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Alfred Kamon

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Everything posted by Alfred Kamon

  1. Alright. ... Which was your timezone by the way? I can't really remember, sorry. Nice. :0 As I said to Craig, you should tell me your timezone and general availability. I should have some free time tomorrow hopefully. They're all Italian, yes. I've got Helioptiles with Dry Skin, Sand Veil or Solar Power. Gibles have Sand Veil or Rough Skin.
  2. *shrugs* I can totally understand you, man. Let them talk. They're only good at insulting people on the internet since all they have in their life are some useless points in an online game. I may be brutal but most of the people I've found on Showdown gave me that impression. I must say I've found some really kind folk too, though. But that's kinda rare. How does Manaphy work in gen 6 btw? I haven't tried out that yet.
  3. I am. If you're free tomorrow, I'll give that to you. It's decent in all stats but SpDef, IIRC.
  4. I'm going to give away the following: - 4 IVs Modest + Agility Mareeps - 4 or even 5 (I should check) IVs Timid Helioptiles - 4 IVs Jolly Gibles - 4 IVs Modest or Adamant Charmanders - 4 IVs Rash Honedges (good for mixed sets!) - DreamWorld Modest Landorus with Sheer Force and decent IVs... I've got only one of this, it's my spare one from gen 5 >,< ... And they're all free! I might need some time to farm some of them, but feel free to ask if you need any. I don't want anything in return.
  5. Hmmm... cm'on people! We need 13 leaders and only 10 have asked for a tryout battle so far. Aren't there 3 more people who want to join this? Come on, it's going to be fun! haha
  6. I get insulted the whole time when I win because I apparently got quite high on the ladder (1600-1700) and people can't accept to lose some mere 20 points. Am I the only one who doesn't give a crap about points? All I want is to play against strong opponents. I don't want to create new usernames each time I play because people in their 1000-1200s aren't competitive enough in my opinion most of the times, but why all the top players have to be dicks? :\ "You use baton pass you're gay" "Only faggots use that set" (this one was the best): "OMG my Will-o-Wisp hit you, but if I had missed, you would have KOed me and I would have countered you and won. I get haxed even when I am lucky -__- you suck, die haxor *forfeits*" .... Seriously? I just don't understand if most people on showdown are kids or angry immature nerds, or both. It took me several years to create my original sets, I just won't allow them to insult me because I'm "unoriginal" since I don't follow those overused and boring standard sets.
  7. Yay I'm friends with Athena! \^^/ ... Oh man, that avatar. Is that supposed to be.. Athena's and Blackquill's daughter? Or just some sort of fusion? Or a simple random palette swap?

    1. Ema Skye

      Ema Skye

      Pretty sure its a palette swap. haha

      I found it on tumblr. :P

    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      Well that's cool. Talking about Athena, I've found out that some sort of "voice psychology" really exists, and it's based on analysis of "mood markers". Kinda familiar, uh?

    3. Ema Skye

      Ema Skye

      That is eerily accurate.

      Too bad my university doesn't offer voice psychology courses. :/

  8. Eheh, I had fun~ Thanks for the battle! Unaware+Cosmic Power Clefable could give me some trouble indeed. that's why I should run a Sniper Kingdra
  9. Uh... Mega-Lucario, uber? Nah. It's OU and pretty strong, but not an Uber indeed. Talonflame and Aegislash are quite diffused and counter it 9/10 times, so... There also are many other pokémon who could take it without problems. Seriously. Just switch in at the right time, take one hit and 1HKO it. It's not difficult. It's just that people, especially on Showdown, always use the same pokémon with the same sets which happen to be unreliable against M-L. >_> Seriously, I get always insulted when I get around 1700s in Showdown because I use uncommon sets that people can't predict. .__. Honestly speaking, I didn't have a problem with Mega-Gengar either. Mega Kangaskhan and Blaziken were definitely uber though, yes.
  10. *facepalm* I just put a shitty Ditto on the GTS and got a Modest Xerneas with 31/18/19/31/31/31 in return. The hell? Also, thanks to pokébank now people are only requesting legendaries from past gens.
  11. I and Neal can be your opponents... right, Neal? XD We still have those teams we made for the tournament, after all.
  12. Ooooh yes, I was waiting for this. ;w; Finally I can make some new teams... it's been more than 2 months since I made my last one. ;w;
  13. 50 turns of Defend the Castle? D: H-How can that NOT be tedious? Oh well. The guy says he worked on this for one whole year and that he has gathered data from your older videos, so I'll try to have some faith. Can't wait to see this! And remember, Marky: no save slaves. ... Oh, whoops.
  14. Thanks for the friend add. (>^.^)>

  15. Never done FE7 events before, but from the looks of it, it should be: IFCA 0x00 0x01 Eliwood do stuff ELSE 0x02 ENIF 0x01 do other stuff ENIF 0x02 obviously you can use whatever event ID you desire. But avoid using those after 0x40, sometimes they don't work for some reason. at least in FE8
  16. ... You use pokémon here? Like, that Skitty of time promotes to a Delcatty? And it would be awesome if that Kirlia could branch promote in either Gardevoir or Gallade. But this is insane anyway, you grab your weapons alongside your pokémon to kill other people and / or pokémon? Uuuh.... not sure what to think about this.
  17. Haha that doesn't work most of the times, you should really learn to load units with events, it's quite simple once you get used to it. Anyway sorry for the delay, I still haven't found the proper time to work on that, despite it being a quite simple task. I'll bring you those events on the 28th or 29th, 'k?
  18. I want the copyright for that idea But yup, it's good to see you liked my idea. All the gameplay changes are interesting (2HKO instead of 3HKO? Thank God!). I'm curious to try out all this improved stuff.
  19. Thanks for all the support, guys! =) Like always, it really is appreciated and gives me more strenght to go on. I've worked with twice the effort since I posted the first update here last month, haha. Really, it makes me happy to see that people are hyped for this. I will try my best to not disappoint you. Oooh yes Cutie, please! *-* That'd be fantastic. Can you show me that by PM? Thankies
  20. Wait, a patch is imminent? With so much material as well? Count me in, I definitely want to try this out. Oh hey, there are a few map errors there btw
  21. Awesome stuff, Galleom. I'm hyped. Can't wait to play this! XP
  22. y doez ur waifu in ur avy look at me in dat despicaaaabluh way??''??'

    1. Junkhead


      y does ur waifu look like 10 years old

    2. Alfred Kamon

      Alfred Kamon

      y u meanie she'z not mah waifu

      and she's not 10 yo, she haz alcohol in her hands so she must be 18+ k? logic pls but well kids drink alchol nowadays after all

      does ur waifu drink only blood????

    3. Junkhead
  23. LOL Klok "Fuck balance, just lose already!!" I like that kind of reasoning only in that particular context though, otherwise it's crazy @Ghast: So, what are Voluprians exactly? Did you do an animation for that already?
  24. Demihumans? Oh wow, that's cool. The portrait is quite cool, but I agree with Blazer about the Bow. 1-3 range, seriously? That's totally OP.
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