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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. thanks to event knowledge and application in chapter 3, I'm reworking and compressing the first two chapter maps to prevent dozens of turns of walking and little real strategic placement...
  2. Lamia

    FEE3 2014

    hmm wonder if my project would do any good or if it even has enough progress guess I'll go and embarrass myself Project Name: FE4Online (not literally; tentative title) Base Engine: FE4 Creator: Lamia Submitting: WIP Patch
  3. what would be even cooler is if you modified the battle palette dropbox list in nightmare's character editor and added the addresses next to their name values, more convenient
  4. as far as I can tell from google translate, it allows you to have skills such as dance and the like to be able to be used with items I think dance doesn't work if it's just on a weapon or ring, so this must let you do so, along with some others (I never tested this patch and I don't really need it)
  5. bumping the topic with content, strangely forgot to add it FE4EasyText is a patch that Pukachi made way back when, which converts the dialogue text table to be converted directly from ASCII in short, it lets you type in letters in a hex editor to write dialogue instead of using codes or a parser it uses up more space than a well-constructed parser, but it's incredibly easy to use, just keep in mind you still need to manually input control codes (textfile contained in fe4hackdocs) you can use this on either a blank ROM or to overwrite a patch that used j2e's as a base; doubtful you could use others, but never tested https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MTIh0iG_hU_W5qYNwW8Dn91DhwRMnXbW/view?usp=sharing
  6. let me know what sort of patch you will use, that way it'll be easier to tailor to whatever you might need, since you wanted to add just one feature
  7. as far as I know those item settings use binary flags add the numbers together to use multiple at once if the nightmare module has not set itself to allow 00-FF then you need to edit the textfile also, just remember that combining multiple personalizations will allow them to use everything under it, so watch the weapon types as the guy above says
  8. can I recommend not sticking everything into layers of spoilers, since it might be useful to be able to Ctrl+F and grouping per game as the highest tier would be less cluttered and faster for those looking for a specific game
  9. how far along are you in your project? I'd almost recommend that you'd start from j2e since it readies up most of what is needed in the menus and the like, plus any possible guttings from the other translations wouldn't get in the way; the most that their patch has done is repointing text, and no special ASM or pseudo-compressed text or anything like that has been added, I just see it as a good starting point (but maybe I'm just promoting what I'm more familiar with) in any case, if the aforementioned gutting isn't severe in whatever patch you're using (I'd need to know which) and you don't wanna restart with a more fresh ROM (again, promoting) I may be able to help you out with dealing with the patch but then it could become a problem later on if you decide to use more interesting patches like that, have to consider long-term too, but I'm just looking at worst-case scenario here
  10. I only started my project from j2e's translation patch... which I'm guessing you use a different one, hence incompatibility issues? just for clarification before assisting, I haven't noticed any problems with patching j2e's version
  11. there are a lot of battle animations that are simply unnecessary, repetitive, or for unused or unnecessary classes; I had to rework it myself for my project (although, I did eliminate basic throwing axes and lances which frees up billions of space) and I have a fair amount to work with, although your idea does pose a bit of a problem if you overdo it I'd recommend only making what animations are necessary and obtainable by the characters in question, instead of everyone there's a way to simply fake the ranks by changing what letter is displayed too, so you can have D be a hyphen symbol (yet is still allowed to increased in rank), making it look less gaudy as for moving the data itself... which I had to do, it requires repointing, and I'm unsure if you're able to do that I'm terrible with tutorials and teaching but with the information given in the readme, it should be enough to figure out what goes on, but if you really need assistance (it's been a while since I worked this patch myself) I might be able to help for starters, this data here ■ Setting And display of the level Display in the $ 0A01D0 ~ $ 0A01E7 weapon shop $ 0A01E8 ~ $ 0A01FF status screen and unit list ( Ken Ono stick , thunder - light ) $ 0BC040 ~ $ 0BC057 unit list ( spear , bow flame , wind, darkness ) I believe is what you're looking for in what to repoint
  12. exactly check my FE4 stuff topic for the FE4hackdocs download, twilkitri's stuff with a few extras in scripting\controlcodes.txt it has most everything you need (although there are a few things I'm not sure I added) FE5 uses the same engine, so it's more than likely that things will be the same
  13. change the events so that it adds/removes units per chapter? just a wild guess, don't know much about FE7 event coding
  14. I had to 'darn' after realizing this probably wasn't about FE4, a problem I wish I could fix, but alas
  15. if it's anything like FE4 (which it probably is) dialogue pointers are not stored in a table like in the GBA series, they are only referenced in events and the event code points directly to the dialogue
  16. doesn't quite work that way for some menu text (character/class/item/maybe some others) as they only use two-byte pointers, using a reference point instead which is a real hassle, they can only be pointed to and located within a $0000-FFFF range as for dialogue, there's also a handy control code that allows you to repoint to additional text in the middle of conversation (even in the middle of a word, it's seamless) to any other place in the ROM, but it requires an additional 'end' ($01) code
  17. as far as I can remember pukachi just made the combat stat text look like letters by just editing the kanji directly, not changing it by regular means every other text is uncompressed though as for editing text in FE5, it's the same as FE4, dialogue text follows a font format and menus use shift-jis celice is right that all you need is a hex editor and reference material really (it's how I do it)
  18. battle animation errors, the javelin one is due to not making a proper 'throwing lance' animation the thief's bow one is because only certain class numbers are coded somewhere to be able to fire arrows (only the classes that normally shoot arrows) to shin, I suggest switching the thief data with another that have them 'enabled' whom also shoot arrows at person-level height normally, and doesn't need to use bows or isn't as important (hunters, bow armors, barons, emperors perhaps) as a side note, bow soldiers do not have bows enabled
  19. no idea what the 'fixed shift-JIS' is supposed to mean, but I CAN say that those parts of the game that use it (skill, objective, config, battleopts, battleopts2, menu, menu2, menu3) are coded to use direct-to-address pointers instead of a two-byte pointer table as with the character/class/item/etc data... but either way, it still uses the same shift-JIS symbol codes, it's just pointed differently the majority of that stuff in that doc is about dialogue text, which is different, it follows a control code + symbol format to encompass the huge amounts of kanji as well as kana, while saving on ROM space (unlike shift-JIS) and furthermore, the text comes with a width table and isn't constrained by the 8x8 tile grid like shift-JIS [spoiler=explanation] just as example, 09 - 0F are control codes that essentially change the 'font' that is used for the following text... 09 AB 93 3B 8D 0A 32 2A 9E will show four symbols under 09 font, then three under 0A doing this allows for 239 * 7 (1673) different characters for dialogue text maximum just might be strange if you're coming from the GBA series since they coalesced it all (afaik) into one, compressed format, while the jugdral saga doesn't use any text compression and as for that file you linked... you wrote it? or was it from somewhere else? dialogue coding in FE4 is pretty much completely cracked by now
  20. I assume that can be modified to say enemy or NPC (also may be needed because plans)
  21. I can tell you that FE4's menu text uses 2-byte shift-JIS only, nowhere in the ROM is any text ever compressed (pretty sure), and it's definitely never weirdly organized in a fashion like the FE6 statscreen's data here as for using the letters themselves, start with this listing that FE4's j2e patch uses, from my notes [spoiler=menutext.txt] this is the converted shift-jis that j2e did these letters appear in gameplay menus 82A0 A 82A2 B 82A4 C 82A6 D 82A8 E 82A9 F 82AB G 82AD H 82AF I 82B1 J 82B3 K 82B5 L 82B7 M 82B9 N 82BB O 82BD P 82BF Q 82C2 R 82C4 S 82C6 T 82C8 U 82C9 V 82CA W 82CB X 82CC Y 82CD Z 82D3 (SPACE) 8341 a 8343 b 8345 c 8347 d 8349 e 834A f 834C g 834E h 8350 i 8352 j 8354 k 8356 l 8358 m 835A n 835C o 835E p 8360 q 8363 r 8365 s 8367 t 8369 u 836A v 836B w 836C x 836D y 836E z 82D0 % 82D3 (SPACE) 815B - 817B + 817C - 8169 ( 816A ) 8148 ? 8149 ! 824F 0 8250 1 8251 2 8252 3 8253 4 8254 5 8255 6 8256 7 8257 8 8258 9 Default 8260 A 8261 B 8262 C 8263 D 8264 E 8265 F 8266 G 8267 H 8268 I 8269 J 826A K 826B L 826C M 826D N 826E O 826F P 8270 Q 8271 R 8272 S 8273 T 8274 U 8275 V 8276 W 8277 X 8278 Y 8279 Z
  22. just a question for future use, is there a function for a certain event to happen every turn? (player and/or enemy)
  23. isn't there a chapter in lyn's mode that has those 'buttons' call up events when waiting on those tiles, along with that castle-capturing in hector's mode (or maybe this one was lords only I dunno) plus reinforcement traps I think? (I haven't played through FE7 in ages)
  24. I'll take you up on that if I get that far
  25. not the death part, I figured that would be easy; I meant the surrounding one unit on four sides = victory, or possibly having the unit move around i.e. is there a trigger condition for Player brings unit to 'Location'.
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