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Everything posted by Zarb

  1. No one is making you buy any of the DLC. One person could spend the whole 110$ (If that's how much it actually is, too lazy to do the math) on it, while another may only spend 40$.
  2. I'll call my Gamestop at about noon to see what's what.
  3. Lucky Canada... Us down here in the barren wasteland of Alabama have to wait.
  4. Well... It's no Together we Ride, but Crossroads is pretty good.
  5. I have no major problems with Nowi. Sure, I'm not a huge fan of her outfit. But I'm also not a huge fan of Donnel, Kellam, or Tharja's respective outfits. But that's not going to stop me from using them if I want. I don't know much about Nowi. But I do know she's really really old. I can't imagine she's lived that long without seeing some pretty horrid stuff. Where I come from, if someone's lived longer than 100 years (And can turn into a dragon) they're allowed to dress and act however they want. Also, I hope they don't change her any. It amuses me to watch people complain about her.
  6. I thought he looked familiar... Now I can never unsee it.
  7. Oh wow, I preordered like, yesterday. Thankfully I did.
  8. I actually really don't care all that much for Tharja. I think her outfit is stupid, she's not really what I would describe as "my type," and I'm not really a fan of dark mages. But if I were to pair my character with Tharja, it would be solely to give Noir a lot more classes to pick from. Because while I do not like Tharja... Noir, on the other hand, is an entirely different story.
  9. Heard about the series, don't quite remember where, so I decided to try Sacred Stones... That's when everything changed.
  10. The demo was really good. Lunatic was... Incredibly difficult. Or maybe I just suck. But, normal seemed a bit too easy. But I'll still probably play the game on normal the first time.
  11. The bundle and the cartridge... Okay, no. That's too expensive for me. I'll just be getting the cartridge, but I can at least dream of it...
  12. It depends on the voice actors. I'll pick whatever one I think sounds better.
  13. My plans are to get the game and then lock myself in my room never to be heard from again. ... At least until I need to eat.
  14. I already had a 3DS. Bought it before I even knew about Fire Emblem Awakening.
  15. I think the shortened trailer is wonderful. The normal length one goes on just a bit too long about supports for my tastes.
  16. Hopefully the demo will tide us over till it comes out. But, so long till it comes out!
  17. Classic normal. I always play on Normal first time through. And, I feel like I'd be cheating if I played on Casual.
  18. Pair for reasons of love! ... Till I start my second run. Then whoever I feel like!
  19. My Friend Code is 3952 - 7459 -6892 And the name I use is Brian. I would greatly appreciate the stationary
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