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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. OH. ... I'm an idiot. I did that before yet i forgot. Thanks.
  2. 'I can see the ending!' [spoiler=Oh god, the horror] Okay new try. Instead of using Guenever to kill soldier, I use Fa, seeing as she'll be fairly slow. Echidna lands a hit and Priscilla can't Can we trade these two with each other? Danceeeeee Not bothering visiting the village, it's just a goddamn antitoxin I makes rushing and rescue villagers my top priority. Soldier had the brilliance to attack the midget dragon that can kill her if so much sucked in a bit more air. Nothing happened during enemy phase to be concern about so it turns over to me, Karla smash the mage to the left of the village. I give her first aid. Huh. I moved her here for forest advantage and... got this? Things done. Terrible! I give her a treatment, lance are brutal Priscilla pls. I kill a pegapony I still have a need of you. Things get done. Not bad, I'd like you to double. I get the worthless item. I grab one. More grabs inc. I dance Fa, so she can come and tank out enemy wave. CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT? Eirika survive a very nasty moment, for a particular level. Ends my turn. Back to my turn again. I heals Fa. I have no interest in military cut like you. Wave seems to stop... Smash These happens during enemy phase. Healing Ninian is a must. Eirika... I give Fa a treatment. Killings going on. Oh man... That's ugly. Level~ Priscilla is enjoying this. OH GOD HE MOVE SAVE ME SAVE ME SOMEONE Panic attacks Oh cool, a fake elixer. I start to send out Guenever. Serra gains a level from a freebie heal I fall back most of my girls to rear. HE'S COMING!!!!!!! I already had got this before you mentioned it Forceman. The fort was very suspicious considering the reinforcement NEVER spawned on it. lol I survive with Zephiel never reaching me. me for mvp?
  3. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14799
  4. I was wondering why I couldn't steal from a boss, and why I couldn't steal from a certain mage on an attempt. Thanks for clearing that up. #shenanigan time
  6. Doesn't means he's quitting, he's putting it off hands for now and focus on FE8CM till he can get his bearing back to continue working on fe7cm
  7. [spoiler=Does this look like the face of mercy?!] As I stated, promotion items comes in a batch of two. Out of curiosity to see if Ninian can promote because I saw Forceman's video that showed Ninian's original sprite. She can. Wick gain. But no I'm not staying on that. I feed Fa a bit of skl I feed Ninian a bit def. I give Echidna the last bite. I sell Bronze cuz it's useless now. I buy a Restore, a just in case measure. So Zephiel replaces Riev. MAP CHANGED TOO #fromnowonassumeEVERYmapsarechanged Is this a pirate game or something? ARGG MATEY, WALK THE PLANK LADDIE. Female Warrior sprite. Crossbow are in apparently. Derped Wyvern Lord sprite. It's funny to look at. OH GOD ZEPHIEL IS ON MAP TOO MAY THE GODDESS HAVE MERCY ON ME. SWEET CARAMEL SAUCE ON A STEAMY HOT WOMAN. Wait. No sprite? THAT'S EVEN WORSE. 152 FUCKING CRIT OH FUCK ME IN THE ASS To bring me to my sane and calm self... I look at this. Then back to Whisper and quietly cry to self. I loot the village. Level. Tankcilla is fun The bridge are going to be a painful experience. CRIT FTW CRIT IS LIFE AND LOVE Sweet level to go with it. Smash the shaman. I'm rushing toward the npcs so I can get a sick loot from them. Go me go! Fag Speedy OH GOD No prob, Serra got it in the bag! Smash! Burn her to cinder like the horsebird she deserves! I FACEPLANT MYSELF TO BLOCK ENEMY ATTACKS OW Massacre KARLA PLS Priscilla miss and had to have the midget dragon take over. I restarts. :\
  8. That'll be revealed in due time. Edit: I'm sure I can manage with 'that guy' I think I have enough to last five turns.
  9. Yeah I know about that whole ... chapter 8... ... -cry- Sure, I already finished chapter 7, so it won't hurt to know.
  10. Nah, I doubt I'll want to. But if you insist, can you give me every hidden findies location for the chapters that I have posted so far? (Don't give me the location on the chapters i have yet to post.) No. Meanwhile. 5x strikes again. [spoiler=Lyn sux] Back to the start again. I was too arrogant and didn't savestate in this chapter. Fastforwarding to chests. First room levels Second room. Second room levels. Okay we're here now. Chest time. AI's targeting changed. Door guard dead. Victory! Lyn's getting a good level growth now. I loots Killer Lance and moves on to north. I kill two guards inside. I now braces for the charge and use Orson as decoy as I have been this run. (I used him more this run, weaponless is fun.) Tink Okay, now for the last chest, I ferry over there. Two woundee RNG ARE EVIL They do no damage to Orson, and any small damage they do get healed by stair's heal anyway. Finally you little cunt. After getting the fake elixer, Lyn attacks cavaliers. With a helping hand from the oldest sister. Better. Even better! I give the archer on the side of a pond a slap on the wrist. NOT Lured to be killed. Lured to be sliced up. NOT A SCRATCH! I LIVE~ Wonderful I grows closer to throne. (Me using vulnerary is to burn it to make room for the items I put on Orson.) Nice. Lyn missed a hit ;~; Fiora becomes meatier Florina gains offense Last of enemies to be killed >:( Lyn didn't double again. Meh. not risking it. Good last level! FIN That map
  11. Enough for your lance users :v Edit: If you saw my first fe7cm lp, you'd know how important they are.
  12. I'm going in blind. I only knew about no true hit from the 99% hit dodge survival and 2% crit for kill video on rom hacking forum by forceman
  13. I hate uploading from imgur. [spoiler=The Kamen Riders] Here are our kamen riders. The Lyn, The Fiora, and The Florina. OH MY GOD. ROOF ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOF ROOF EVERYWHERE I SEE!!!! EVERY FUCKING WHERE We all know we're not keeping him, he's not even a female! That aside, Paladin now has bow rank, to add to that, weapon ranks now have strict lock according to class. A Lance and B Bow. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE REAL LYN? Florina remains a horsebird. Fiora is now a groundbeef. #Plan Florina fly by river toward bottom where the two red enemies are to pick off them. I really like that palette. Chip WOW AT 93% NO LESS FUCK YOU RNG FUCK YOU GAME FUCK YOU GIRL FUCK YOU FE8GIRL FUCK THE WORLD FUCK MY LIFE FUCK EVERYTHING FUCK THE UNIVERSE I kill the next turn. THAT WAS AN UNNECESSARY CRIT FUCK YOU GAME FUCK EVERYTHING FUCK THE UNIVERSE *cont* Not bad level. After a while of bringing Florina back here. Safety is life Safety is love. Y-Y-YOU... Rescued WOW FUCK THIS GAME FUCK THAT CHAPTER Remember... When women are faced against another of their kind, the ending is ugly. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She get quicker I guess. Lyn to facetank the fighter. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This game is god damn bullshit. Lure tactic successful Swell level. Fiora chips a bit more for Lyn. AND SHE MISS HER FIRST HIT. FUCK But it's okay, she crit the next hit. FOR A TERRIBLE LEVEL Stair and pillar gives healing effect apparently. Jeez I hate This Fucking Game! Okay new room opened now. The chest on the right is blocked from ground movement, but you have Florina. Fiora stabs. Lyn slices. for a level, she could use some skl and spd. Turtleneck tactic! Not bad. Teamwork is wonderful. Best dodge of the game! First passage cleared. SAFETY FIRST Lyn kill PLS GET A BETTER LEVEL. I SWEAR Fiora is better than Lyn so who care. I move forth. CRIT IS LIFE CRIT IS LOVE FERRY TIME (The only way to get chests are to kill the archer on the right side with chest, he's carrying three pieces of key.) I kill the soldier after I arrives. SUX No prob! Killer Lance. SWEET Let's gtfo Fiora kills the door guard. This item heals for 50% of your max hp. A fake elixer if you will. You carry two in a batch. I open door to find a shaman sitting on the last chest. I retreats before looting because a rather well sized group of enemy units are charging when i opened the door. Not bad. I heals Florina because I can't wait for slow 2 hp regen off stair or pillar. Terrible again. I put Fiora and Florina to attack the archer behind a wall. Decent Ow ow ow Afk heal time GASP! YES YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS B rank though. . . I get rid of the pathway enemies. I finally use Orson only as a bait. That palette is hilarious. Lyn farms off the knight now. WHY DID YOU CRIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Edit: Yes I know it doesn't have true hit. That's why I'm raging.
  14. I'm rather far in, I doubt I'll use Wendy at all. But if you're so insist, why don't you LP yourself with Wendy as the main member? Maybe you'll convict me.
  15. Use the english menu/translation patch in the rom hacking forum with all of those unconventional hacks. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14799 Directly above the quote at bottom of the first post. It's the third edit. Unless I'm understanding you wrong. To which I'll say, press start before the 'next' location pops up fully. Also, I won't be using Wendy, she's completely outclassed by Priscilla.
  16. [spoiler=Saving the City] The brigands more or less show up around this corner. Teamworking. Rescue and Drop Ninian so she can be with the group. At this point these three are the only ones in the crossroad choke areas Not benched now. Had a look at armory. Dancing for Guenever They makes a fairly slow work. Getting defensive now are we? Noprob Work on that spd a bit will ya? You can see from the map, it's a terrible design :\ So much work... Meh. Mag is good, but everything else bleh Kill side Good level...I guess? She can hardly dodge when it comes to WTD, so might as well get bulkier for that situation. Level This proves to be an useless item. However I'm starting to stream out of the choke point. Lance op She's getting the stat that she need so she's forgiven. Ninian is busy dancing. She hardly ever get chance to heal. STR! :D I got this snap again. I guess I'm good. Now they're starting to be fewer in numbers, but that's not the end of reinforcement. They ALWAYS get reinforcement -.- Here! The thunder type magic has effectiveness against wyvern mounts. :\ Fire has effectiveness against monsters. Flux apparently has effectiveness against staff. Uncertain about lightning. I should considering letting her sit back but no. 20 is a must now! Good level...? I clear a path to Fa. :D Of course her hit sucks... Gains the stat she DOESN'T NEED! Phew. Clearing out stragglers now I guess. Teamwork Yeah... benched. Clean up in aisle 6 No. Fa is having fun. Feeding Limstella some exp. Gonna want her promoted soon. Torch. I guess I'll want it for torch glitch. I also purchased some heal staffs, and some steel weapons. This is bullshit No problem! Good level. Limstella get the boss kill. Fun fact. These promotion items come in a group of two, so you can use it twice. Same concept as Fe7if I believe. Next time~ Eirika's Sister shows action.
  17. The one with all non english patches? Yeah, that thread has an english patch linked in the non-spoiler area. MORE CHAPTERS! [spoiler=Joshua turned into...] Her. The baby brother turned into the middle sister. Benching Priscilla so other can grab exps. So far all seems normal... Until you see that weight. She will never double. Forgot to capture stats until I remembered a turn later. Work Karla pls. Never mind. Forest dodge OP Natasha is no longer that nice cleric sprite. :c First. I'm giving you a clear idea of what the map looks like. You starts OUTSIDE the city, there is a large gate to the left that has no protective area unless you're willing to charge right into their territory, or fall back a bit and hide on the side walk forest. Or you could move right to a safer path that has one tile entryway (where we are now) that offers zero protection but less enemies, but require MORE turns to move through due to 1 tile pathing in entry and through households. Basically, unlike the original map, this takes longer. They also still spawn the brigands but on a couple of turns later to give you time to reach the villages that's rather far. Oshit moments. This chapter is particularly boring, so forgive my boring screenshot layout, nothing interesting out of them. STRSTRSTRSTRSTR Her great levels has all but been combo-break Oshit moment again Reset. I decides to go mobility this time, the fighter that killed Guenever had a raiding brigand next to him that turn that would had raided a village if Guenever wasn't alive. I get Echidna with Clarine. I really hate RNG sometime... hahaha You know what. I'll just skip ahead to where I'm actually doing things without boredom. Here's a level before then.
  18. Last map? I assume you're talking about Chapter 4? I'm fairly certain the game is obvious. But it's titled Fe8girls.
  19. That neck is so thin. I recommend using one of the dark(black) shading on fe7/8 characters to make his spandex look better. Good job though.
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