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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Wh-What!? I need to fix that asap! D: Was it the player phase, or the enemy phase? Also yes, that's normal, Faratrass is like a magical Hector stats-wise. Thanks ^^
  2. It's not a bug, most likely an emulation issue. [spoiler=chapter 4 recruitment]Unfortunately you should just retry until he appears on turn 4, or replay chapter 3 and then finish chapter 4 without suspending/resuming the game. I'm sorry for that, there's very little I can do about it.
  3. Thanks ^^ And sure thing, I can teach you. I won't be able to make a new OST for you because that'd take me... at least a month (if you want something of MS quality). But once you learn you'll see that it's pretty easy (sort of) and entertaining to hack music. That's odd. Very odd. It never happened to me. Could you get me a savestate? Thanks! ^^ [spoiler=chapter 5]Bahahah!! Yeah it's pretty tricky to get all the items in that chapter. You're on chapter 5 already, btw? GG. [spoiler=chapter 4 recruitment]To get Garion, you have to talk to him with Fa on chapter 3. He'll then spawn on chapter 4 turn 4 and he'll be recruitable by Shiori. If by the end of the chapter Garion is alive, he'll save Djambo, who'll then join you.
  4. That was smart. :3 [spoiler=chapter 1]An iron sword and a tonic. and dat Zelda music
  5. That's strange because it's the same background. I never changed it. Maybe just play around with your emulator options a bit. Khkhkh it's pretty easy to miss that recruitment since I created 6 alternate endings to make it seem that you didn't miss anything. *cough* And thanks for the compliment!
  6. Thank you guys for all the warm support! ^^ I'm looking forward to read your desperate comments on chapter 5 @SB: remember to use the spoiler tags! [spoiler=about chapter 3]Just use the Supply command to give the Tonics to Fa once you've killed the thieves. Yeah, that wyver rider ambush spawning is a bit nasty. But you should be expecting that theoretically, there's that scene where the soldier says he's going to call his friends... the area where they spawn also is the same where the first soldier appeared). Garion doesn't have a death quote because he's not supposed to die.
  7. If that problem bothers you, yes. Otherwise just ignore it. ;)
  8. OK, it should be fixed now~ Thanks for reporting Trivia: Chapter 2 has 6 different endings.
  9. Read the "How to patch.txt" file in the folder. If you need more information, just ask. Can I know what you did exactly? That never happened to me. Thanks for the compliments btw ^^ P.S. Thanks Haku ^^ I'm glad you like it
  10. Thanks--- OH CRAP, I forgot to insert you in the Credits! I'll be adding you in the Special Thanks asap
  11. Thank you all. ^^ I'm really happy that a lot of people were looking forward to this. I'll be waiting for your feedback! =) ... ...And for your well-trained pegasi to bring me the money. *chuckles* rest assured, I'm trolling. inb4 someone has a sense of humour that is worse than mine
  12. No, I didn't balance Difficult mode. It will be included in a later version. For now, just select Normal.
  13. I've been looking forward to this moment... Here we go. DOWNLOAD Fire Emblem: Midnight Sun! v.1.0 Enjoy! ^^ *collapses after countless hours of work without sleeping* P.S. Remember that you have to patch it to a fresh Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (U) ROM! inb4 people patch it to FE7 P.P.S. A few notes. - "Difficult mode" hasn't been balanced yet. I suggest you to just stick to Normal mode for now. - Most Enemy/NPC portraits are simple recolors. They're just placeholders, obviously. inb4 someone says the enemy mugs suck - Be sure to read Known Issues.txt
  14. Hey guys, it's finished. I'm writing the credits and other few notes. Expect the patch in the next 15 minutes or so.
  15. Yes, that's her. And thanks, she'll be happy to hear that. .... I've found a glitch. Need some time to fix it. A couple of hours at least. Heh, it happens. But the hack WILL be released today, don't worry. ;) You have my word.
  16. Hello. Don't worry, I'll release the hack publicly here as soon as I finish polishing the last few things. As I stated before: That would be 5 pm today in Portugal. ;) You're such a boss, Rey (Y) And it seems that happened due to a stupid mistake on my part. I'll fix the other animation scripts asap. Your nitpicks were sprites because I was the spriter. I deeply believe in Regina's work, so I'm pretty sure you'll like the sprites this time. If you mean the new animations... mh, I've polished them. But I'll let you judge whether they're acceptable or not. ;)
  17. Bwahah, I'm glad to see you're all hyped. X3 Thank you for your kind words, Siuloir. ^^ And yeah, for some reason I thought that you always used "an" before a vocal. I think they taught me that back in middle school... they were wrong, then. Or I didn't follow the lessons properly (ahah). That was my plan, at first. But I underestimated the amount of work I still had to do. And I want everything to be purrrfect... I'm such a perfectionist at times, lel I'll be releasing it around 6 pm, Italian time. (12 am in New York)
  18. Yeah, that's true. Well, we'll all do better in the future, right~? ;) And imo the community has become a lot more welcoming in the past months. ALL THE NEWBIES It's okay, Trent. ^^ I'm glad it's settled. Nngh, can't wait to see those videos. (I've already repeated this, like, 5 times. I'm really looking forward to it, ahah) Thanks, man. :) You've been one of the first people here who encouraged me and had faith in my work. and we had lots of fun in the pokémon section too Oh and with Bravely Default as well A few extra notes: - You can't access the Tower of Trials in v. 1.0. I must work on it some more. - Supports are not... supported in v. 1.0. I want to make them play as actual events rather than plain text edits, and that'll take me a while. - As for now, Enemy/NPC characters will use some placeholder mugs. Most of them are just recolors. All of the playable characters will have full custom mugs, though. - Someone on reddit was wondering if the writing in Midnight Sun was any good. Apparently that "an unique" in the trailer caused a bit of a ruckus. While my English isn't perfect, I've been helped by Wayward Winds on the script. He proofread it like a boss. Seriously, he did a great job correcting all my grammar atrocities, haha! So there shouldn't be any mistakes, hopefully. Ah, we're using British English rather than American English. It was my choice to do so, since this project was born in Europe. Simple as that. Less than 24 hours left!
  19. Thank you very much Vestige, I hope so. :) Eww man. I should probably tell you two things. Firstly, THANK YOU. Your criticism has been really precious. Your words resonated in my mind every time I was lazy (feel free to laugh at this, but I'm not kidding. Whenever I had to better some aspect of the hack, I could hear you saying "IT'S STILL NOT THAT GOOD. GOOD LUCK WITH THE PROBLEMS.") Secondly, HOLY CRAP MAN. You were mean. :c I've been depressed for months because of those critiques. I didn't update the topic for months because I feared the critiques, is that even normal on a public forum!? I think you could have been a bit nicer. But anyway, it's part of the past, and I was a butthurt cocky newbie so that served me as a lesson. Just know that everybody else would have dropped the project that moment, lel Jokes apart, I'm really looking forward to your videos, guys! ^^ It makes me really happy to know that you'll be making those. Thanks fuzz! ;D ... M-More anticipation for Shatterlight? Why?? I even have the Fatass! ;A; jk jk, as long as it's for Shatterlight I forgive you. u.u @Skitty: Don't use Swagger on Celice, he has the Own Tempo ability and you only boost his attack that way. But in all seriousness, come on, don't tease each other for silly stuff like that. :c
  20. Wow ma sul serio?? Ahahah questa sì che è una bella sorpresa! XD Sure, feel free to ask me anything. ;)
  21. dat italian XD Grazie, Haku ^^ I'm glad you like the hack. I'm also looking forward to playing Shatterlight on the 25th, you're having some great and quick progress! :)
  22. Thanks ^^ And I hope so. Thanks, guys! X3 It's better than some lewd stuff, isn't it? Hey Rey! Thank you very much for the compliments! Haha don't worry you're right, the hack wasn't that good back in the day. I still remember you facepalm'd like crazy when you saw that cameo of Louise from ZnT *cough* But luckily she isn't there anymore. Yup! He's Schwarz and he rides a black pegasus like a boss! He has some weird stats too for being a peg knight, and he can use *only* swords. No lances for a peg knight!? BLASPHEMY! Thanks ^^ It was supposed to be a checkered hat, but for various reasons we kept it like that. [spoiler=huge sketch incoming] Bahah thanks man! ^^ I won't take responsibility if you collapse due to lack of sleep tho
  23. Guys, thanks for all the support and love! :D I always read all of your comments and God knows how much I appreciate them. Well then... 3 days left! (huh, it's the 21st here, so only 2 days left for me, haha!) TIME TO TIP THE SCALES! *crits for 0 damage*
  24. As far as I know, that happens because you're trying to insert too many frames. Remove some more of them. I've tested that in the past, and it seems the lenght of single frames isn't much related to the matter, it's just the number of frames that causes problems, really.
  25. Don't get me wrong. When I said " you've just accepted it as a part of yourself and you're perfectly fine with it." I wasn't implying that you were an addict. You may be an addict and be fine with it, or you could just watch porn every once in a while and be fine with it. That's what I meant. Also, watching porn per se isn't addicting, it becomes an addiction when you hyperstimulate your brain and produce an excessive amount of deltaFosB. How much deltaFosB is "too much" deltaFosB? Well, it depends. People are different, and they react differently to stimuli. If someone here watches porn everyday, or even once every two-three days, chances are high that he's addicted. But again, we're talking about "chances". I'm not accusing anyone and categorising people isn't part of my line of thoughts. My deepest apologies if I expressed myself poorly in the last few lines of the last post. P.S. Please note that it's way easier to produce an excessive amount of deltaFosB with porn rather than with a ton of chocolate cakes. Eating a chocolate cake is fine; eating a ton of cakes isn't. The problem is that the equivalent of "a ton of cakes" in porn is.. well, not that much. That's why you never see a chocolate cake addict. ;)
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