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Tessie Spoon

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Everything posted by Tessie Spoon

  1. I know. I was half-joking. :< Other than that, I wonder how likely the next update is going to cover character relations. they gave us synopses, bios, perspectives of both sides, and recently something possibly related to the Supports. Would like to see how regular supports factor into all this, assuming they're being included at all.
  2. Watch as the localization puts in Naruto references thanks to that guy
  3. Really liking the June 1 update! I find it funny how arrogant Ike looks in that screenshot. [spoiler=Heh.]He was so modest in the Tellius games until the Burger King boosted his ego near the end of RD.
  4. Havent updated this topic in a while. Might as well show some of what I've gotten done since my last update :) Alongside the drills you see attached, there is a bit of Touhou fanart weaved into my latest session.
  5. Probably going to go Nohr. Been on-and-off playing FE while adhering to Classic Mode (I am so hardcore), and I expect the story to be good enough to keep me going until the end.
  6. To be fair, Fire Emblem has long been a series that never went anywhere near offering much fanservice in game. Perhaps a few jokes and a single pornstar-breasted villainess, but before FE13, it never really advertised itself to prurient interests. I like fanservicey designs as much as the next guy, but if you consider how people like to stick to tradition, it becomes understandable how people might overreact to Fire Emblem "pandering to the base".
  7. Because who wants children with gimped stat caps? I wouldn't be too surprised if they did allow you to romance your blood siblings; they did allow you to hook up with young children (no, their ages matter none). Pretty sure that even thinly-veiled pedophilia is as much of a taboo as incest, so yeah.
  8. For around $60, you can pay an artist to fulfill that fantasy of yours
  9. I'm interested in what they'll do with the campaign that has you side with neither kingdom. Will Kamui build up forces to conquer both, one at a time? Would be pretty cool, turning him into a smaller-scale Alexander the Great. ...also, it sounds like something you'd expect from an SMT game. : o
  10. Adding onto the "these games are text-heavy and take a while to translate" logic, I'd ike to add that Fire Emblem doesnt generate near as much money as Pokemon. Perhaps if if did, IS would put more money into faster translation (like Game Freak did with 6th gen Pokemon), but as things are, it seems unlikely they'll do that. Not even a few installments after FE14, probably. Just my two cents.
  11. 3DS cartridges can store up to 8GB of data. Gamecube discs can store up to 1.5 GB. Since the two systems are similar in hardware capabilities (iirc), that complicated decision mechanic bobobarrel mentioned is theoretically doable. Far more doable than it would be on a Gamecube. Just wanted to throw in my two cents regarding that. Anyway, about marriages, children and marriage as mechanics do seem unlikely for this new installment. Though I'd be happy with paired endings alone; doubt that design choice would rile up the FE13 fans who liked marrying their Avatars to characters they liked. Hm...it would be interesting if they allowed pairing Kamui with his/her blood siblings just to drum up controversy, which then leads to more exposure, which then leads to more sales.
  12. Thanks for the praise :) The other stuff is merely line and motor control exercises. So, I did another two sessions since my last post. Tried drawing a portrait.
  13. Well, naturally. Things like the passion going away tend not to be addressed in fiction, so of course the romance will be portrayed idealistically (and in that sense, unrealistically; passion doesn't last forever).
  14. So, this will mostly be a mirror of sorts of what I post in the forums on this website, but I would like to see perspectives on my current practices. Maybe some feedback and suggestions I can fit into my current training regimen. So, yeah. Don't expect anything glamorous, like the typical art topic would have ^^; So, I did a pose practice from posemaniacs (not shown here, because artistic nudity), as well as practices with line. Recently started including motor control exercises in my sessions. Did a still life to fill some extra time, and practice my perceptual abilities some more. Been keeping this up for quite a while... this marks my 15th finished session. So, the results:
  15. Looks rather good to me. You seem more talented at drawing creatures than people, but I'm sure you won't have too hard of a time improving your people-drawing skills. :)
  16. I'm aware my attitude does harm me (been seeing a therapist to help with that), but I most certainly am not looking for any magical solution. Nor was I looking to compete. Maybe it's my literal-mindedness, but I have no idea how you got to the conclusion I was doing either of those things. Care to explain? My situation is a lot more complicated than what I've let on (mostly because of emotional issues), but I assure you I am putting forth the effort that is supposed to have me seeing improvements. It's not money for some tablet (or similar luxury) I was worried about; I don't see where you got the idea I was worried about that. More like money for a tutor to compensate for my autodidaction issues. You're right about practicing fundamentals, and I have been doing that. As of late, I've been familiarizing myself with line and proportions, specifically. Some perspective studies on occasion too. Thanks for the link, though. Anyway, that's enough of that. Sorry if I came off as whiny, but I felt compelled to give my take on the earlier-mentioned problem related to speed of improvement.
  17. I've got no friends that can teach, sadly. I'm severely lacking in other possible resources, too (such as social ability to network; I'm autistic and have no reliable means to improve my social abilities myself); hence my argument about money. Severe lack of talent + severe lack of money means that the ability triangle will need the two other items plus money for one person to improve at a reasonable pace at something. Having known how difficult learning to draw can be, I've gained a sort of appreciation of sorts for those who've managed to become decently skilled. So, I can sympathize with the disapproval of tracing a drawing and posting it like it was made with real skill.
  18. It's a rather hard choice for the "Pretty" and "Cute" categories; I guess my tastes are too varied. But I'll give it a go: Prettiest: Micaiah. Despite being a creatively-written damsel-in-distress (not that it justifies the trope), Those clothes look really good on her, too. Hottest: Tie between Sigrun and RD Mia. The former gives off a "reliable older sister" type, and that armor suggests a very fine figure underneath. That blue-green hair, too...I'm a sucker for some hair colors, and blue-green is one of them. As for RD Mia, I rather like her energetic determined personality, and that timeskip had her grow up nicely. Cutest: Illyana. Light blue hair, and those facial expressions. And that hairstyle! Her Sage outfit adds a layer of elegance I'd say fits her. Too bad they didn't really flesh out her character much beyond "constantly hungry" girl... such wasted potential. If FE9 really was rushed due to an anniversary deadline, I can understand, but still.
  19. Weird press that might spread awareness of the Fire Emblem series, like this video suggests : p Eh, who knows? How familiar is NoJ with the concept of drumming up controversy to increase sales, anyway?
  20. I like the idea, so long as it's done well (meaning the characters are well-written). More gender variation is always nice. @ENS: To be fair, whether these hypothetical female lords "share space" in a bad way or not depends on execution. For example, they could have each with their own story arcs. Then, should their paths merge, it could be shown that they're individually as competent as any of the better Lords in previous games. Merely splitting duties or what-have-you wouldn't take away from them living up to the good FE Lord name. Just a general idea; hope it shows my point clearly.
  21. I wholeheartedly agree. I have a friend who's spent less than 1/10th the weekly effort I do, and has been at drawing for less than 1/3 of the time I have. Yet, he's far better than me; he very much has Direction and Talent in his favor. I'd also like to add the importance of Money. Maybe I'm just biased due to my own experiences, but if you try to teach yourself with all the best free internet resources and hardly get anywhere despite putting in much effort, you're screwed unless you have someone to guide you. Usually that means hiring a professional tutor, but if you can never get the money for a tutor (through no fault of your own, no less), then you're kinda screwed.
  22. I rather like the poses, and that Milotic! If you're looking to get better at drawing people, maybe you can do some focused figure studies. You can ask around at conceptart.org and see if you're shown a good starting point :) Personally, I work on basics (still life, perspective) and read from Andrew Loomis' figure drawing books, also sparing some time to draw people from photos. Maybe you'll find a method that fits you better; people learn best in different ways, after all. (neurochemistry!)
  23. I used one savestate, and only restarted the chapter a lot. Do those count as doing something wrong? :/ Maybe the emulator DID go crazy; I am running Windows 8, and the version I used was released before Windows 8 was. If it's another possible cause, I also sped up the emulator a lot with the designated key. As for chapter 5, I actually meant chapter 5x. My bad for confusing the two. My Faratrass couldn't do that (she'd also get assaulted by the light mages), my Schwarz couldn't even get to the monks without being assaulted by the non-magic users, and my other units (save Hellios, Puledra, Garion, and Andre) couldn't even survive more than one turn without being both out of range and/or not attacking. Maybe I just got unlucky a lot (my Christoph was useless, couldnt survive very well at all due to unlucky levelups), but I really saw no way to go through the chapter without at least one death, not with how squishy my units were. All right, I guess :/
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