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Everything posted by gringe

  1. There's nothing that can be done about it for the time being, unfortunately. FEditor expands the ROM slightly every time the ROM is edited. I'd like to trim the fat off but I don't know how and it doesn't affect normal play. If you're using a 16 MB flashcart, though, that must be some ancient hardware. That won't fit even a lot of normal GBA ROMs. FE8, for example, is 32 MB. Thanks! I don't know if the site will be updated with the script--that's up to Vincent, and I can understand him wanting to keep a more literal script for a game that hasn't been localized officially. I haven't thought about making a script resource, but anyone who wants to is welcome to make it. It'd be a little bit too much trouble and time for me to do it personally.
  2. Finn is a decent option for Raquesis. I've played the game many times, though, and her kids simply aren't spectacular no matter what you do so don't stress too much.
  3. Sorry it wasn't that interesting. :P Haven't been around lately due to a lack of Internet access at home and the general business of moving and starting a new job. I have Internet at home now though finally so hopefully I can contribute something here and there.
  4. I think that's a British/American English difference (don't know about Australian, sorry). I don't think it's incorrect in American English because yes, it's a single group.
  5. Nice trick, Klok. Should make things easier. Dusk: Quite sure I fixed the shop thing there and I may or may not have fixed the Allen/Lance one already (I fixed a few instances of that in the supports but I don't remember specifically). Thanks for the reports anyway, though.
  6. The stat boosts are an unintentional side effect of applying a patch made with FEditor to a game in progress. The actual patch itself has no stat changes. The numbers patch which I made is entirely optional and isn't intended to make the game easier (it's possible it does, but some characters and items were nerfed, too).If it's the names that bug you, I don't mind anyone editing them in FEditor.
  7. Interesting. Might be a glitch from the original game, because I don't think so. I'll look into it when I have time.
  8. Thanks for the reports! Won't be fun fixing that "Bandit" thing... As much consistency as possible is what I'm shooting for, so I'll make the change to Firestone.
  9. Are you using the newest version? I distinctly remember fixing that exact issue. EDIT: Just checked. It's fine in the latest version.
  10. Don't mean to derail the topic but ??????? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idun
  11. Yeah, there's a a space of 00 between each stat so I thought that maybe I could put in as many letters as I wanted as long as I have a 00 after each stat, but it didn't work. It definitely has a two-character limit per stat, or it all gets messed up. I'm going to try using an LZ77 decompressor like MP2E suggested when I have time. If I understood what he meant correctly, that should be exactly what I need.
  12. Apparently the technical term for this is multi-tile encoding. It seems I'll need to do an ASM hack to get this working but all sources say it's the easiest ASM hack one can do. Still, does anyone who already knows what they're doing think they can help? I'll learn if I have to but needless to say a lot could go wrong.
  13. Let's focus on the patch at hand instead of talking about what might be. I don't personally plan to edit FE2 or 12, and even FE4 and 5 are too far off for serious discussion at this point. I'm still actively working on FE6 so let's just try to fix the issues there.
  14. bookofholsety is working on a retranslation of FE4 right now and I'm (slowly) helping him revise the script and offering some suggestions. An actual patch for that will probably be a ways off. I'd like to do FE5 eventually but again a script will come first. I'd like to make the script consistent with FE4's so don't worry too much there. bookofholsety and myself are quite familiar with the story of FE4 so the order we do it shouldn't matter too much. Again, though, don't expect a patch anytime soon. Right now I'm focusing on solving some more technical FE6 problems and I'm also in the middle of a big life transition (new job, new apartment, new housemate) so things will be a little slow for the foreseeable future.
  15. I could help you search for it, if it exists. I'm not sure what it's called in Japanese, though, and without a name it's difficult to know what to search. If you're that serious, Nightmare and FEditor are the programs you want to use. I can't help you with creating or inserting maps, though, because I've never done that kind of thing myself. I'll just direct you to the ROM Hacking forums. Thanks!
  16. All right, so I've done some experimenting and found some things. 1. The pointer exists only for HP but includes all the stats. 2. Each stat can only be two characters. I think combining letters in unused spaces in the font to get all the stats into two "characters" will be the best way to do this. Can anyone help me with editing the font?
  17. Well, thanks, but this isn't strictly translation related. Granted the numbers patch wasn't either, but making that was trivial and I did it basically all on my own. The point is, getting them right will take some discussion and until they're implemented, they're not directly related to the translation. If you're able to get the maps working without problems, I'll gladly implement them. You're free to use the translation patch as the base ROM, too.
  18. Maybe you should make a separate topic for the idea. It would probably get more attention than it would being buried by translation stuff in this topic.
  19. Regardless, I think it would be cool to restore lost, optional content. I wouldn't know where to begin though and we have no idea of enemy placement and reinforcements (other than the Grizel one).
  20. Maybe I had some terminology wrong but I'm quite sure this is text. The current level up screen has strength as "SR" and this is the only instance of 82C482C2 in the ROM (not to mention all the other stats follow it). I'm not talking about graphics. By the way I tried changing the text at 1C9FF1 to a pointer for A29B10 where I wrote "Str" but that didn't work. It just turned it into a heart. EDIT: There are a lot of spaces that are essentially unused in the table. There are about a million ways to write hearts for example, but I don't think the hearts are used anywhere in the game. I wonder if changing these hearts into "double letters" (IE not just the letter "l" but "ll") would be a feasible solution. I've seen this used in some other ROM hacks before.
  21. Jerrot was given his original base stats back and had his growths reduced from before (but they're still higher than the original game). Niime is back to her original bases and growths. Deke had his speed growth restored. Perceval has had his strength buff removed.
  22. There are two different level up stat screens in FE6. One appears when you have animations on and the other when they're off. The one I'm having trouble with is the one that appears when animations are on. Looking in the hex, none of this text appears to have pointers (they start at 1C9FF1 by the way). It's just taken directly, it seems. This area of the ROM allows for only two characters per stat, which is the problem. Does anyone know how to change this? Can anyone help at all? This is one of the major inconsistencies left by the old patch and it would be great to fix this for the new translation patch. Sorry if this belongs in the questions subforum, but I'm not really sure.
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