the next time, I'm sick of getting insulted for nothing. 1350 is good, Neal. Well, you're good. It's fun to see how japanese people are over-centralizing the Battle Spot in the main games, while they're totally beatable on Showdown. What usernames do you guys usually use on Showdown? It'd be cool to find each other every once in a while.
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