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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Hmm.... I assure you that the growths are pretty balanced. But this is FE, getting RNG blessed/screwed is just normal. To deny the RNG, I should give 80-90% growths and you know better than me that it's a terrible idea. What question? About Shiori: [spoiler=demo end]She gets back to lv.10 after chapter 8. I need her to stay at lv.20 before then, though. There's a "How to patch.txt" file that explains what you have to do. Also, I won't be available for a few days. ;o Have a nice weekend, everybody!
  2. Actually, I know. 20 chapters + some extra stuff, with the route split between chapters 9 and 14. Like the original Sacred Stones.
  3. Thank you very much! Yeah I liked the way it was used in tutorials for easy mode, so I decided to use it in a similar way. As I recently wrote in the first page: "I'm slowly working on the new chapters in this period (my priority is to study for my exams right now). Version 2.0 will contain these new chapters: 9A/9B, 10A/10B, 11A/11B, 12A/12B, 13A/13B, 14A/14B, 15 and 16. That's a lot of them and I'll need some time to finish them all. At least one year. So I suppose that v.2.0 will be released in Spring 2015." [spoiler=general comments on the hack]First of all, thank you very much for the comment. ;) About the nitpicks: > Many people like Phoebe's pattern speech because it's so unexpected and it sounds funny. That was intended. No need to be that serious about it, hehe. Also, I'm using modern English even if the setting is medieval. Eek, I wouldn't even be able to write in medieval language. > Will take note for that house in ch.5. Thanks for the suggestion! > Shiori in chapter 4 tells you to "pay attention", not to "stay away". Also it's pretty obvious that those monsters won't move, hehe. I'm not THAT MUCH sadistic XD > Hmm... about Faratrass' change of heart at the beginning of the sixth chapter: a few days before her lack of resolution almost had her killed and allowed the Demon King to break the seal. She's trying to swallow her own feelings because she knows that she can't make any mistakes now. She's self-conscious of her condition: if she fails, the Demon King will resurrect. She has no choice but to kill all those Lazuleans coldly. It's a tragic situation, don't think that she just turned into some extreme and nonsensical assassin or anything like that. > Shiori was keeping her eyes closed on purpose, but Faratrass noticed that something was wrong with her. About the compliments: I'm glad you liked those things. ^^ Especially the archer bit, I tried my best to make Rya a good character gameplay-wise. Fa and Menmus will have some sweet support convos, don't worry [spoiler=main lords promotion]They'll promote at the beginning of chapter 15. I know it's a bit late, but story wise it's important that they promote on ch.15. It'll be a friggin' epic moment with some really nice gameplay. I planned it one year ago and I'm looking forward to it~ Also your Faratrass is overlevelled. Thank you very much! (Y) Hellios is super good and you should be using him the whole time! Definitely one of the units that everybody likes to use. I'm so happy that I made him that appealing. Hm, [schwarz mode] that's SEXIST! Only males can have beards now? Yeah, use Ramov if you want. It's not that I have any copyright on that name. it's just an anagram of Morva [spoiler=Cattleya]As I've already said many times, I'll better her stats. Personality-wise, she's just a very calm, sometimes authoritative person. And she's in love with a dead man (Tirado). It won't, I fear. Sorry. Thanks! I'm not going to give extra Con to Cattleya. She's a female myrm, 6 con is ok. Also, you get a lot of Dark Flesh in the game, just feed her with some of it. Judging by the screens, Menmus is pretty good the way he is. He's supposed to be tanky, not fast. ...I should give some better stats to Garion, though. [spoiler=Tower of Trials]You'll battle mostly (or perhaps *only*) humans in the Tower of Trials. And you may find Risen with monsters in the skirmishes. It didn't, you're just thinking too hard. ;o [spoiler=chapter 2]"She will join the battlefield if things get difficult." "What does that mean?" "If I die, probably". Q: How do I make that character appear on the battlefiled? A: By killing the corporal. The red text is pretty straightforward. ;o You also get a Topaz if you kill him.
  4. [spoiler=general comments on final team]Yeah, there'll be a promotion item in ch.9. Also, I like to have characters with some flawed stats. Faratrass won't ever be good in Res (unless you get really BLESSED). That way you can compensate their flaws with some other characters. Having someone who is good in everything isn't good for difficulty balancing. Sae'rah is ok, I saw many screens and her stats are good. She just joins late so it's hard to train her properly for now. But... I totally agree on Cattleya. She's really weak as of now. (also wow, that Menmus is pretty good!) Thanks for the feedback! :3 [spoiler=chapter 8 final stats]Oh wow. Just look at that Schwarz! I'm glad you liked him, you're one of the few people who actually used him. Which is pretty great because I want him to be a pretty important character in Fa's route. Hollow King won't be playable unfortunately but he'll be a badass enemy The battle preps theme is "N's Castle" from Pokémon B2/W2. Hehehe! Thanks Shugey, this comment of yours is so precious to me. I like how you analysed every character, both in raw gameplay power and in personality. [spoiler=general comments, big spoilers]Yeah, I suppose Hellios is just too good to not use him in Difficult Mode. he's such a perfect troll Do you want to know who will be able to use Warp Swords? [spoiler=Warp sword][spoiler=Hey, this is a big spoiler][spoiler=Ok, here you go]Faratrass. And wow, that Cristoph is amazing. I didn't even know he could be that good. I think he prayed the RNG goddess well enough. Another horrible Cattleya... now I REALLY have to make her stronger, especially because her recruitment is a bit nasty. Also, wow. Your levels are pretty high. I don't know if that's because of DM or you're just an exceptional player or you grinded a little (boss abusing Faratrass in ch.8, maybe? And Garion in ch.3?) Hmm... there aren't common items in the world map shops because you can already get them in the battle preps shop. And the price is the same... I just generally raised the price of things, hm. Especially because I give the player the opportunity to get a lot of gems. I'm really happy you enjoyed this hack to the point you consider it your favorite. (Y)
  5. Wow, understood guys. Apparently the creator is the only noob that found ch.8 really difficult lololol But it's better this way, chapter 7 was really hard after all (at least judging by the feedback I've received). ^^ That has been fixed in v.1.1, be sure to have downloaded the latest patch. Also, if you saved in your battle preps in version 1.0, you need to get to chapter 4 again... I hope you saved in different slots or you had some savestates on chapter 3. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you like Shi.
  6. [spoiler=character list]Oh man. That Menmus. I didn't know that Menmus was that good, a lot of players got awesome Menmus'. My Menmus has always been so bad, ugh Sure thing! I'm happy you liked the hack, Shugey. ;) Stay tuned for more [spoiler= chapter 6 and 5]Yeah, that problem in ch.5 has already been reported and I'll fix it soon. ;) I'm really not sure how you managed to get that glitch in ch.6. It's the first time I hear of it. Yes, I'll fix the archer's crit sfx, that has been reported by...L95, IIRC. I never noticed that stray pixel in the Warp knight, hmh? But again, it's an animation I made more than one year ago. I might just polish it someday. Yeah, I know that about Judgelight, but it doesn't bother me too much, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's such a cool animation. ;w; And wow, thanks for those compliments! Glad you're having a nice time with MS. [spoiler=demo-end comments]Thank you, I'm happy you liked the hack and the story. ;) Wow, that Menmus... Curious. I thought that I was the only one who tried to beat chapter 8 asap to not get swarmed by those monsters at the end. I designed the last wave to be OP as hell, but it seems that most people didn't have any problems beating those final monsters. XD Apart from you. That's good. Makes me feel satisfied (?) Ahah don't worry, I'm just kidding. See you soon =) There aren't places where you can grind. There'll be some of them in v.2.0 but as for now, try your best to beat the chapters with what you've got. If Difficult mode is too fierce for you, switch to Normal mode. And remember that Difficult mode still has to be balanced. Here are Hellios' growths, anyway: HP - 80% Str - 45% Skl - 50% Spd - 40% Luck - 40% Def - 30% Res - 45% I think Faratrass gets some interesting character development from chapter 4. If you still have doubts after playing chapter 8 and the Interlude, feel free to post 'em, And she'll be developed even more in v.2.0 of course. Thanks for the compliments anyway, glad you like the music. [spoiler=Shiori]That's a good thing (Y) Hello aboose, welcome to the forums! ^^ I'm glad you joined to comment the hack, pretty nice of you. [spoiler=demo end stats]Whoa, just look at those trainees! You did a wonderful job! You even managed to train Sae'rah all the way to level 8, just... whoa. Yeah, Weiss is supposed to level up quickly so he doesn't turn excellent most of the times. He's supposed to replace Hellios somehow. I'm glad you like Rya. =). I'd suggest to keep a save in the Interlude, before picking the route. That way, you can just pick both of them when v.2.0 is released, without having to restart the game for the other route. [spoiler=chapter 7]Have you tried waiting for the enemies on the top left pillar? I'm the top italian player
  7. [spoiler=chapter 5]Ahahah sorry man, I should *definitely* make that easier to understand. ^^" It really isn't, it's a pleasure to me. Granted, exams are approaching and I won't be able to answer everybody's questions asap like I'm doing now, but I'll try my best to be as supportive as possible anyway. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of good folks here that could answer the questions in my place anyway, should I be absent for a while for various reasons. So, I managed to fix that. (Vennobennu helped me, thanks!) Here's the new patch. Please note: - It's *not* tested but it *should* fix the problem. Some feedback would be sweet, let me know if it worked - It probably *won't* work if you've saved in your battle preps. If you didn't, it's fine. Otherwise, get to chapter 7 again by restarting chapter 6 (I seriously hope that you saved on more slots or that you have some savestates as backup) - Kudos for playing Difficult Mode~ (oh, and thanks for the compliments! ^^) Goodnight guys.
  8. [spoiler=stupid chapter 5!]Hm yeah, I should make that crystal clear somehow... I didn't close the shop for everybody but fliers because I wanted to create some nonsensical extra difficulty (that's a really stupid way of making puzzles more difficult) but because it was the only way I could manage to create some proper events with the hungry kid. Otherwise, you could get the croissant with any character and activate the event with a completely different character. That'd have been weird. Having two characters activate the event make it all possible to tell the game to recognise what character activated it-- and I just chose the fliers because they are the ones who are supposed to be used the most in that occasion (why on Earth did you visit that house with somebody else to begin with? XD) sorry for the long and technical explanation Anyway you have a point. I'll just have the crone say something along the lines of "Ho ho ho, I think that [Red]people that enjoy flying[Red] will be quite lucky today..." (Y) Yeah! Holy cow man, you've just won everything. [spoiler=Huge spoilers on demo end]Ahahaha you TOTALLY benched Hellios! Just look at that, he didn't even battle ONCE! Ahahahaha!! And those stats?? Those levels!? Absolutely amazing! Thank you for liking my hack that much, Ancora! ^^ Oh wow. Thanks for that, fuzz. =) And I'm glad you like it. [spoiler=chapter 4 ending]Yeah, he does say "understood": [ToggleMouthMove][A][OpenEyes][MoveMidRight]Okay, okay! I understood.[.][A] Huh, is that wrong? I'll fix it asap then, thanks man! ;) Thankies Thanks, my friend. :) I'm glad you've appreciated the writing so far. =)
  9. Fixed! I should make a tut on how to hack serenes
  10. Man, serenes sucks at times. Let me see if I can fix that post lel
  11. I'll obviously change that later. It's just tedious to replace because it's a bunch of graphics with some nasty TSA. I'll also replace the "Warning" screen you get at the beginning, and hopefully all the animated intro. It's a lot of work I just couldn't do that in time for the first release. Unfortunately FE8 world map events can't be hacked (as far as I know), so I just had to follow the original events of vanilla FE8. All I could change were dialogues and mugs. So if you're blaming my world map prologue for being too long, you're automatically blaming the one in vanilla FE8 too-- it's exactly the same. I do agree with you on the narrator though, it breaks the 3rd wall only in the prologue event, and it could be changed into something more professional and appropriated. Loling here. Queen Moonie? Really? Not only is that a hilariously terrible name, but when I think of Moonie I think of the goddamn moonies. Anyone who knows anything about history and has even faintly heard of them will think of them, and while it was probably unintentional, it does a bad job establishing any kind of serious plot. I can't take a plot seriously when the very first character we meet has such a silly name. ...I don't see anything wrong with that name. It's the nickname I used to give to a dear friend of mine that for various reasons I can't see anymore. She was the one who created Phoebe and Rya, and I used to call her Moonie. I'm sorry if that sounds weird in English. But again, it's full of names that sound weird in other languages. "Lucina" means "Little Light" in Italian. << Oh hey Little Light, how are you?>> "Tiamo" means "I love you". << Hello, I love you... >> <<R-Really!?>> <<To be honest, I was just greeting you...>> But hell, I know those are their names and they're not supposed to sound funny in other languages so I accept them. I'm afraid you're just not as open minded to realise that I didn't call her Moonie because I'm an idiot with a knack for stupid jokes, but because that name is important to me. I don't, and I think 95% of those who played the hack don't see placeholder mugs as a problem either. Also, there's no alternative to placeholder mugs. Shitty splices, maybe? That's not a possibility. I'll just wait for Regina to make those FC mugs, that's not a problem. I think you're pretending a little bit too much from a first release. I'm glad you like him. He will be a very important character in the next release. ....That doesn't make any sense. You're basically saying that I can't name my OC that way because that name was already used by another character in FE? Also, I like "Fa". I've been calling her Fa in my stories for years, even before I even knew there was a Fa in FE6, and I won't change that because *you* don't like it. Fair enough? =) I'm sorry I wasn't able to give her a full character development in the PROLOGUE. So you're saying that the whole demon possession business was invented by Masashi Kishimoto. Okay. ...Even vanilla FE8 has some demon possession in it. ...And another billion stories. Also. "Hoikade" means "At home" in Ancient Greek. =) That's just offensive and nonsensical. I can't read that as constructive criticism. ??? Thanks. Too bad you didn't play 95% of the game. It actually gets even better. Thanks for speaking out loud your thoughts. While I do agree with you on the narrator bit, all the rest seems just like a lot of subjective, moody opinions rather than objective, constructive criticism. I will improve the first few lines of the intro as you suggested, but I reject all the other "critiques" you offered. Should you give the hack a second chance, I hope you enjoy it.
  12. Ah, I forgot to say... prepare yourself to get glitched in chapter 7. D: From the reports I've received, that *often* (if not *always*) happens on Hard mode. LOL you troll I can expand the text pointers limit so that's not a problem. However, the game crashes even under those circumstances. I remember I wanted to remove the world map entirely when I started to hack I was too noob to make it work my own way So I just passed from chapter 1 to chapter 2 without triggering the map events between them, but... that didn't work. After chapter 1, there MUST be the world map events of chapter 2. I still haven't tested with tower chapters but I think it's the same. And, even if that wasn't the case, need I remind you that there's that obnoxious "Retreat" command there? That would bring you back to the world map, breaking the game. Well congrats man, you've just earned my deepest respect. Because of crazy courageous heroes like you, I'll add an Elixir to Saai's inventory. I think he didn't need that. Now I know I was wrong. [spoiler=party after chapter 8]Wow, such low levels. Did you feed all the enemies to Weiss and Puledra, perhaps? Also, that Fa with only 10 Mag... Q_Q But still, kudos for beating the game with those stats, man! (Y) y u not use the trainees D: First of all, as Wayward Winds and Trent have already said, chapter 7 is *not* the last chapter. You still have to play chapter 8 and the Interlude. Unfortunately we still haven't managed to fix the autocursor in chapter 8, so you'll have to move that manually by pressing the "L" button (should be "A" on your keyboard if you're playing the hack on pc). [spoiler=chapter 7 team]I like those titles, man! :D Good job ahah! I'm glad you liked the characters. ^^ I think you just got unlucky with Menmus, many people say he's really good. Needless to say, I must boost Cattleya's stats a bit. She's not... very good right now. Some extra speed might help her double things with her Steel sword, and maybe some extra Res will make her useful to tank mages. Thanks for the feedback! ^^ And lemme know what you think of chapters 8+Interlude. You'll be surprised, I'm sure of it. [spoiler=chapter 7 team]Wow, look at that Fa. More speed than Def? That's rare, she's supposed to be a magical Hector, and her growths are balanced accordingly. Good thing you got a special Fa on your playthrough. Makes everything more interesting. (Y) Yeah, I have to fix Cattleya's stats asap. Man, your Weiss got screwed pretty badly. And I'm sure Menmus will enjoy some DEMON BLOOD (yeah, that's the speedwing replacement *chuckles*) I think he just got bad level ups on her. Rya's pretty good overall, and she's such a versatile unit especially in earlygame. Being able to hit both Def and Res is nice. Her Res is sweet too. Seriously, I tried to make her... at least better than every archer in GBAFE. Q_Q Edit: ninja'd @Wayward Winds: Wow, those stats. And those levels. Pretty good! :0 I wasn't expecting any less from you, tehehe @Ancora: Super Trainees will get an extra weapon rank that no other unit would be able to get (for example, Andre will be able to become a Sage with Dark magic in lategame/postgame if he learns Dark magic through the Genius Pupil class. And with this, I've hinted what my new promotion system will be, sort of), but standard promotions will give them access to better caps and more useful weapons (Staffs for Andre, for example) in midgame.
  13. As far as I know, no. Because of the world map, mainly. If you don't follow the world map events accordingly, the game crashes.
  14. Same as Sacred Stones. 20 chapters with route split within chapters 9 and 14, + skirmishes (with extra maps) + Tower of Trials + Ruins of ??? (I've yet to decide the name)
  15. It does help, because all the reports came from people who were playing on hard mode (I still didn't receive any confirmation from eclipse, but as far as I know she was playing on HM too), so it's almost certain that it's a bug related to that mode. I'll see if there's something mode-related in the original events of chapter 7.
  16. Were you playing Hard mode when that glitch on chapter 7 occurred?
  17. [spoiler=chapters 6-7]Yeah, the Soul Mirror will be relevant plot-wise. Hm, you get to know something on it at the end of chapter 7. ....Wut, slow Cristoph and fast Menmus? dat RNG. Menmus never turns out good in my playthroughs. ;_; (Y) Thank youu! ^^ Yeah, that glitch has been fixed in v. 1.1.
  18. [spoiler=chapter 6]LOL. I never noticed that. Good thing! Now you can just drop him somewhere and have him DESTROY some troops! (Y) Yeah, there's very little I can do about that boss sigil as far as I know. It doesn't bother me anyway, it's pretty cool, lel ...just track down in a doc all the wrong SFX you notice and I'll fix them sooner or later thanks, sweetie
  19. You're welcome! Sure thing, here you go: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37015&hl=design That topic is a gold mine.
  20. I'm sorry but that's a terrible idea. Then people wouldn't be able to gain some precious exp to beat chapter 9A/B when v.2.0 is released. I'll just block the access to skirmishes for now. Maybe I'll make them available when I gather some more data and I'm pretty sure of what should be done with the difficulty of the next chapters. As for now, if you want some post-demo content, you can play the Link Arena. I've *not* worked on all those alternate battle palettes for nothing! Tip: you can use both Shiori and Faratrass in the same team if you use the Interlude save. that doesn't work with the ch.9 save though I sent you a PM. ...And I've absolutely no idea on why that happens. I should discuss this some more with other experienced hackers. Yeah, probably an emulation issue. ;) Thanks for reporting anyway! Sure thing! Thanks for the suggestions! (Y) These are my mindfucks for ya, sweeties Glad you enjoyed the hack ^_^ Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed the hack! Also, v.2.0 will (*should*) contain all the chapters up to ch.16, including the route split (so, 9A 9B 10A 10B 11A 11B 12A 12B 13A 13B 14A 14B 15 and 16). That's a total of 14 chapters... pretty much 40% more than now. So it might take me a while to make all of them. At least one more year (just because I'm way faster now). But I'll publish some updates in the meantime, don't worry. Glad I was able to give you an eargasm. Yeah sorry, linking ROMs is illegal and not allowed here.
  21. [spoiler=chapter 2 events]Actually, Menmus replaces Gilliam. And I can choose the support partners for each character, don't worry. As of now, they're still the standard ones because I haven't bothered to edit them. It is. I still don't want you to get extra exp, I need to gather some data and balance the skirmishes and the Tower accordingly. That's not exactly a spoiler. XD I'm glad you like that music! (Y) Edit 'cause I got ninja'd: @Lindsy: "Only"? That's the penultimate chapter..! ;o Good luck! >w<
  22. Yeah, I'll probably do that. I just need to make her better, especially because she's quite tricky to get and I want to reward the player accordingly. sure, she's not as tricky to get as Karla in FE7... I don't know, but that's a possibility indeed. Also, the Victory Music on that chapter is supposed to play when there are 3 or less enemies left on the map. Yeah, that's true. Is that disturbing at all? I thought it could work with that spinning movement she does... As for Hellios, there's very little I can do about that. Ok, so I think that the problem lies within the "Game Over" macro in the Event Assembler. I'll try to use the original code used in vanilla FE8 and let you know. wat I think you just broke the game
  23. [spoiler=Final chapter of demo (spoiler)]Eheh! I'm glad you liked it! Huh, you managed to beat the final wave? Congrats. Sure thing, I'll publish the growth rates in a few weeks. I just want people to play this without knowing them for a while. And thanks, that'd be great. Well, I'm glad you liked it! [spoiler=General comments, spoilers]About the soldiers in the prologue. You're right, but that's a very little detail most player won't notice. I just don't want to use one extra battle convo text ID because I'm already low on them... And, anyway, in order to beat the chapter Faratrass WILL always trigger that dialogue. There's one thing I could do for sure: give a "Talk" command to Faratrass. It's stupid though, because she'd just get killed on the following turn even if story-wise it makes sense Oh, you can do this already with the weaker enemies, did you know? ;) So hmh, I think I'll just leave it like that... Was Cattleya weak? Really? You're not the first who says that, and it kinda confuses me. I think she was ok... anyway, I'll boost her stats a little. Maybe some more Res could come in handy. Not sure if I should boost her Str, she's a female myrmidon after all. Ah, and chapter 3 has a lot of axes. I think Sae'rah is weak because she has to catch up with the others and she doesn't have enough chapters to do so. Djambo is really good if you train him. Also, Weiss is supposed to replace Hellios somehow, that's why he's a little OP and high-leveled. Hm, not sure about the Flash tomes, because then the monks wouldn't be a treat at all. I might consider that though, you have a point. Thanks for playing and enjoying Midnight Sun! ^^ Nice comment too, it was really interesting. [spoiler=Final comments]Thank you very much! ^^ I'm glad you liked the hack! Yeah, I think Cattleya didn't have much screentime, but she'll have some more eventually. Same for other characters. Oh, and support conversations will be a thing in the next release, so... that will help. Ahahah yeah chapter 7 is quite difficult. Thanks again! [spoiler=chapter 6]You probably supended/restarted the chapter after visiting the village. That's a known issue that I pointed out in "Known Issue.txt" (it comes in the patch folder). I'll be fixing that in v.1.2 anyway, I've found a way to get around that problem.
  24. Whooo, I finished the demo! Great work so far. The story in particular is excellent, great ideas! It could be developed a bit better in some points though (for example, the beginning of Pr.2). Some constructive criticism and compliments: [spoiler=tons of screenshots] That's a nice touch! Her animation is a WIP, right? It's good, I like where this is going. OUCH! So much for all that "Faith"... I'd suggest to make some scripted on-map battles here rather than just killing off the guys. The first time it happens it's ok though, since you kill him in the dialogue. Also... umh, I'm not a big fan of maps that are basically long hallways that lead to the boss. I think that markyjoe's chapter design ideas influenced me a bit here. I'd suggest you to read that topic on map design he made though, it's really useful This part was really hilarious! Nice touch with the sword sound effects too! ...However, this is the part I was talking about earlier that needs some polish. It all happens so fast. And it doesn't even make much sense, they cut it and run just to... rush in again immediately after? I know that it's because the mage girl needs the books, but still... Lel, this was glorious ...Swords? Also I haven't tried to do that, but you could theoretically kill these OP wyverns if you put them to sleep with the Assassin's weapon, right? Talking about that weapon, it's awesome. Ah, this chapter design is good. I liked it. It's quite difficult, it's thrilling, and the Jeigan Assassin only makes it better. Erm... did those guys just spawn out of the blue? And that happens quite often in pr.3 and 4. Make sure to have them spawn from stairs or just load them offscreen and move the camera properly to reveal them when needed. Another droppable Light brand? Isn't that a little too much? Also, this guy is strong, geez. I had to knock him off with the Assassin. Also, too many Flasks imo. That's a total of 9 of them! They kill the chapter's difficulty and that's a shame, because the design of pr.4 is actually very good. So, basically... you're doing well, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see more of this! (Y)
  25. Oh heyo. I see you're on serenes too. ^^

    1. MisterIceTeaPeach


      Hi Alfred Kamon,

      Your FE Hack "Midnight Sun"is great! I'm very interested in it.

      Unfortunately I cannot download this Hack just now, because my laptop has not enough memory for an emulator. I will change it as soon as possible.

      And I have to read the instructions of "emulating", because I have no experience in this topic so far. I have only played original copies of FE games yet.

      So it will take a few days, if I can start to play your...

    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      Don't worry, that'll be pretty easy. ;)

      You just have to download an emulator (Visual Boy Advance is pretty good), a program called NUPS and the two ROMs (the original Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (U) and my .ups patch).

      Open NUPS, patch the .ups to the original ROM, and then play the result in VBA. Easy!

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