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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Nothing special, but thanks. :O .... F-Fatass? *sigh* I knew her name sounded funny in English, haha. Faratrass the farting Forretress in the Fortress Nevermind, I used to read your username without the L after all.
  2. Thank you. Anyway Novala's portrait is a placeholder. Hm, in the first release 'only' playable characters will have full custom mugs, while bosses and NPCs will be simply recolors. There's still a lot of work to do and we won't make it in time for the release, honestly. What do you mean by "FE7 shaded", btw? The palettes? All the mugs are in FE8 colors.
  3. Hm, we have plenty of GameStops here in Italy too. That's where I usually buy my games. Never heard of Walmart before. Also, there are GameStops all around Europe, more specifically in Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Source: various sites.
  4. Yeah, I know. =( GBA music is a bitch to hack after all, it's hard to recreate the same feeling with max 7 notes at once. *sigh* Anyway, thanks for the suggestion! Better? Changed some volumes and panning, and added a couple program changes. There's also a version without the choir at the beginning, but I don't like it very much.
  5. Just a little bit underlevelled. I beat the game at lv.80 in Hard mode and I think I was a bit underlevelled myself, so that's pretty much it: get a few level ups and you should be fine. The gap between Normal and Hard mode in BD is the same between Normal and Lunatic in Awakening, pretty much. Also as the others said, a Spiritmaster is a must in any team. Even if you don't spam Stillness, most of its abilities are really useful. I'd suggest to use a Salve-Maker as well (as a secondary job). If you can combine the items correctly, you get some really OP effects, like the one that revives you with full HP (potion+phoenix down) or even a tonic that doubles anybody's HP for the whole battle (Beast Liver + Dragon Fang IIRC). If you don't like to have a White Mage, a Vampire with the Genoma ability White Wind works like a charm. And finally, Vampire's Auto-Revive ability is really useful to have on your healer and/or Spiritmaster.
  6. That Geoffrey sprite is SWEET.

  7. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and kind support, guys! \^^/ Umh, it isn't... :0 Btw, are there any Bravely Default players here? ;) ^ The original midi was a mess. I had to ask Agro to help me a bit with this. XP Thanks again, Agro~ (see what changes I made to the version you passed me btw, hehe!) And yeah, Novala's name is a placeholder Cheers~
  8. [spoiler=True ending]Yeah man, it sucks right? =( About Ringabel, you can see Edea returning to her world with her father and Alternis... but Alternis in that world died, right? (unless he survived falling from the airship) So I assumed that he was the Ringabel who travelled with you but... that one actually returned to his own time to fight Airy, so... wut?
  9. So, I finally beat the game. [spoiler=About the true ending...]It's tragic. It's SAD, damn! I expected it to be a classic happy ending with some Agnès x Tiz and Ringabel x Edea scenes, but NO! Agnès stayed in her eternal celibacy and Tiz DIED while the others were preparing a feast? Good Lord. I'm just butthurt because I wanted some Tiz x Agnès and now I know it won't ever happen Oh well, overall it was totally unpredictable and good. So Tiz was... already dead from the beginning but he was kept alive by a... human soul? (one of the Celestials, who are the people in our world, meaning the player?) And after his second death he was kept alive in some artificial way for years, until Magnolia came to set him free? ... Man, this is confusing. And what about Ringabel? You get a scene where Edea returns to the Central Command with her father AND ALTERNIS and then you see Ringabel in another world against Airy? Whaaat? So, overall, I have some mixed feelings about this. It was good and all, but it's also sad and confusing. I just hope the plot of the series doesn't turn into some very fucked up Kingdom Hearts style.
  10. Thank you for your support. Anyway, guys... 23rd May 2014 ^ release date Also, I've (almost) finished working on the OST. Took me more than expected because I wanted to do things properly. Have three samples. They're in-game recordings btw. Cheers!
  11. Lel dat Sylveon set!! Nice one, Comet. ;o You should definitely run rest and sleep talk instead of wish and protect though, a more experienced player would have toxic'd you to death. ;o
  12. Happy belated birthday, Amoret! ^_^

  13. That Ishtar is really cool! *^* the legs are a bit strange though And... holy cow, those spell animations. Nice stuff. Thanks for sharing, Mikey! If you have enough time, could you rip Forblaze for us poor FE8 users? XD
  14. From the point of view of the challengers, it's quite tedious to contact 8+ people to arrange some matches with them. Honestly, I would be discouraged as well. In my opinion we should throw some dedicated days when most of us are available (weekends for example) so that the challengers can just get on Showdown and challenge (most of) the Leaders without bothering too much sending PMs and such.
  15. That happens to me quite often, and the "Repair Song" function in Anvil usually fixes the problem. Just be careful because it might delete some undesired notes.
  16. ^ [spoiler=False Ending]Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Story-wise, it would've been a lot better if you got the true ending by disobeying Airy's request. Instead, you just have to bull charge through all the worlds ignoring common sense. It's a bit frustrating.
  17. I totally agree with every single bit of this wise post. It really touches some important points that I defend as well, like the fact that trainees should be hard to train and should be quite unique; it's the main reason why I'm a bit reluctant towards Yeti's ideas on the matter from last page, despite I consider them understandable and well thought. The main point is that it's quite difficult to create some good gameplay that revolves around our concept of "trainee/Est character", and I humbly admit that as of now two out of three of my trainees might have a lot of difficulties getting on par with others. I'll have to polish things some more before the release. First part: Yeah, that's it. And they do join pretty early. =) "Ewan" autojoins at lv.1 in chapter 2, "Ross" can be recruited in ch.4 and joins at lv.6 in chapter 6, and "Amelia" will be recruitable at lv.7 in ch.6. Second part: I'm pretty sure that there are some weird conditions for trainees to have 3 promotion choices (clear Ephraim + Eirika routes first) and I'm not exactly sure how to allow that from your first run... Yes, the plan is to make them as unique as possible, to reward the effort invested in training them. Some mixed feelings here, which make this post particularly precious. Especially the bolded part, and don't worry, you won't have to do that. Buh, Faratrass, the main Lord, uses dark magic. :3 She is the first unit you get. Can that be considered "fairly early"? Eheh Super Trainees... right. I was wondering if people liked super trainees or not, because they were relatively inferior to other promotion options (at least in the western games) and their animations just didn't fit their tier2 classes At last, I think the best for trainees would be to give them their unique class (super trainees) making them, uh, more 'unique' than how FE8 did, and maybe some other class that is quite uncommon or unused at all by other characters.
  18. Binding Blade was not bad, but it definitely lacks something that FE7 covered up for. Blazing Sword is, in fact, one of the best FE games ever made imo. The characters are fantastic, the plot is not bad and the gameplay is simply awesome. FE8 imo was mediocre, and terribly disappointing. It had so many adds and good ideas and concepts, but it executed them pretty poorly. The story seems rushed, some characters are really boring, and the gameplay is far too easy despite having some really good adds. I remember FE9 came out the same day as FE8 here. I picked FE8, while a friend of mine bought FE9. I was so terribly jealous because I realised FE8 wasn't as good as expected while FE9 was literally awesome (especially back then, it was probably one of the best games on the Gamecube). FE10 is really good, it has a solid plot and gameplay is ok, but graphics and controls could have definitely been better for a Wii game.
  19. Yes, that's true. I thank you all for your support, and I appreciate your concern. It's always good that people remind me that because I tend to fly too high with my ideas sometime, haha~ And even if I'm quite attached to some concepts, time is an important factor that should always be taken into account. I'll try to bring you this hack soon to not disappoint the people who believed in this project so far, while trying to realize my little dreams in the meantime. Will this be hard? Sure, but I believe it's not impossible, and I'll try my best to realize it. Thank you. =) I appreciate it. I will make sure you won't wait too long, then~ Thanks for the compliments. I'd like to hear what you guys think of Trainees, anyway. What Yeti brought up is really interesting, after all. Did you like the fact that they started off as weaker units that could become really strong with some effort? Do you think this whole idea was executed poorly in FE8? (after all, it was really hard to train them in regular chapters...) What about their ending stats? Were they too high? Were they ok, considering all the factors?
  20. Rational thinking helped way more than me Anytime, Agro~ =)
  21. Nintenlord made the same exact modules years ago.
  22. @bolded part: That's fundamentally true, admitting that you add some t0s as you said, while balancing gameplay to revolve around them. That's not what I'm going for, honestly, nor I intended to go for a three tiers system to begin with. I want trainees to be part of a two tiers system, and FE8 already did well in that, apart from stats balancing. As I said before, I like the idea of having unique and relatively weak units that reward the player if he/she invests enough time and effort in training them. I don't see the fact that they have subpar stats as something negative either (and they're just slightly subpar in my hack anyway). It's like protecting and giving your support to some children until they become strong enough to stand on their own feet. Making them fight against other children of their level just kills this feel completely. So, making t0s functionally the same as t1s is not in my plans, nor is creating a three-tiers system. I never said that, and I don't know why you and Glenn are convinced I did. Anyway, thank you for your suggestions and ideas, they're indeed useful and interesting (as expected from you!). I'm just going in a totally different direction. =) They're all valid points, and that's why I never intended to go for a three-tiers system~ Especially considered that this hack will just be 20 chapters long! Yup, I agree. I'm not afraid of work, eclipse, don't worry~ And I don't like to waste a lot of time either. If I invest a lot of time into something, it's because I seriously think it's worth it. Sorry for the short answers, but I have class soon and I'm quite in a hurry, haha ^^"
  23. No, I think he was just suggesting some ways to make t0s more usable since FE8 didn't make a good job at that. Thanks for your constant support, it's really precious teddie~
  24. I think the main problem about Trainees in FE8 was that, apart from Ross, they weren't usable at all in regular chapters and they HAD to be trained in the Tower of Valni / Skirmishes to actually get on par. So I tried to get around that by making their base stats more reasonable (though not the same as t1 classes) and by changing their starting level so that they only need 4-3 levels to promote into a t1. I don't like the idea of having t0 enemies honestly, because that would both make the trainees less unique and make the enemies way too easy to defeat for your t1 units. If somebody decided to not use any Trainees, he would find himself fighting a bunch of weak and unchallenging units. Also, story-wise, I can't see the honorable army of Hoikade sending children to the front lines, honestly. Anyway monsters (and especially zombies) help the player train the units he/she left behind, eventually. I've tested the chapters several times and I don't find difficult to train the Trainees, but I do admit that I still have to fix the stats a little bit. Thank you for your insight. Ahah, thanks for the enthusiastic support! =)
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