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Tessie Spoon

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Everything posted by Tessie Spoon

  1. I'd like to see a villain whose main ambition tied heavily into eugenics, making a strong case for that philosophy. Though their methods for going about it are awful enough to make actual pro-eugenicists feel right in opposing him. As for a protagonist...I'd like to see one that lets you control what they say (like in Persona 3 and 4). Except not a mute; the protagonist has their own personality, but dialogue choices gives the option to spice things up a bit. (This is assuming that the Avatar is the protagonist). For a deuteragonist, same thing for the protagonist (if the Avatar is in this role instead).
  2. Gameplay-wise, not much; little has changed between FE9 and 10 in that regard. Tier 3 classes, overall more-reliable units, fairly restrictive resources. In story? Enough is explained for you to get the gist of what happened in FE9, even if Ike and company were unfairly portrayed as villains early on.
  3. If that counts as judging them, then it's certainly not a negative judgment (towards presumably most of them; see the gripe I mentioned). I just used the term "masochists" because I couldn't think of anything better. If you look at the FE10 interview (which I mentioned at least twice before), you'd see that the devs did want people to not reset so much. Quote: Pay special attention to the bolded part; it explains why the devs made the Normal Mode as easy as it was (there's also their confidence in the story, though that's another debate entirely). There's the proof they wanted you to keep on going, even when a character dies. The purpose of Casual is not to reset because of losing a unit, not losing in general; it certainly doesn't invalidate Casual Mode. It just makes the game more enjoyable for people who prefer their SRPGs not to force permadeath on them. I feel silly for forgetting that aspect of the permadeath system ^^; There certainly is also that. (Dunno why it happened, but your name didn't appear in the quote box here; sorry :( )
  4. Then they're the masochists I mentioned that I didn't say should play Casual Mode. Oh, and for clarification, I define "masochist" in this context as someone who simply prefers to play on permadeath, Casual Mode option or no. Even without permadeath, there IS something at stake; losing. Just because you don't lose a unit permanently doesn't mean you cant get a game over due to bad tactics. Even if you want a challenge, it changes nothing; just play on a harder mode if you're not the kind of masochist I mentioned. If you prefer the extra challenge permadeath provides, fine; just don't say that there can't be any real challenge in Casual Mode. If that's simply your preferred way to play Fire Emblem (Casual option or no), fine. I won't (and shouldn't) judge you for that. My biggest issue in regards to all this is how condescending some of the "masochists" are towards Casual Mode and those who play it, as if Fire Emblem was explicitly meant to be that sort of heartbreaker (which it wasn't; see the FE10 interview). I know; people (me included) can be very attached to things that look human enough, making it very hard to resist the urge to reset. Regarding phoenix mode, I see it as that choice for those who would prefer to enjoy the story than play the game (perhaps for those who arent that into SRPGs). Not a bad mode, but certainly the one you'd choose if you wanted to near-trivialize the challenge.
  5. Classic Mode is only the "authentic" way to play Fire Emblem when you actually adhere to the permadeath; just resetting over and over again violates the spirit of it all (even if you're a masochistic resetter). In that case, non-masochists are better off playing Casual Mode if you have the option to; they'd save themselves time and emotional turmoil they tried to avoid in the first place. As an extension to the above, I'd like to note that in an Fe10 interview, the devs voice a similar sentiment; it's part of the reason they made the JP Normal Mode as easy as it is. They wanted the game to be challenging enough, while not being so much so that it'd make people reset so much (of course, those efforts were for naught, but eh). There should be more ethnic variety in Fire Emblem games; sure, Tainos aren't common in the medieval era in real life, but neither were mythical creatures or always-beautiful nice people. I think FE8's story is pretty okay.
  6. Or they could have just not changed the model, and put in a joke about how her horse temporarily shrinks whoever rides on it. There are ways.
  7. Regarding the awkward attempt to justify banging a little girl, I wonder why the localization team couldn't just have Elise redrawn to look at least 15. Remember Pokemon Gen 5? Or 4? The localization team had no problems altering the graphics and/or character designs for the sake of political correctness there. So, I'm baffled as to why Fates' localization team didn't try a similar approach.
  8. More than anything, I'm disappointed they didn't pull a Kingdom Hearts with Rhajat. And, that the localizers are so out of touch with the target demo that they feel they have to change so many names like that. They had excuses with the more Euro-style FEs, but those changes to the Hoshido names? :/
  9. If it turns out they really are going to remove the feature, it'd be very disappointing if they removed the gameplay functionality as well. Considering that a small studio like NIS kept gameplay functionality intact when censoring Mugen Souls, it'd be especially bad if NOA didn't do the same. I still don't approve of the censorship (I'm on the bandwagon saying it's downright stupid), but if it doesn't take away from the gameplay, it's not a dealbreaker for me.
  10. Seconding Thor; well-done! Having spoken of coloring, do you plan on doing digital color anytime soon?
  11. I still play Smite fairly often. Feel free to add me: my IGN is TEspeon. I've been brushing up on my Nemesis; looks like the S3 changes are going to make her a LOT more viable (finally!). Maybe, alongside nerfs, they'll give her something resembling decent waveclear! Oh god that abysmal waveclear Also been practicing Bellona Support and Amaterasu Solo. Pretty fun for me, thus far! ...btw, they recently added the Japanese pantheon to Smite. Weeaboos unite!
  12. The Atelier series by Gust corporation (the same guys who made Ar Tonelico). Probably because it's VERY niche in the west; the wikis are kind of lacking, and the fan translation efforts are very slowly-progressing. I don't know a lot of fans of Neptunia, or the Python programming language. Though I kind of lack an excuse for the latter xD
  13. Now, to wait for the Atelier series to make it to PC! *ahem* I discovered this series through youtube LPs, so count me in as someone very happy for this : >
  14. I see..I've gone through a similar sort of stylistic progression in my art. Your progression reminded me of how quite a few artists just have a very tiny shadow for the nose, whereas others such as you go for a shape closer to the real thing. I was going to ask about how you'd stylize the lips, but then I remembered that you already draw them a lot more realistically-shaped than in typical animu.
  15. Looking rather good, thus far : > What made you decide to include noses in your style, btw?
  16. I'm not well-versed in good composition (so take the following with a grain of salt), but I don't see how adding more buildings would disrupt the balance; adding buildings on the upper parts where there are none would make it look more balanced, due to the more even distribution of buildings across the dragon's body.
  17. Happy holidays to you, too :> Really loving that dragon road pic, btw! I love the perspective effect.
  18. That is a lot of stuff :o I admire how keen you are on practice. ...looking at that picture of Stella, I was surprised to see you like Mogeko games. I beat WATGBS the other day xD
  19. Just because he looked different, doesn't mean his personality was any different. For all we know, they could have changed his mug because the devs thought the prototype one was too unfitting for his character.
  20. Wow, that looks great! You're improving rather quickly : o
  21. Thanks! Coloring is the part of drawing I enjoy most, despite the tedium. I'll play around with placing the mouth, based on your suggestion :)
  22. Status update! So, I've still been mostly working on drills. I have a couple art trade pics finished, though I won't upload them until my partners finish their halves. I've also been using the sai file for my Tiki pic to experiment with stuff, like shading. Earlier today I tried to draw lips on her, using Orochi's My Room model as a reference. Mind giving opinions and advice?:
  23. Good job on the Rhythm in Motion piece! I like how you used paint for it. Among the doodles, I like the muscle practice the most. You should clean up the lineart, color it, and make it an actual piece : >
  24. Looks pretty cool! Was it an exercise in shading the various frames of the animation? Rather looks like it, to me : o
  25. Oh, I noticed the gif in the post you introduced it in, hence my question :) Also, thanks for explaining your method!
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