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Tessie Spoon

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Everything posted by Tessie Spoon

  1. Even if they have to spend some money localizing a script, localizing FE6 (or in Japan's case, releasing it on VC) could be a way to test the waters for a full-blown FE6 remake. If only because of the ad campaign that is Smash.
  2. So game quality is the point? I'd say that Shadow Dragon (despite its flaws) was no less of a quality game than Mother 1. Heck, I'd argue that it was actually far better...but that's for another topic. As someone who's been part of the Mother fandom for quite a while, I can say that fans weren't THAT approving when it came to the quality of Mother 1. Usually Mother fans weren't too fond of the game's graphics and flawed gameplay. It got to the point where there were several remake projects for that game...though sadly, each one ended up dying off.
  3. Huh, I made a similar post in another topic right before finding this one... lol. Just gonna restate that an FE6 localization is very possible since something similar happened with Pit and Kid Icarus Uprising. No comment on the games that came before FE6, though.
  4. Though there is no official word on it, there actually are things to suggest it could happen. Consider how it's through Smash that many people become familiar with characters they knew nothing of before, and how Pit might not have gotten a new game if it weren't for his appearance in Brawl. Before Brawl, Pit didnt have a new game since the Gameboy era (which was ancient history by then); Brawl is what started the momentum for people to take a look at it. There's no denying that Smash causes interest in franchises otherwise-obscure; ask around the Earthbound community and see how many people discovered earthbound thanks to Smash. What I'm trying to say is that it's not far-fetched to suggest there's an FE6 remake in planning, thanks to Smash's influence and Roy's new appearance. if it does happen, that's just the situation with Pit happening all over again.
  5. All right, So based on the shadows in the neck area, the light source seems to be in front of Ike. Considering that, the hair as it gets to the back of his scalp should get progressively darker. Similar principle applies to his clothes and shoulders. To improve it, you can add more shadows towards the back of Ike's hair and shoulders. Some extra shading on the visible side of his face would also fit, considering how the human male head in real life is shaped. Hope this helps!
  6. Looks nice to me! I really like how you managed to make the hair strands all detailed :) I've got a little technical feedback on the shading, if you'd like to hear it.
  7. I'm not sure how helpful this advice will be, but here's how I interpret drawing clothing folds: First, consider how tight the article of clothing is. If it's real tight, draw it form-fitting. If it's loose, draw is baggy with wide waves here and there. If it's in the middle, go for a middle point. With that considered, you have a foundation for HOW you'll place the folds. For tight clothes, you draw a small v here and there, with the point of the v in the direction of where the clothing hugs the figure tightly. For loose clothes, you do the same, but you make the V's longer. Since the looseness of the clothing obscures the outline of the naked figure, you also make sure that the clothing article drapes over the figure. This is just some basic stuff I gleaned from tutorials like this one and this one. I'm not too good at understanding certain writing styles, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. I hope this helps.
  8. Tessie Spoon

    Rysk art

    Looks real nice to me! Should I find any technical issues, I'll see if I can come up with some feedback for them :)
  9. Improving my drawing skills, dealing with life.

  10. Sketchy as it was, it looks rather good! I rather like how you rendered the face and hair. Feel free to take it with a grain of salt, but I've some advice based on trying that pose in front of a mirror: - That leg positioning is rather uncomfortable to hold. - His right foot (from our view) should look more like it's seen in profile. - His left foot (from our view) should point slightly more towards the viewer. - The lines of his pants (specifically on the sides that aren't touching either side of the thighs and calves) should be less static. Meaning they should have a slight wave here and there, as you can see on Ike's pants in this artwork. -- Adding onto the above, those little waves exist because it in on those waves where the pants don't tightly connect to Ike's legs. -- Also, where the pants tightly DO connect to the legs is where the lines are straighter, depending on just how tightly the pants cling. The more cling, thestriaghter they get until the curvature is only there to show the contour of the leg parts. - The foreshortening on his left bicep(?) is good in the visible length, but the shape could have been better to reflect it looking more like it's getting farther from the viewer. Looking at my own arm, the place where it connects to the torso is widest, whereas it tapers a bit as it goes to the elbow. Maybe I have a freak arm, but I hope that gets across the idea of how to change the shape. I don't know what to say about the other aspects, but I hope this advice helps. :)
  11. I used the method described in this video. If you want to see the step-by-step I did, you can look at this post. I would have made the chest less jagged, but I didn't since I was blocking in clothes. I hope that helps. I think I know how slender and curved the female body more-or-less is, as well as the general proportions. Though that knowledge admittedly doesn't go far beyond some very basic nude poses ^^;
  12. He's only a pervert because the player is I'd like to see more : 3
  13. Yes, I'd like to see LGBT supports (and paired endings) because of my sweet yaoi it'd be a fresh addition to the support system. Seconding the sentiment that it's better not to show a character's sexuality through a skill slot. It'd be better if they just mention it in passing. Even better, you can just imply their sexuality based on who they can S support with. Male Kamui can S support with Harold? Make the convo romantic like it was in Awakening, and that's all you need. Have the convo written in a way that implies that homosexuality isn't frowned upon in the setting, like how hetero isn't a problem in Awakening's setting. That implementation should displease nobody who supports LGBT, since there'd be no overt exclamations along the lines of "I'm gay, guys!".
  14. Oh yes, Strange Journey. All the cynicism in the demon convos make the game look like nihilist propaganda. I'm cynical myself, and even I find it excessive :/ To add to what was said before, Devil Survivor and Persona are much lighter in tone than the mainline series. I enjoy those subseries the most.
  15. Yeah, I figured the shading in the hair on that first one was simply bad. I was trying to use a certain method, but I went overboard with a 2B pencil and messed it up before I could progress further. Next time I'll look up a tut on drawing real hair; if that fails, I'll stick to my usual anime style of hair shading. By "chest", do you mean the shoulders? if not, I think it's because I didn't properly make it look like it was fluttering in the wind, like I intended. Do you have any advice for making it so that the dress flows properly? Thanks for the feedback ^^
  16. So long as there isn't too much value put on luck, the game is probably strategic enough. Always hated losing units due to them critting too many suicide bombers in a row (hi, PoR chapter 5!). But then there's the issue of it becoming too easy...as NinjaMonkey said, you can't see how all the elements mesh together until the game comes out.
  17. Like several others here, I like her look but am neutral on her character. Though if she turns out to be a Lucina expy (very cute look but firm and resolute personality), I'd like it. The screenshots with her serious expressions outside of battle seem to suggest that sort of personality, but who knows until the game comes out?
  18. By being mature as a senior citizen, obvs. I rather like Nyx's design too, since it looks cool. The name also kinda fits; she's a dark mage named after a Roman god of the night. Wonder if they'll make the symbolism extend to her personality...
  19. Can't believe you went there This feature sounds like an expanded version of FE5's capture feature, like how Pair Up was an expanded version of the Rescue feature.
  20. Perhaps it's like in a certain Nintendo game where a dragon was split into a light one and a dark one. Perhaps that split (to reference yet another Nintendo game) led to conflicts between Hoshido and Nohr.
  21. If you want history, there's this: This games before this one didn't have such a heavy Japanese slant; cultural baggage, sure. Olivia wouldn't have such a high-pitched stereotypical moe voice otherwise. But the series hadn't yet something so blatant as the Hoshido being a fantasy universe Japan; normally we got fantasy universe parallels to European lands. If they're going to change the cultural flavoring this much (while promising much from the plot, at that!), who's to say they won't use tropes never before seen in FE? Like how you yourself are put into the position of conquerer of countries, instead of defender of one. I'd say it's a fair theory, even if it's backed more by meta observations than in-universe lore.
  22. Maybe she looks like Severa because this game takes place after Awakening, and Luna read stories about her. Thus she decides to model her look after Severa's...like a hero worshipper :P ...reminds me of that "father of Sothe's children" joke in RD. If my guess is right, are they gonna reference that line again? : o
  23. I like how there are complaints about her breast size, despite how they're only made to look bigger thanks to her clothes and arm positioning. Its not that bad, really. :/ Anyway, from what was revealed so far, I think I'd like her. That contrast between the innocent side and the wild side is potentially hilarious. Especially since her "mischievous" facial expression makes her look silly xD
  24. It'd trivialize the importance of making a choice like how fans trivialize the permadeath feature :V I'd find it interesting if the third path has you screwing both kingdoms an ruling them both; would be rather SMT-ish. They could avoid making it the "golden route" (as Alazen put it) by having your choices determine which of the otherwise-route-exclusive characters live. Say, one choice lets one Nohr sibling live, but leads to the death to a Hoshido sibling. That kind of thing, though I imagine it'd be hard to pull off convincingly.
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