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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Lucia's a commander, lol And Lucia's pretty bad, too. EDIT: I misread, I thought you meant Mia was a commander, not that she was WITH one. :P I'm going to say that zihark's better due to Earth support and good bases.
  2. Just because of the monsters? They weren't even dark, I don't even recall them doing that much (or did they?)FE4/5 had a child hunt to bring back a dark God, some guy shagging his half sister who's already married to some other guy (who he later kills after basically telling him that he fucked his wife) and their son being the vessel of a dark God.
  3. Oh crap, I didn't get many this year. I rarely get any to start, but still. My list is out of... - Brawl - Ecclesia - FE DS I really want to say Ecclesia, so I will. Pretty tough game and decent plot too, though the ending was a bit of a huge downer (both the bad and the true endings).
  4. I get Haar to cover the right. Aside from Thunder Mages (Hand Axe raep) he does it just fine. Brom and Nephenee tend to take the left.
  5. [10:03:05] <Nathan_Graves> http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ind...=all&st=390 [10:03:11] <Nathan_Graves> and [10:03:11] <Nathan_Graves> http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ind...=all&st=360 and http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ind...?showtopic=8370 enlighten urselfs
  6. My mom total'd my car. :( It's fuckin' destroyed..
  7. I have to admit, the 2/3 of Hard I've played was pretty rewarding.
  8. I find it hard to kill things without involving people and Ike always tends to get the job done.
  9. mekkah is God I swear it has nothing to do with how easy it is... in fact it must've been harder to centralize your strategy around the weaker units that make this work than stronger units who don't. That one wasn't as bad, but I myself find it easier to pick one out of Mist and Elincia instead of taking both (I normally go for Elincia).
  10. Speed is even more about how fast you attack than how much you evade. lol
  11. Ike's sword arm is probably completely unprotected so he can swing his sword as fast and hard as possible. It's kinda hard when you have this big shield thing on your shoulder. (second and third points) Also, to the last one, haircuts.
  12. No, you can do it on anyone. You just have to guess where the enemies are.
  13. Pokemon styled spin off would be pretty sweet though.
  14. Technically it does, it's just unobtainable.
  15. He's good in the third part too. Just as good as your other units if not slightly better. Part IV is his lag time, which everyone in the Dawn Brigade has anyway.Meg gets average at best as time passes. Her gains are average overall, not particularly spectacular. The Laguz Kings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone in your army during the endgame. Tibarn, Nailah, and Naesala are pretty rape in Part IV as well.
  16. Meg is rather crap for the time she is around. Sothe is very valuable for the time he's around. There's a difference. That makes them a lot better than Volke. Their offense is so much more rape than all your units for the endgame.
  17. I can't believe you guys are being sarcastic about this. It's pretty fucking serious.
  18. No, it just makes him useless. Not necessarily bad, just useless. Yes, it does.
  19. In fighting games, matchups > tiers.In Pokemon tiers are probably really important. Understand it's just a ranking thing, no one's forcing you to follow them.
  20. I'm curious how I was being bitter. At any rate, it's sorta like a sport and it's kinda fun. And it's discussion. Stop taking things so personally, man :') Wander: I'm actually willing to bet my balls that "True hit" applies to FE10.
  21. Care explaining this to me? I'm a little slow in understanding how. My herons are now gaining 20 EXP per turn instead of 10! Woot! Two levels per chapter hooray! LRN2Counter points. So? Knives are a weak weapon, and the two of them are confined to them; neither are killing particularly often. Especially considering you have to go out of your way with items to get Volke the Baselard by the laguz chapter and the fact that your team's being hindered by an optional knife user when you already have a mandatory one by the endgame.His ability to kill doesn't even matter when you look at what Sothe's doing before Part IV. Which is the entire basis of Sothe>Volke, and it's a pretty big thing too.
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