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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Hm, answering to the OP... Masturbating may be considered natural. But nobody is constricted to do that anyway- we have our own urges and our own ways to deal with them. Porn, however, is all but natural. And it can become an ADDICTION. It's a drug, no less, no more. If any of you don't believe me, well, you probably are uninformed, or not enough honest to yourself (if you think it's not an addiction, then I ask to those guys who watch porn regularly... try to not watch it for, like, one month. Just try it.) - So, what does porn do to the brain? I think you might find this article to be quite interesting. If you are a bit lazy to go through that wall of text (though I really suggest you to spend few minutes of your time reading it), just know that every time you watch (please note: I didn't say masturbate to) porn, you produce deltaFosB. From that article: This video also is quite explicative. - Why do people watch porn? There are two main reasons for that. 1) Because people are fucking perverts and they do like watching porn~ Simple as that. (hey, there's nothing wrong being perverts! Probably everybody has a pervert side) 2) Because porn is an easy and accessible way to reward your brain. This time I'll quote part of a really beautiful post on an interesting forum: Men tend to feel shame and discomfort when they masturbate to porn. Eventually, porn brings them to manifest social anxiety, depression, inability to enjoy 'simple' things that aren't as interesting as porn, and other psychological issues. But also, some physical problems like porn-induced erectile disfunction. When that discomfort and sadness overwhelms them, how do they comfort themselves? By watching some more porn. It's a loop. - Just my two cents Serenes isn't the proper place to talk about porn issues, probably. So I'll keep this post short. If any of the people who read this post watch porn abitually, and they have feelings of guilt and/or are unhappy of their life and watch porn to have some 'shameful pleasure'... then you should consider the fact that you may be addicted, or that you may have some problems that need to be solved, rather than drowned in porn for a few minutes. The websites I linked may help you. If you watch porn and you are perfectly fine with it (no feelings of guilt, no stress or social anxiety or brain fog) then I've nothing to say to you. It either means you are either so much into it that you can't tell you're addicted or, at the opposite, that you've just accepted it as a part of yourself and you're perfectly fine with it. If you don't watch porn, props to you~
  2. Hehe, thanks for your enthusiasm, Shadowrion! ^^ Huh, that's a BIG compliment. Thank you very much, Luminar! Oh, that F-Zero theme is still in. I've also polished it, hehe. That's enough for me, Xtremekiwi. Even if you didn't have anything in particular to say, you still commented, and that was a pleasure. Thank you for your interest! Ah, I don't have any new screens to show this time, guys. I just wanted to reply to some old comments... Yeah I'm late, I know. As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Less than one month to the release!
  3. It's a good start and those maps don't look bad. Graphically, they're nice. Gameplay-wise, though, they seem to be a bit boring. What I mean is that the Prologue map is really small, and I can't understand why there are three chests there. Are you getting a thief since the beginning? Giving the player three easy rewards like those isn't a good thing, imo. The map of chapter 1, on the opposite, is too wide and open. There aren't any walls and/or forest there that could give the terrain some more variety. Chapter 1x is fine, maybe it just has a little forest tilespam in the north, but overall it's ok. Hm, these are my humble suggestions. I hope I haven't been too direct or harsh, I know that it takes some time to get accustomed to criticism... To sum it up, I can see a lot of potential in this. Good luck!
  4. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-109968058 omg I'm so crazy innovative
  5. SSB4 ZS Samus is just too good~ loving her design... now she (literally) kicks some ass!

    1. eCut


      Right? I think they did a great job with her. ^_^

      Definitely going to be my new main!

  6. You just remembered me about Saito and Louise *shivers* And yeah, they're not in the hack anymore. Hmmm.... I have no plans for a physical Athos so far. But yeah, still a long way to go. Many things may change in the meantime.
  7. > Not yet, I'll get back to that in the near future. I'm still of the opinion that it's not possible to have custom events work in skirmishes, but I have to test that some more. Skirmishes will be in the first release, though. At least, the first one. The tower will also be included. > Since it's hard to define "strategically interesting", it's not easy to give some good examples either. Let's see.... most of the things I wrote in the first post could be good examples. More variety to weapon effectiveness, enemies, stats in general. Stuff (and characters) that in order to be unlocked, they will push your strategical prowess to its limits. Something like that. I didn't want at all to create a FE game where all you have to do is "wait with strong units in forests -> mow down the enemies easily -> proceed -> conquer". Other hacks have already covered this problem pretty much, and they've been quite inspiring. So, I think that you'll need a bit of strategy here, especially in some chapters. Nothing too tedious, but not something like the original FE8 either. > Thanks!
  8. Ahah! Anyway yes, it will. =) I've already all of the background story plotted out. (... is this even English? eek) Most of the juicy details will be revealed only in the last chapters of the game, though... still a long way to go.
  9. What's with that SnS avatar? 8D Gorgeous!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      If you want to see my gush/rant review of my reactions watching the final season, check out this post in the anime thread I made recently: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=18595&p=3025855

      My favorite moment (other than the ending) was probably when Shana and Yuuji were fighting on the Snake in the Abyss, and she gives him that amazing speech, finally confesses her feelings to him, and vows to defeat him. I love that scene so much!

    3. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      Whooo that's my favorite scene too! :D

      And yup, I'll check that out. ^^

      So, why do you like Shana that much?

    4. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      I dunno, I just really admire most of her qualities and think she's really cool! I like that in a heavy action series the lead heroine is a girl about as tiny as I am who, while being the total badass that she is most of the time, is still learning more everyday about how to interact with others and understand her feelings; things she never got a chance to experience and discover before. In some ways she's like a kindred spirit to me since we share some similar insecurities.

  10. Yup, there'll be support convos! And, more importantly, you'll get some cool items and stuff from supports (if I manage to implement hextator's assembly hack). Supports won't be available in version 1.0 though. Also, enemy knights can use all kinds of weapons. (you won't see a knight with all of them though, of course) This applies to Cavaliers too. Enemies' weapon ranks tend to vary- they're not fixed. For example you see enemy cavaliers with Axes and Lances, or Sword and Lances, but the playable Cavalier you get uses Axes and Swords.
  11. Ahah thanks! That's the new Hammer btw, it's effective against heavily-armored opponents *and* skeletons. Skeletons have very high def and decent speed in MS, so weapons like the Bonecrusher will really save the day. Everybody, feel free to ask some more questions if you have any.
  12. Sorry for the laaate answers guys, I've been quite busy. And sometimes I like working in secret, hehehe. Sooo... the release date is approaching~ 1) Like Ghast said, this hack isn't related to FE8. It takes place in a parallel universe "where the same events occurred with different characters" (as written in the very first lines of the prologue). Basically characters will often refer to the War of the Stones, or to the Demon King, but Eirika and Ephraim & co. never existed here. Even the nations are different. Same folklore, different setting. 2) Sure, why not. Have some Rya She's not exactly "new" for those who've been following this topic since the very beginning but hey, it's always nice to see our dear Royal Archer. [btw yeah, magical arrows do magical damage. There'll be 4-5 magical bows in the game. Also, you won't get any magical bows if she's dead.] 3) Yeah, a lot! I tried to be innovative. Most of them are new promotions though, so just about 3-4 new classes will be in the first released version. 4) Yup, there are some new sets. For example, Agile weapons. They have very low Mt, few uses, high crit and they can strike consecutively (brave effect). They're pretty useless against opponents with medium-high def, but they're great against fragile opponents like mages, or thieves. Since they're quite hard to obtain, and they have few uses, they can be considered some sort of "Jolly". Thank you! -46 days!
  13. Happy birthday.

  14. Happy Birthday Neal!! >w<

    1. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      I'm finally 18, whoo! xP

    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      You're not a shota anymore

    3. Fruity Insanity

      Fruity Insanity

      W-was I ever a shota? Actually, yeah.


  15. [spoiler=about the true ending]Yes, but that was just symbolic I suppose. He got the soul from a Celestial, not from his brother: this is what Ouroboros actually said, it is *not* a theory. Ouroboros also said "see the Celestial realm there?" when the interdimensional gate opened during the last battle, revealing the player's face. So Celestial realm = Our world (fact) and Celestials = humans from our world (fact) Tiz has got the soul of a person from our world (fact) Celestial's soul in Tiz = player (strongly implied, since the player "controls" him during the adventure)
  16. ^ [spoiler=true ending]Yeah, I totally agree. All that Celestial Realm camera thingy was pure genius. The OST was what brought me to buy the game in the first place. And I'm looking forward to Bravely Second! Actually, I've rewatched the trailer 5 times already and I always notice new details. It took me a while to see Magnolia's arrow attack from the upper-left window, haha! (also pls make Tiz a 50 yo man with a beard and epic moustache in Bravely Second)
  17. That's why you need to practice. And there *is* some sort of criteria there, as you'll notice in time. ;)
  18. Primefusion's mapping tutorial should help you quite a bit. Also... refer to actual maps from the original games. FE8 map in Caer Pelyn from Eirika's route is my favorite, it has LOTS of mountains of many different forms (you can find the original maps in a strange website called serenesforest). And finally... practice! Practice a lot! ;o
  19. I don't know you, but you Sir are an adoraaaabluh genius. ... And you're not. ;_; (jk jk ^^)
  20. It's cool. Hmm... While I don't think I'll follow that pattern, the idea of making skirmishes, Tower and Ruins very different from each other is good. They were pretty much all the same in FE8. Same boring concept: mow down all the monsters. Prepare yourselves for some uber eventing in the Tower~ I'll start working on that one soon. just have to find out how perma IDs work... and which ones are free to use Thankies :o Uh, pretty sure you just have to assemble events, haha. Skirmishes were pretty much uncovered when I started hacking, and nobody I asked could tell me how to hack them. I found out you could do that with events (though with some limitations). Simple as that... The only problem is that some of the Tower/Ruins floors can't be Disassembled and, therefore, reassembled properly. And I doubt they'll work without all those <<Unknown>> codes. As for the Yes/No command, that would require some assembly hacking... not worth the effort.
  21. Are you sure? I was aware of events in Tower/Valni, but even in Skirmishes? I should test it some more, as far as I remember that wasn't possible. That's a possibility indeed, but I'd prefer some better design whenever possible. . . /derp, sorry for double post ;_; I actually wanted to edit the previous one
  22. Hey, these are the kinds of ideas I was searching for; pretty great I should say! ^^ Good job. @John: Hmm... I could indeed include some Risen humans there. Just like in the Tower or Ruins. @Sairento: "A character with a small chance of appearing in skirmishes" -> I'm pretty sure this is doable. But I can't reduce the chances below 33%. "that you could recruit" -> This is *really* difficult, because as far as I know, Skirmishes events are executed automatically and can be summarized with the following: > Activate map change with ID #0 > Load one of the three random lists of units for skirmishes on this map I'm 100% sure that Location-Based events (Houses, etc.) won't work anymore on Skirmishes maps. I still have to test Character-based events though (the "Talk" commands pretty much) but I'm almost sure they won't work... which kinda limits our possibilities, uh. "Dude that rewards you if you protect him" -> Again, this would require some sort of "Ending Scene" event, which can't be executed in Skirmishes. Klok we're talking about Skirmishes, not the Tower/Ruins. We had already discussed about those two months ago. Anyway It's an interesting concept. I wanted to do something similar already, and limit the amount of floors you can visit (making you able to unlock new floors when you progress in the story or meet some requirements).
  23. Thank you~ That much is pretty obvious anyway. I want to make things a little more interesting. And there are a lot of possibilities, actually. Who said that strong enemies = tons of exp? They could be just strong but at lv.1, and the actual point of fighting them would be the possibility to get some rare weapons. Just putting weak enemies that allow you to get infinite exp would make it the same as FE8. I would be pretty much ignoring everything we said about Valni/Lagdou back in January, and I don't want that. XP Oh, guys, feel free to ask me anything about the hack. I might also post some screenshots to answer you eventually. XP Some pre-release extra information might be nice for ya, right? ~
  24. And you should try the true pizza! :0 Why are you so obsessed with bananas?
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