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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. I make sure that the sound effects don't 'cut off' as you say, though they might be slightly too loud compared to the music as for the wav-based track continuing, I don't really plan on making battle animations available so it's not really an issue, I find them unnecessary and inconsequential for my project and I don't have the time, effort, or desire required to modify battle animations, not just out of laziness, but more out of practicality the only exception would be if there were a big boss showing up, but of what objectives I have so far, there isn't a need for one
  2. in early preparation for my FE7 hack plans I managed to insert some new sounds and music for fluff, following the guides you can hear the results so far here (no new chapter content, just sound) maybe I should work on more important aspects first
  3. need an FE5 remake since noone's really taken it up, while the rest don't have the potential for further greatness little things like pitch-black fog, critical immunity with scrolls, and counter critical stat are what I like, along with jugdral's method of critical damage calculation although counter crit (and classic FE5 wrath) might become overpowered if the stat caps are raised above 20 of course, it's supposed to be a remake and not an update, so I wonder what little things you might change
  4. it would be hilarious (and cool) to have randomly generated objectives during a chapter, but it's beyond the scope of my intent to have singular challenge maps in any case, it's nice to have those settled, but what about my last concern?
  5. I have an idea I've been toying around with for an FE7 project (as a side to my unfinished FE4 one) and I was wondering if people would have interest in what I have planned The Emergency Codes from Phantasy Star Online 2 gave me the idea to make single maps with a singular, specific objective. There would be multiple patches, because I don't know how I'd have one patch access any of one's choosing from the beginning. (a hub chapter? I dunno how to do that, I have zero knowledge of FE7 event coding) Besides, there would also be a different main character for each, along with PSO2's Emergency Code announcer pointing out the specific objective. They'd be like Trial Maps, put simply, except with a predetermined set of characters. My taste for challenge is high, so I would make maps that were both fair and balanced in difficulty, but needing some strategic attention. Here are a few objectives I have in mind: Code: Escort Escort the Bishop to an 'escape' tile through a dungeon. The only two bodyguards you get are Cavaliers. Rescuing is disabled. Every attack, player or enemy, will have 100% Hit. This objective I have given the most thought to, would be my first. The rest are up in the air, but the general idea is stated. Code: Avoid Keep from getting your unit or units killed, a survival map. Code: Attack Simple, clear out the map of enemies with the single unit you get. Code: Protection Defense map, everyone knows this one. Code: Elimination Clear out all of the endlessly-respawning enemies as quickly as possible. Akin to the Trial Map of the small room in FE9. Code: Capture Surround a certain unit on all four sides with your four characters. Obviously, since you need all four, any one death is a game over. (can this be coded in events? clarification requested) Would anyone be interested in something like this?
  6. just so you know, things like skills owned and holy blood are handled in a binary fashion [spoiler=explanation] skills use three bytes, and each byte holds 8 bits of skill info look at it this way, using Critical as an example: 0000 0001 each number is represented by a skill being switched 'on' by selecting the hex equivalent in order from left to right, it's 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 0001, or 0x01, is the Critical skill switch counting up in binary will be 0010, or 0x02 in hex, but it will be the second skill in the list that will be enabled, while the first is disabled however, going to 0x03 will look like 0011 in binary, so both are switched 'on' in the case of adding Astra + Critical, it will be 0000 1001, or 0x09 to enable multiple skills, all you'd have to do is combine them appropriately; the easiest way is to add the hex numbers together alternatively, the real easiest way is to open the nightmare module in notepad, scroll down to Skills (in character/class/item editors) and change the NDHU to NDDU it's a lot easier to add in decimal than hex as for missing skills, please read my FE4 stuff topic, it really is required reading and resources for any FE4 hack; the skill table editor fully handles that problem
  7. I don't know much about FE6 stuff, but the formatting of the letters is something I recognize from my FE4 travels, the text codes I've nearly memorized if there's only one pointer for all of the stats(weird but not impossible), have you tried just changing that pointer and making your own list of the stat letters that is, if you've already been successful in changing individual letters (it seems to use the same exact letter codes as j2e's FE4 if you need a list)
  8. no one will bother to look if you don't provide screenshots/videos
  9. try not to multi post the arena music definition should be located at $4B743 make sure to reload a turn save if you change the weapon listing during a game I haven't done any experimentation with the second generation, but there's a chance that substitutes, like children, have all of their stats defined as the second gen starts (requiring to load from before then) but I can't say for sure
  10. as said before, don't even TRY to plan out certain stats, because it won't work do tens to hundreds of playtests and you'll figure out on your own what should be raised, lowered, balanced out, what's overpowered or too weak, what weapons and items to give at certain times, etcetera and of course, there should be your chosen character archetypes, the stats you desire most should be worked out over time
  11. dunno how that rumor got started, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal period to own a copy of a game which you didn't make a copy of yourself and it must be kept only for personal use, though it's been a while since I looked that stuff up in any case, emulators are totally legal since they're developed privately, while the use of commercial ROMs is using intellectual property without permission, something like that, hence legality etcetera I await a 3DS emulator though since it's unlikely I will ever buy one just to play awakening (which is all that comes to mind that I'm interested in, besides I'm tired of handhelds)
  12. don't do these, changing the character number should never be done due to how it interacts with events and such changing the character name is mostly just for reference, it has no effect in several places; to change this properly, change the pointers, which can be found with the Char Name Pointer Editor reference list this is related to something I mentioned in my FE4 Stuff topic since you're probably not worried about shifting around map sprites too much at this point, to fix it just go into the map sprite editor and modify the lord knight entry if you change the character number to sigurd's it will allow him a custom map sprite
  13. dunno if I've posted it or not but take this refined FE4 Player Equipment.txt, that being the item definition list https://www.dropbox.com/s/q73mp92fqd1tep1/FE4%20Player%20Equipment.txt this has the original locations of each item as reference (that I could find, anyway) while you can mix up what items go where, you have to make sure multiple items don't appear at multiple places the safest bet is to simply use that to help you decide where player-spawned items should go (your characters starting with different amounts of items compared to the original game, for instance) and of course the Player Weapon Editor will modify the actual item of those item definitions
  14. I finally got to rehauling the class names, all of them now take advantage of an 11-letter limit instead of the default 8 much better now, and can actually tell what the magics are called (through element, spirit, arcane, force, and essence mages) (also pictured is the latest new portrait)
  15. the SNES does the same thing and you can read it every time it loads on ZSNES, for those interested in that too
  16. or you could just change the pointers for the battle music instead of trying to find the codes, same diff
  17. hi again guys, still no real update yet, but minor change in that I've modified the menu font (and also changed the engrish 'possession item' into 'held inventory') what do you think
  18. I didn't make the patch, but I'm assuming this is an incorrect version for starters it needs to have no tags other than (J), a clean ROM the [h1] means there's some sort of hack applied to it which may interfere with the patch
  19. nice work all around, does remind me of those RPGMaker editors, in a good way! here's my own questions and comments; one thing that I love is having tons and tons of options for the little things will there be some sort of area or more checkboxes to some specially-programmed stuff a user might make such as item traits, much like how I see the skills there? special interactions like narga + loptous in FE4 comes to mind, along with tellius goddess protection and breaking, and much more another thing about items, would they be able to cast magic? for item personalization, I noticed there's only one selection available shown, unless you can add extra characters or classes with comma or something for items? I'm guessing that's why it's in an edit box and not drop box promotions or possible branching later on might be easier and more personable if they were in the character data and done individually as well, instead of needing to make a whole new class if someone's the same class as another character but promotes into something different; though I suppose involving tiered class lines would be easier to deal with if it were part of class data are weapon levels done by experience or FE1/3 weapon level stat? not all that clear since the games have had starting weapon ranks based on current weapon EXP and speaking of weapon types, will it be possible to add more? is the inventory size is fixed to 6? dunno if you've dealt with it yet, but I'm assuming it will support decent sound file types (oh those days of being restricted to limited midi and huge-size wav...) are battle animations restricted to using the GBAFE format or will there be ways to make it more like the free movement of the other games? these are all mainly questions by how it looks right now of course, I don't know what you have and haven't planned at the moment~
  20. well seeing as I only use holy blood for more diverse weapon ranks due to no children, I was hoping to use that screen for something different, my personal world has magic fundamentals and theory that is represented by a diagram (put simply, a triangle) I do have a set of short descriptions for each magic type for anyone's curiosity I'd like to change that holy blood map to that diagram while placing the blood markers to their affinity (which also counts physical characters), would be a nice touch methinks, and me figuring out sprite placement along with having a graphics decompressor just makes it a matter of time increasing the weapon icon size actually seems like a cool idea, but I run into a problem in that menu text is aligned to a grid while the icons aren't, so there's a good chance that the ranks will look odd (and I don't know how to possibly increase the size of the weapon rank letters to make up for it) as for padding out skills, while I could probably figure it out, there's not really much use in doing so... if only I could figure out how to insert something unique there
  21. since I removed the weapon rank text you pretty much have to figure it out through dialogue or the specialty mages (like lamia being a force mage) although I do need to add more letters to those class names now that I know how to reposition tiles I may be able to make room for the longer ones
  22. well actually I was just saying that because I only know FE4 but yeah those are good too I guess...!
  23. I would suggest organizing the sections a bit like, in each section group up the links by game or whether they're 'general' info that can be used for multiple games or alternatively just group everything by game instead of subject (also my name changed to lamia now)
  24. not much progress at the moment, just refining things for the most part I cleaned up the weapon rank area and made it look nicer now if only I could figure out a way to use that empty space for something
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