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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. .... Are you seriously talking about hentai? And of 10 yo characters?
  2. Umh, yeah. >,< Faratrass is an important name to me, anyway. That's why I'm so attached to it, it's certainly not a random name I came up with while being drunk, haha. uh especially because I don't drink It's due to my sexy voice, isn't it? Hehe yup! =) Thank you very much! >o< Fixed <3 So, random question: what's better in your opinion for skirmishes difficulty? While we've already discussed about the Tower/Ruins, I'm still not sure about these ones. Should the enemies be weaker than normal in skirmishes to allow characters who were left behind to get some levels, while not giving much exp to those who are already high levelled? Or should the enemies be even stronger, just for the challenge (making it more difficult and more rewarding to get some extra exp)? I could even do both, maybe some skirmishes will be extra hard but they'll give you some good loot, and other skirmishes will be way easier but won't give you anything relevant... that was the general idea I had. I'm still testing it though.
  3. The pic I posted clearly proves that it was a kiss on the cheek. Kisses on lips are drawn differently, her face position indicates she's kissing his cheek and not his lips (that's simple perspective) and you can see Satoshi's mouth half open there. Have you ever kissed someone's lips properly while his mouth was open? I guess not, it's impossible in fact. But still, you can have your own convintions~
  4. Nope, it was on the cheeck. Only poorly animated.
  5. we want some proof Anyway, I didn't know that, I haven't been following the anime much. Eek, the last season(s) I wached was the one(s) back in Johto. Still, Serena is the first one who often blushes around him and made him cookies, I suppose.
  6. I just like the fact that Serena has a crush on Satoshi and she doesn't even hide it. But again, I just watched the first few episodes. I'm pretty sure they did that to get people hooked on future character devolpment. I assume there's barely any Serena x Satoshi as of now. / suppositions
  7. Haha! It's ok. It's a strange name after all. Thanks~ lel you perv what's with those avatars btw, they're creepy Yes, that's the right pronounciation. =)
  8. Oh, what a shame. 'Night then. ... Aaand I should probably go too. See ya
  9. And the personal message below the username nice editing, I should say XP
  10. Meh, the world is full of immature people, you aren't constricted to pay them attention. How can you be so easily discouraged? I would have done nothing in life if I took in account all the injustified insults I received. You can also play with your friends. Come on, it'll be fun. Oh, I see. Seems like a nice guy. X3 I've seen him around for a while now
  11. Well, you can still play competitively (sort of) on Showdown, without having to bother about IVs and EVs Wat sounds so awkwardly lovey-dovey Hint: it was a hack. And there aren't many hacks with zombies.
  12. ^ This. I'm such a terrible person. X3 But the bridge theme is way cooler than the castle theme, imo =) Nice catch, anyway, you have good musical memory :0 Unacceptable! But d'aww, I thought it was adoraaaabluh. Well, I know it's bad, among the ones I inserted it's the only midi you touched, after all Your fault, Matto-sama :3
  13. your son from the future? Traumatic experiences get easily forgotten that's why you didn't recognize me at first
  14. Uuuh, yeah btw, reading those posts and... WAT What have I done *facedesk* Hey back then I just wanted to try my new team and you were there sooo.... I never thought I would have traumatized you My apologies. I can help you get started on competitive battling someday if you want, anyway ;o
  15. ^ posted on February 28th... Eek, do you seriously remember all the recent posts of FftF?
  16. Yup. I still remember dat colossal facepalm of yours after dat zombie crit epic It's nice to meet you too, Koneko. But really, don't treat me like a vip or something, it's embarassing, haha. I'm just a normal person... who happens to be quite good at a game. That's pretty much all. ^^" So, I assume you play pokémon too? I don't recall having seen you in that subforum, though
  17. I'm everywhere. Even in your worst nightmares
  18. Fine thanks. .... Even if I should probably sleep, it's almost 2 am here and I have to wake up early Oh well *shrugs* I can stay a little more And how are you? W-What *blushes*
  19. ... John were you the one who wrote me pervy jokes on YT about Severa?
  20. Actually the title is a metaphor for "Light in utter darkness" or something like that. The two main Lords also use Light and Dark magic But there'll also be the actual midnight sun phenomenon in the lategame. Thanks~ Just wait for the release date on May 23rd, then~
  21. thanks, I'm glad you like it I was making sure she was still stalking me Shy? It's not that you get eaten there. ;) Maybe... Thanks for the compliments ^^ Thank you :0 ... J?
  22. Awww, come on, I just have a terrible sense of humor~ <3 Hmmm, oh, I see. Thank you very much Lindsy, I'll keep that in mind. =)
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