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Tessie Spoon

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Everything posted by Tessie Spoon

  1. Been a while since I last posted something here. So, I did some pose practice using one of the stock pics from here, and the result of that is attached. The initial bodily sketch didn't have the arms and torso as thin as they are in the result; adhering to anime style, I thinned them intentionally. My self-critique: I didn't properly capture the outlines of the feet. Her right hand (from her view) has the ring and pinky fingers as if the palm is facing directly towards the chest, as opposed to at a more diagonal angle like in the reference. I intended to make her look middleweight (despite thinning the arms and torso compared to the ref), but I wonder if the anime head shape made the torso look too wide. "Broad shoulders", was it? I've made that mistake many times, yet I might have done it yet again despite trying to avoid it :/
  2. Yes, a lot of that stuff is pretty lewd. But, that was all in text, which gave it a free pass. Offensive things expressed through visuals are more likely to get censored than the same stuff in mere text (see: Tharja's bikini pic). If they saw no problem with getting jailbait naked but get squeamish over a fairly-well-grown woman in a bikini, then that makes the idea of censoring the erotic touching elements seem very plausible. ...personally, I'm against this sort of censorship. But I hope I explained the plausibility of the visual censoring. @Reflex: Much like people, organizations can be very inconsistent with their rules. Otherwise, the aforementioned Tharja bikini pic would have gone uncensored like that blonde girl in your post. Whether it's the ESRB or localization team's fault...who knows? Anyone got any sources on how the ESRB stood on the visual censorship in Awakening? If it turns out they didn't really care that much, then you know who to pin the actual blame on.
  3. "You and I, we're both murderers!" <-- Is it bad that I laughed? Disappointing that Femui can't S support with Soleil, though...
  4. #NoNippleLeftBehind While I agree that complaining about Camilla's bust size is unfair and sexist, there wasn't very much of such complaining in the last couple pages of this thread. Just "this outfit looks stupid"-esque stuff. ...speaking of which, I don't really like the ass vent on the general, either. Metal + exposed ass = bad, but that's just my taste.
  5. I understand the worries of censorship, but I think it'd be a smart move to censor little-to-nothing in the game. This video explains it. Considering how FE isn't exactly sqeaky-clean like Mario, I'd say there's a decent chance that there won't be too much censoring. It's not like the settings in FE are as kid-friendly as the settings in Pokemon Kirby; FE isn't too shy about the consequences of war and death, whereas the other two series treat violence rather lightheartedly. This is slightly off-topic, but...it was mentioned earlier in this topic that Bayonetta 2 is an exception to the "Nintendo only makes family-friendly games" argument due to not being made in-house. Since when did people attracted to Nintendo's "family friendly" image care about that detail? "THIS GAME IS BAD FOR MY KID. HAS WAY TOO MUCH SEX." "Um, m'am? This game wasn't developed in-house by Nintendo." "Oh, okay. I guess my kid can play this game after all." Just sounds silly. If an overzealous (and rating-ignoring) parent bought their kid Bayonetta 2 due to the Nintendo brand and then whined about the contents, they likely wouldn't care about fine details like which dev team made it. They bought the game thanks to Nintendo's image while caring none for the ESRB's work...they'll whine regardless.
  6. To the point about the complications regarding skill inheritance...that doesn't have to be an issue. In real life, children usually aren't born knowing whatever cool skills either of their parents have. My father is a good guitar player, yet neither me or my brother know how to play guitar. You could have the adopted kids of a gay couple "inherit" skills the same way the biological children do; it'd be fair to infer that either of the parents taught them to fight and they picked it up through training or study. This is a far more realistic approach than having a child practically born with Aether (despite not having visibly reached the normal requirements before). Not much else to say, other than that I agree with some of the points mentioned (like implementation of gay marriage).
  7. Been a while since I last posted something here. Anyway, a WIP of Ike I started several weeks back! I applied shading much like one would apply base colors in digital; when I get back to it, I'll add detail to it. ...now that I look at it again, I think the blade part of the Ragnell is a bit crooked. It wasn't until it was too late that I got an idea on making it less crooked while not messing up the body in front of it. There are also quite a few asymmetries here and there, and as I did spend time trying to fix them, I stopped due to frustration. Though in future drawings, I will put at least some effort in fixing asymmetries before moving onto something else, so don't worry if you see a bunch of asymmetries in my work! Eventually I'll be able to fix them without having to tear my hair out..though I don't mind you pointing out their existence, all the same! So, that's my self-critique for this WIP xD
  8. In what source did the devs confirm Kyza was gay? Googled around, and there was nothing of the sort; you shouldn't put words in the devs' mouths like that :/ Anyway, I have faith that the children mechanic will be pulled off in a nice way. I mean, based on the trailers, they've been pushing the plot quite a bit; even going so far as to hire a really experienced writer. If the children mechanic isn't pulled off well, then that's a hit to the guy's reputation. ...unless he decides to cite the development process as a factor that led him to make whatever less-than-stellar narrative decisions involved in the awkwardly-implemented mechanic. Rhianna Pratchett noted that the game dev process affected the narrative (aka how she wrote for the game), so it could be a fair justification.
  9. I ated some cake :p But yeah, where did they say that the servant you get depends on your gender? Edit: ninja'd. Well, that explains it.
  10. I've had similar issues, and one possibility I've come across is that your other games DO use your nvidia card, but they just think they're using your intel card instead. That is, assuming you've set those games in the control panel to use your nvidia card. Which games are your card having trouble with? I might be able to help more with that info.
  11. Most all the girls have their own charms that appeal to me...but for a top two per path, I'd say Camilla and Charlotte for Nohr, Azura and Hana for Hoshido, and just Felicia (atm) for the third path. Presuming Felicia can join you on the third... Visuals aside, I see a lot of potential for Camilla and Charlotte to be funny or otherwise interesting. Based on screens, Camilla seems like she'd tend towards sarcasm when not fawning over you or dealing in important affairs. Charlotte's "sneaky" face makes her look stupid to me, which made me laugh. Hana seems a lot like Mia from the Tellius games (which i like), and I like the serene knight vibe I get from Azura. Felicia is just...cute :3 Were I to go a FeCorrin run, I'd go Silas or Xander. They both seem real cool...and I'd expect some good laughs from the former. And commie jokes at the expense of the latter
  12. I wasn't accusing them :/ It may sound silly to suggest that there is anti-Japanese sentiment (and I'll admit it seems unlikely), but life can take people in unexpected directions; much like how people can end up in jobs they dont like, people can end up in jobs where they deal in products from a country they dislike. But you and Lynsanity do raise fair points. ...funny enough, if they really were worried about how Westerners would see the names, then they don't seem to realize things like how niche Fire Emblem always was in the West, and what kinds of people would take interest in a series like it. Especially now that this latest title(s?) appeals to people who are into very Japanese things, which should also make it obvious that fans can deal just fine with regular Japanese names. Unless it rolls off the tongue awkwardly, like "shichishito". That also seems odd to me.
  13. This kind of name change gives me the impression some of these name-changes are done due to some anti-japanese sentiment in the localization team. It would have made some sense (albeit still sounded odd) if they took out the S instead of the T; the kana for "tsu" can be alternatively spelled "tu". The kana for "su" doesn't even look similar to the kana for "tsu/tu". I've personally not much problem with the other type of name changes, but ehhh. I just noticed that Azura gets hair over her face in one of her portraits. Kinda funny.
  14. I play Smite usually one match per day (used to be more during beta), and I've become pretty comfortable jungling as Nemesis, Ao Kuang, and Bellona. I've been practicing my skills in the solo lane, so I can get decently skilled at that, too. Do you guys have any tips for lanecamping as a jungler? Oftentimes, when I try, the enemy laner is pushed to his tower too much for me to gank. Plus, they clear away the minions too fast, meaning I cant use them for cover for towerganking. I ask my teammates to stop pushing for a bit, but...I rarely get cooperative teammates in solo queue.
  15. Hm, it would be nice if they pulled all this off in a way not too similar to Awakening's. If they do, then it'll be like that Tomb Raider situation where the writer is constrained by what the game designers want. Btw, and Conception 2 didnt involve baby-making the traditional way; it was just light hand-holding stuff (with the imagery just there to make you THINK they're doing it normally).
  16. The problem is that your judgment is pre-emptive, negative, and condescending; that's what bothers people. I don't agree with forcing oneself to be optimistic either, but I'm sure most people don't like to have unreasonable accusations hurled at things they like. Perhaps when the game comes out, you'll have turned out to be right; the game would turn out to be pandering dressed up as a game. However, until then, your negativity will just sour peoples' buzz about the game while having them think less of you :/ Just trying to explain the backlash you got. Anyway, I find the trailer to make the game look pretty cool. I'm not going to get a Wii U for it, but I would watch an LP of it. Not much else for me to say, other than that I'm cautiously optimistic about the game itself.
  17. Interesting read, especially about him expressing his sentiments towards resetting; the FE devs have at least twice expressed they'd rather players actually adhere to the permadeath mechanic.
  18. Maybe, maybe not. I'd like a remake instead of a localization, personally. But this is Nintendo; they'd squeeze money from a rock. There was the Nintendo DSi, and the New 3DS; they could do something similar by localizing FE6, give it some time, and then make more money from localizing a full-blown remake of FE6.
  19. Never said you denied it, same way I wasn't saying that FE6 was going to get a localization. What I was saying, however, was that it was a very real possibility. A purely speculative point that I'd best not keep supporting in this topic past this post (since we have a topic specifically about the possibility of FE^ getting localized). Also, Mother3 was never localized; it got a fan translation that led to a crapton of viral marketing, in large part thanks to this extremely popular lets player spreading the word by LP'ing it. What also helped much was people in charge of Mother's biggest fansite (starmen.net) also organized events that amounted to pestering NoA to localize Mother3. As for namedropping Lucas' game in his reveal...well, it was only natural. Looking at all the recognition for Mother3, it would have been awkward to have Lucas introduced as "from Brawl" like how Roy was introduced as "from Melee". FE6 didn't get near as much of a limelight as Mother3, so the devs have an excuse. ...well, that's as much as I can say here.
  20. Fair enough about not knowing, but Mother 1 lacked a bunch of features Earthbound and Mother3 had. Mother1 has the least of the series' known charm out of all three games because of that. So the parallels apply there, too. Edit: fixed wording
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