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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Hey, thank you very much for the feedback! =) I'm very glad you're enjoying the hack so far! [spoiler=random stuff that isn't really a spoiler]Yeah, Faratrass is meant to be tanky. I wanted her to be some sort of magical Hector, protecting herself with dark magic and curses, haha. About the "Prince" issues... I'm pretty sure the text is right (at least in my script and in my game). Gimme pics or that never happened. ;o I'll be waiting for more of your feedback. That's a sweet suggestion, I might consider that. Thanks, Lindsy. WOW! I wish that all the bug reports were like this one. ;_; Thank you SO much, John! Indeed that's something really easy to fix. ^^ I'll do that ASAP! [spoiler=About Hellios' balancing]It's fine the way he is, and you'll find out why. I'm glad you're enjoying the hack. ^^ Did you talk to him in chapter 3? Oh nm, I see you've solved the problem. And you're welcome! Thank you for playing it! Thank you for the feedback, glad you had fun. ;) And yeah, chapter 5 was just... an experiment. And yup, that Steel Lance was intentional. Seconding what eclipse said, my native language is Italian. About the word "Vassal": That's intentional, I know what a Vassal is, I've done my research. That's just one of the docs I checked, but quoting from there... "vassal, in feudal society, one invested with a fief in return for services to an overlord." Please take note that all of this is kinda metaphorical, and that the term "Vassal" in Magvel has quite a different meaning from the one we may intend. In this particular case, the Vassal dedicates her life to (keep in check) the Demon King, and she receives prestige in return (her people love her... at least for the first five minutes of the hack lol). A Vassalage ceremony also is in the game. "In a fully developed vassalage, the lord and the vassal would undertake a commendation ceremony composed of two parts, thehomage and the fealty, including the use of Christian sacraments to show its importance." Similarly, in the game some gifted people can become Vassals of the Demon King through the Vassalage ceremony, composed of two parts, the "seal" and the "magic", including the use of sacred devices (the Soul Mirror) or people with sacred powers (Shiori). It's all explained in the next chapters, you'll see. And I like the term Vassal, so I won't change it. I can't say the same for military ranks, though. I'm glad you pointed that out. If 'corporal' doesn't suit them well, I'm open for suggestions. 'Captain' might work as well. It just seemed a bit...too much for some chapter 2 bosses. That said, thank you for your critiques. Yay. Chapter 5x requires some strategy indeed. and a bit of luck [spoiler=chapter 5x]That's why Anna gives you that Flash tome if you visit her in the house! ...And there's also a droppable Light somewhere in the chapter (one of the reinforcement shamans has it). And lol @Saai comment Thank you very much for playing the hack. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also, thank you for your critiques on chapter 7, I find them reasonable enough. While I don't agree with you about the very first monsters in the chapter (I mean, you can scout them pretty easily, there are lots of NPCs that help you near there, and even if you die it's not a big deal since you've only played 1 turn) the complains about the boss were understandable. I might just remove (one of) the two Big Eyes that accompany it, and make it stronger eventually. About the enemies movement... some of them are just meant to guard the place. This was specifically designed for those players who move around carelessly or love to scout the terrain by sending an unit in all directions before confirming. Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated!
  2. Thank you very much, eclipse. I've updated the download link in the first post. Now nobody should experience the same problems with that ballista, hopefully.
  3. Thanks for understanding. ;) [spoiler=chapter 1 comments]Sure thing, you can ship them. Incest pls I take no responsibility for what happens next, though. And it seems everybody likes Phoebe! Hooray! o/ [spoiler=Completed Game thoughts]Thank you for your trust, my friend. ;) And yup, I'll come up with something great; eventually. Str isn't her best stat, yeah. Her Str growth is quite low. Not too low, though. I think it's just you... Ah... Then I have a favor to ask. Please try to download this patch and verify if the problem still persists. http://www.mediafire.com/download/lss7ksyrkt7sta5/chapter2test.ups Thank you very much, eclipse. (again, I ask you to do this because it works fine on my part) Thank you very much! ;)
  4. No, don't worry. You should be able to pass from 1.0 to 1.2 without any problems. You don't have to download 1.1 if you don't want to. Well.... That's one rare and annoying glitch, I should say. And as Rey said, unless someone can duplicate that, I'll have to consider that as an isolated case. ;o There aren't any problems in my events that may cause that problem, so there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is give you a working save of chapter 7 so that you won't have to replay all the chapters. If you're interested, send me a PM. I'm really sorry. You've been unlucky... Thank you very much, Keks! ^^ And congrats for making it through chapter 5 without following the tutorial! I'm glad you like Shiori. I'm sure you won't be disappointed by her development. And yes, I use some German names there too! ^^ Schwarz, Weiss, Klingensturm, etc. It's cool to have another German person commenting here! (IIRC Fateborn is German too) Whoo, I like these kinds of posts! Seems a sort of let's play without a video. And without pics. ... Now I'm making it sound like something uncool [spoiler=About the intro]I know that Moonie sounds funny in English, but I'm quite attached to that name. It was the nickname of a person who meant a lot to me, and this is some sort of tribute towards her. Of course, she already knows of this project so changing her name now would be rather offensive. I might change Holon the Hollow King's name though. And it seems that everyone likes Phoebe. <3 She rocks! [spoiler=About the prologue BeginningScene]Fa is just a little (?) whiny at the beginning of the story. She hates her life. And Moonie is just a very calm person who puts her country above everything else. Her relationship with Fa is meant to be ambiguous at this point of the story. All considered, the dialogue makes sense to me. > No, there aren't any other quoting marks > Glad you like the text bubbles. I should thank Ray for those. He was the one who told me about them back in the day. [spoiler=Prologue gameplay]Glad you like the icons, Gabrielknight will be happy to hear that. ^^ @Rey: I think he tried to play the .ups file in VBA directly. If that's the case, remember that you have to patch it first, Zemica!
  5. Thank you. Huuh.... what? I'm sorry but I think I don't understand what your problem is. Could you please provide me a screenshot? In spoiler tags too, thanks.
  6. Thanks for that Wyvern Riders report, I'll fix the description asap. Also, you said you couldn't enter the village in chapter 6. Did that happen on the latest version I released today? (v.1.1) Or were you still playing v.1.0?
  7. Wow, look at that title screen. The animation is cool. The flow is nice too. But... I can hear the electricity SFX in the critical animation... Why that? Is he supposed to use electricity?
  8. There will be one. Just wait for the promotions update I'll show in the next months.
  9. Thank you very much, NYZ! I'm glad you're liking it and I hope you'll enjoy the hack when you play it. Of course, come at me bro. Some rivality can only make our work better =) Thank you, LunaSaint. I'm glad you like the attention to detail-- it's something that not all players notice. I'm sure you'll do great with Shatterlight. Bahahah you're a boss! Well, thank you very much! ^^ Can I know something more about that glitch you were talking about, please? Yes, that's the spirit of the chapter. =) [spoiler=chapter 4 goal]You can also just step into the tile behind the boss. Otherwise the chapter would be unbeatable without Menmus. I see no point in doing that. You can just check the class descriptions to know what they can equip. Also, it seems that someone was having some problems with chapter 5: http://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/26ctji/midnight_sun_chapter_5_help/ So I made a tutorial video. Be sure to watch it ONLY if you don't know what to do! ;o (don't want you to get spoiled and all)
  10. *bows* I'm glad you enjoyed the hack, Haku. "One of or even the best FE ROMhack" is a very big compliment. Thank you for your appreciation. And I'm sure Shatterlight will be great too!
  11. Patch it to a fresh ROM. You can maintain your old saves anyway, don't worry. Hellios will be way better than Seth or any prepromoted unit you ever got in any FE game. I specifically designed him to be that sexy.
  12. Yes, I've already seen and commented both of those! ^^ I'm waiting for the other videos, hehe!! Good job! Thank you very much, this means a lot to me. "I know that you're focused on the story, but don't neglect gameplay". Jubby told me this 2 years ago, when I first presented the project, and I took his words at heart. The music really helped creating the atmosphere I wanted, anyway. I had lots of fun hacking the music. !IMPORTANT! Patch v.1.1 is up. Fixes: - Garion will now appear in ch.4 correctly even if you restart the chapter. - You *should* be able to visit the houses in chapter 6 correctly. - Fixed Known Issues.txt DOWNLOAD (same link as before, btw) You must patch it to a fresh FE8 ROM again. But don't worry, you can use the same saves. Oh, 400 people downloaded this hack in the first 19 hours. (Thanks Mediafire for keeping track of the downloads!) I'm... really happy.
  13. That's not really a bug, but a side-effect of the weapon/magic ranks patch. Basically, the patch I applied worked like this: - If a tome is equipped, display magic ranks and Mag - If a weapon is equipped, display weapon ranks and Str The problem is that the game displays the weapon ranks and Str by default if nothing is equipped. Staves can't be equipped, that's why a Staff user displays Str and weapon ranks (but still, it's just a graphical bug, it doesn't affect the game in any way). I'm sorry about that, but there's no fix. I should probably ask whoever did the patch to fix it, but I don't feel like doing so for something that little. My apologies for the inconvenience. Oh, and thanks for that compliment on chapter 4! =) Edit: @Haku: that has already been addressed, and it's intended. Edit2: Well it took me a while, but I managed to get the data I needed and I tested chapter 4 properly. The problem should be fixed now. I'm on my way to test chapters 5-6 too, then I'll release the v.1.1 of the patch.
  14. The problem is that the game works perfectly on my part for whatever reason. That's why I need *your* saves. You might have done something that I usually don't do, and that caused the problem(s). Whatever, I'll just make some blind changes. Even if I don't test them, I'm pretty sure I know what the problems are. Don't worry guys, just enjoy the game.
  15. Thanks, then it's pretty clear to me what the problem is. I'll upload the fixed patch after lunch. Yes, that'll be fine, don't worry. Also, I link it to the announcement because I might add some information in that post in the future. Chances are high that people won't bother to read the Known Issues.txt, so... If I have something urgent to say, I'll leave it there. And there's only one download link, so that's not a problem. Yes, I thought about the same problem as soon as I heard of it. Honestly speaking, it *should* still work theoretically, but... well, that's not the case. Could someone provide me a save at the end of chapter 3, before talking to Garion? That will help me fix the problem in chapter 4. Just send me a PM in case. Thank you very much. (also, I don't know what the problem in ch.6 may be. My theory is that there are some conflicting event IDs, so I just untoggled them at the beginning of the chapter... we'll see if that fixes the problem. A save of a faulty chapter 6 may help too, thanks) I hope you're all enjoying the hack despite these few minor bugs... ;)
  16. [spoiler=chapter 4]Oh, that was intended. If you notice, he does the same in chapter 8. That's because it seemed to flow better like that in my opinion. "Pffft.[A] Ahahah!" is a bit silly, while "Pffft-- Ahahahah!!" is what I was going after. Does that disturb you? I may change it if many people report it as being disturbing.
  17. You can have a skirmish battle, they are correctly implemented already. You get one out of 6 possible skirmishes, and IIRC if you replay the Interlude you can possibly get a different skirmish. [spoiler=chapter 8 spoiler]Bahahah!! Thanks sweetie, I'm glad I gave you an heart attack managed to emote you with those dialogues. And congratulation on being one of the first to finish the patch! (I think?) So, many of you have reported that Garion won't appear in chapter 4 after you suspend/resume the chapter. I think I know what may be causing that. I just need to know one thing... did you save in battle preps?
  18. Thank you very much. ^^ Hmmm, the dark meat is so tasty~ But hey, you still haven't seen the Gorgon blood, or the Gargoyle tail... bwahah. No, you can get a lot of funds imo if you find all the gems. You can get 5000 in chapter 5, 7500 in chapter 6, and so on. If you visit the southern houses in ch.6, you'll get some hints.
  19. [spoiler=chapter 8]The latter. That's right, supports aren't enabled for now. I'm sorry, I plan to add them later. I should probably explain that to everybody. If you promote them to the same class (Recruit to Recruit, etc.) you'll get some nice bonus with the new promotions system I'll create, once they get to tier 2.5 (what the heck is a tier 2.5? Well, you'll see). However, they'll be relatively inferior to their other option, for the time being. So the choice should be between "excellent until lategame" or "good until lategame, godly in postgame".
  20. There are reasons for Hellios to be that OP. Design reasons, of course? I'm really glad you are using him that much~ Thanks! [spoiler=recruit Djambo in chapter 4]You have to talk to Garion in chapter 3, so that he appears on turn 4 in chapter 4. Recruit Garion with Shiori. If by the end of the chapter Garion is alive, he will save Djambo who will then join your group. [spoiler=chapter 5 stuff]It is not, in fact. I wanted to create something different, for once. That was a risky experiment. In fact, some players appreciated that chapter, while some others didn't. I'm sorry if you're among those who didn't appreciate it. ^^" There won't be other chapters like that in the future anyway. That's not an error, as L95 pointed out. That old hag is just hella talkative. > All the FC mugs were made by Regina aka Arcfalchion ^^ (read the Credits!) and maybe drop a comment on her page if you liked her sprites! > Nope, sorry. YOU MISSED A 90%! HAX! As I just said to Fateborn, all the mugs were done by Arcfalchion. Read the Credits before asking/guessing these things, guys... XP [spoiler=chapter 6]You ARE supposed to visit them. That's strange, and probably it's due to some event IDs problem. As for now, just restart the chapter and see if they work. I'll try my best to fix it asap. What? Really? That's really strange. x_x Does it happen every time you restart the chapter or did it happen just once? Thanks, anyway. ;) Screenshot, please. :3 Of course! :D Can't wait to see that! TELL 'EM, LINDSY! But in all seriousness, you're totally right on that. Yeah sorry, I wrote that quickly in order to release the patch asap. Feel free to rewrite it and PM that to me. ;) Thanks Menma? This isn't AnoHana XD Supports are... unsupported in v.1.0. I have plans for Menmus x Fa supports, don't worry. [spoiler=chapter 6 recruitment]No. To recruit Sae'rah, go to the upper-left village with Djambo or Andre, then talk to her with the same person who visited the village. No. That's due to some faulty event IDs. I'm still not sure whether that is the emulator's fault or if I did something wrong in my events. I'll try to fix the problem via events asap and I'll let you know. As for now, just do what SlipperySlippy says: Thank you very much for explaining. Yes, that should fix the problem for now. I still don't know whether this is a bug or not. I'll try to fix it asap anyway. [spoiler=HUGE spoiler on chapter 8. Don't read unless you've finished the game.]You should have visited the village in that chapter, haha! Anna informed you that you would have lost the items in Hellios' and Shiori's inventories. Edit: That's a weird bug that may occur on ANY map... and I still don't know what causes it, nor how to fix it. I'm sorry. Luckily, it's pretty rare...
  21. Read "Known Issues.txt", please. <3 Apparently her name is too long to fit in some menus. I'll have to find the graphics for letters, and shorten those "A"s and "S"s by one pixel or two. And no, I'm not going to change her name instead
  22. That's intended. ;o Otherwise there's no reason to visit the shops during the chapter. And in the original FE8, chapter 2 didn't have a shop, only an armory-- and I don't know how to add the shop in the world map. I once tried to just put the shop items in the world map armory, and it worked fine-- however, it was a bit weird, so I scrapped the idea. Also guys, please add words to the spoiler tags if you can. Otherwise it gets kinda ambiguous whether to open the spoiler or not, and I don't want people to get spoiled if possible... Just write it like this: [spoiler=stuff] ^ just saying', 'cause I discovered this yesterday. lel I'm such a noob P.S. Thanks SB for the compliments on chapter 5. ;) I like that chapter very much too~
  23. IMPORTANT! There was a bug in chapter 2 that made Cattleya spawn twice if you killed Tirado on your last turn and if Menmus was dead by then. Thanks Night Zap for reporting. I've fixed it, hopefully. If you have already played chapter 2 and everything went smoothly, then don't worry about it (you might want to redownload the patch anyway if you plan to replay the game sooner or later). Np. blame my friend who gives ridiculous names to her OCs. [spoiler=chapter 6 recruitment]Visit the upper left village with Djambo or Andre, then talk to Sae'rah with the guy who visited that village. I'm pretty sure that depends on the changes I'll make to the ROM between one version and another. If everything goes to plan, you'll only need to replace 1.0 with 2.0 in the same folder.
  24. [spoiler=chapter 5]Visit this house. If you can't visit it, that's most likely an Event ID-related bug. That I don't know how to fix because 99/100 times it's an emulation issue. Just restart the chapter, if that's the case.
  25. She must seize it. And the croissant is not an actual item. Use spoiler tags if you wanna go into further detail. ;o
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