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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. No but you can replace it with a myriad of people.... not EXP. So you have enough BEXP to give your Herons so they can survive and also to share with the rest of your full unit? I must ask you how you accomplish this on a mode above Easy. Yes, it pretty much does.His status as an EXP hog is irrelevant (in HM, with his Bronze Dagger he has a hard time killing and weakens to a point where anyone can steal the kill, and nobody gains much more EXP anyway so don't even) considering how he's the only one that can actually take a couple hits. His supposed "damage" to your team is "hogging" EXP, which is a point someone like Mekkah can pick apart because I don't want to get too much into it. I'd rather he hog EXP than let an enemy kill my unit, though. The game's purpose is to listen to the objective and play efficiently as possible. Efficient play demands you use Sothe in Parts I and III; efficient play, in fact, doesn't go anywhere near demanding you to play as Volke in Part IV. Especially since so many units are better than him offensively at this point. If not, they're on par with him (or he's on par with them...) But you won't. This point is black and white thinking at its finest.
  2. You don't even make him use his Iron Bow to weaken things? :<
  3. Bear in mind, I fucking hate Sothe, especially the fact that he's forced on me after Part III. And I fucking love Volke because he's a badass. But Sothe is so much better and more useful than Volke it's ridiculous. You can't accuse me of fanboyism here. Even then, you may as well spout out relevant counters because "fanboyism" isn't among them. But there _aren't_. Nobody gives a damn about his cap. That's only relevant at the end of the game.Heron's can't survive for jack unless you give them a lot of BEXP. His battle ability doesn't matter when you're comparing him to Volke. He's invaluable in Part I being basically the only guy who can take more than three or four hits and double. Irrelevant considering how offense has nothing to do with why Sothe > Volke. You're talking about after Part III there, at best. He's doing just as well as everyone else in Part III
  4. Navarre - an empire somewhere in Europe. :S Navarre is the japanese translation I'm most used to so... Biblical reference.
  5. Yeah so, there are secret shops in this game right? If so, where can I find the ones in Chapter 17 and later?
  6. I did all of FE10's averages through the FEA style by hand on excel. I'll email the zip to anyone who wants to convert the excel files to HTML. : D
  7. What about a BEXP level up prior? Like, doing it once, restarting, BEXP level up then doing it again.
  8. You know, I've always been paranoid about Ike missing the last hit.
  9. Nailiah's not doubling in your game? Doesn't she have 36 base speed?
  10. FE10 spoilers in the next paragraph, for the record. I'd say FE9 is still darker because it involves drugging an entire race of people to serve their own militarist needs. The main enemy was a Darwinist but that wasn't as dark as basically killing the entire royal family aside from two people - Elincia and Renning, and the latter was drugged with the Feral drug anyway. And there was the entire explanation of how he basically killed his own family to get to the throne.
  11. Not if you're smart and keep him the fuck away from enemy lines. Counter's pretty useless in this game anyway. Otherwise, yes.
  12. Renning has better weapons to double with. Like a Silver Poleaxe.
  13. Not when they get swarmed by a bunch of enemies. Haar can handle swarms VERY well.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqb80LL51aw It should make more sense to you now.
  15. I was really vague about what I was referencing XD It was the Ilyana/Micaiah/Laura thing. I use Sothe to bait him anyway. But as I recall even with a level 5 Micaiah with 2 Speed boosts or so (which is just about average) she's been getting doubled in HM and NM.
  16. But she's barely doing anything to him. It's almost completely inconvenient to let her kill because Haar makes a ridiculously easy kill on him. Yes. Because his defense lets him block the fort a lot better, and he doesn't have a meter to run off of like Mordecai. Brom's fine with the other side anyway, even though his speed/skill/defense aren't quite as good as Haar's. Give him a vulnerary and he can EASILY hold his own; you really can't say the same about the rest.
  17. Marcia will be doing absolute minimal damage to the 2-P boss. Have you played 2-P in recent years? I never said he'd be getting 40 EXP per kill. But he's still getting a massive amount of kills, and he's easily the best candidate for it considering his offense and defense, even if there are thunder mages around.
  18. A single level? Are you _joking_. Hell, he probably gains about 60% of a level up during P, at the very least, and he'll be doing a lot of killing in E to go pretty well beyond that. 2-E is a huge chapter.
  19. No, it's not. >_>I'm pretty sure you have to go out of your way, not only with which units you use, but your entire formation if you want to successfully pull one off. And it's just a critical, so what if it bypasses Mantle?
  20. I'm not sure his playing the game matters when he's right. Besides, it's Mekkah. He doesn't need to play to know his shit. ;D Also Haar has his entire utility in the P and E chapters of Part II over Ike. And the entire flier utility thing and the entire level lead thing.
  21. Lord Raven

    Blood Type?

    I'm pretty sure I'm B. I wouldn't bet against being O, though, because my dad is.
  22. 2-E was easy if you didn't play aggressive. 1-3 was annoying as hell. The boss comes in doubling Micaiah too, doing damn near an OHKO's worth on Hard Mode and Normal Mode wasn't TOO bad. The enemies nearby also double Nolan if he hadn't grown enough Speed and Strength in his past level up or two. And they do a lot of damage on top of that.
  23. Because like four base with a 30% growth is amazing.
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