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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. "Blocking out one of the best characters" is irrelevant considering the circumstances. I could put forth a similar argument stating that getting Harken = not going through the chapter as fast = lowering tactics, but oh well.His combat abilities should be better than Wil and the like, however; definitely not bottom tier material. I see him top of low/bottom of mid ideally if you factor out Harken. In which, Harken has no bearing on his combat abilities. Helping them beat every other chapter safely >>>>>>>> beating the final chapter in one turn. Julian can thief around for the extra warp staffs you'll need to transport her there in the first place.Tibarn/Naesala at least have a good 7 chapters of performance each (well, two or three [depending on how you fight black knight and sephiran chapters] of those are really quick), whilst Giffca/Caineghis should be lower than Ike (five chapters, two or three are real depending on perception). I'm not saying she sucks. I'm just saying she's overrated by this list. Yeah I took another look, he beats Bottom but lower mid is too much.
  2. To be fair, he won't be class changing until a bit after he's using the Hammer. Not seeing the relevance with this point, though. I still see him above most of Bottom. I just feel that the original judging was the entire reason why he was in bottom in the first place.
  3. E rank is easy to increase, as far as I'm aware.
  4. Edited my post a bit. I think I've made it fully clear now that I believe Tiki > Nagi. You know what I really hate? When you post and have a second thought. Seriously. Then someone reads your post and then you edit something into your post and stuff...
  5. To be fair, Tiki's stats aren't really going to be as high despite Tiki getting EXP quickly. I'd group Nagi around where Tiki is myself, if not a teensy bit lower.
  6. I should take a quick look eventually. If we factor out Harken (which we should if we're judging purely on Karel's performance), he can easily go above Wil. Does Nagi exist prior to the final chapter? Nope, and Hardain/Julian actually do. And they have use for those chapters on top of that; Nagi's final chapter usefulness really shouldn't be ranked on par with their usefulness for the rest of the game.Merry Fucking Christmas, by the way. I just found it funny, that's all.
  7. Bord seems better than most of Low to me as a Merc. Oguma and them are probably better than low mid as Mercs, even if they're taking away a slot for Sedgar/Wolf (whose huge valuability should still not discount how good other units are.) Not entirely what I was asking. Who is in bottom and low? At least you're not a hypocrite. This is still biased logic, heavily towards Sedgar and Wolf; even if they are better, they're still taking away from other units that have potential, be it good or bad.... Also, Nagi in high? Really? She's there for the entirety of a chapter. Up Mid at the very best, but grouping her with the likes of Julian and Hardain? My OCD can't possibly agree with that.
  8. But one at a time. It's hindering it in relative means. Everyone below mid-high tier is technically hindering everything in mid-high and above because using them = not using everyone else. Let's just demote them to bottom tier and make everyone else mid-high and above, while we're at it! Missing the point. Let's pretend we're not using them for a playthrough, or just using one of the above as a Mercenary and Bord as one as well. Then let's judge Bord instead of on just one factor; how others are so much better than him as a Mercenary. Which is relevant to outclassing. You want to get the entire list for me? I have little clue who Wil is below. What I'm arguing is that one man's presence does not make another man completely invisible. I don't need to read much to figure out that's why Bord sucks on your list.Regardless of how much he's hindering one other unit (at a time), he still has a worth regardless of whether or not it's less than that other character. Bord is who I'm referring to as the outclassed one, and Daros/the others are who I'm referring to as the outclassers. At any rate, wouldn't Cord/Daros/Oguma be taking away a Hero spot from Sedgar/Wolf? Move them down a lot of spaces, I say!
  9. Other characters? It's one other character at best. You're making one character worse in order to make Bord average, which isn't even hindering the entire team as a whole. Why are you even arguing normal mode anyway? About 75 or 80% of the cast is usable there, and Bord is among them.This still has nothing to do with much. Mercenary!Bord could easily hit somewhere in Upper or Lower Mid instead of bottom. And the fact that he's outclassed in the Mercenary group proves my point. He's making better characters worse, which can be seen as a detriment because they're better under the same circumstances. It doesn't make Bord's performance any worse, which is exactly what I'm arguing. Which is what a half decent tier list is based on. And EXP isn't relevant how? Giving anyone EXP is favoring them with that one kill, attack, or whatever. Allowing a unit to do anything is favoring of some sort, really; to how much an extent is up to the player. I would think that reclassing is almost as bad when it comes to favoring as giving EXP to a unit myself. Who's to say I agree with it? I actually don't. Who exactly is higher and lower than him? I don't feel like digging it up to look it up. They're both extreme examples, though. 50K and 20K really do wonders for your funds rank, for the worse; Farina basically costs 40K considering how much you had to sell and how much you weren't able to spend. Even afterwards she's not doing that well. This is overly specialized and you're hurting your entire team as a result. With Bord, you're just hurting the quality of one character. Yeah, I'm pretty sorry I don't dedicate my time to reading every post on an internet forum, especially to one I don't even play that often anymore. (I have played a couple runs of FE DS NM recently enough, though). It's the same exact thing. Take out the others that want Merc and he instantly becomes the best and only choice, right? His performance still remains static.I'm curious, why is Normal Mode being argued? Why not at least one of the middle Hard modes?
  10. Distributing EXP is along the same lines. Giving EXP to Oguma/Kain/Abel/Marth/whoever is screwing over other characters who want EXP by not letting them get EXP. FE tiers shouldn't give a damn about how outclassed they are; it's how they perform overall.Twilkitri can argue what I'm trying to say a lot better. This is relevant to tier placement how? I'm lazy, and it's tl;dr for now.
  11. http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ind...st&p=321905Read the rest of this page and the last post of this topic. Then learn why your point is or should be irrelevant in the judging of a tier list.
  12. Except... the word "worst" or anything synonymous wasn't even in my post.
  13. ... I still find it hard to believe people find Bush to be a dictator in relative terms to Hitler and Stalin.
  14. Huh... that's pretty much right. Assuming all three are around level 10. He's still taking the worst offensive stat of each guy though and putting it together; Sain and Kent have more Strength and Speed respectively. And then there's the fact that Lowen starts to drag a bit more later on..
  15. This is a huge generalization. I'm pretty sure that mages like Pent (different game but suck me) can handle the frontlines just fine. You judge on a unit by unit basis, the class is irrelevant. (mainly in reference to #3)If they're not near the frontlines, they're only able to attack once per turn. Giving them the offensive capabilities of a sniper. Considering how borked magic can be I guess it wouldn't matter too much.
  16. This doesn't make this any less of a strike against her. Well, to be fair it does mean a bit more that she shouldn't enter combat, but being brittle doesn't exactly help much at all, and the more brittle means the more protected they need to be.
  17. Promotion is chapter 26, by the way. Not chapters 12-25.Even still they're with each other for five turns at best. Four chapters until a C, another 5 or 6 until B, another 5 or 6 until A. But this puts him over Sain and Kent's ridiculously superior offense? Sure Lowen's pretty decent before chapter 16, but his speed and strength don't quite match theirs at Chapter 16.
  18. Slow support with Rebecca and Eliwood and not even guaranteed to be next to them that much. I don't think amazing defense compensates for his mediocre offense. Wrong. Kent isn't doubling Mercs earlier than Sain if at all; by the time there are Mercs they're both still two rounding them because neither are fast enough to take them on in one round. Yeah Sain's supports do kinda blow. I think that Fiora's the only relevant support here, but it's not even giving Kent that great a boost and Fiora needs a couple chapters before they can be on the front with Kent/Sain. Her support doesn't apply that much until Chapter 20 or something.Kent's speed isn't even that much higher. 1 higher base with 5% more growth.
  19. That's about average for him. It's more or less on par with enemy units; not like combat is a hard rank to increase. Also Kent isn't DAing for THAT much longer and both pretty much 2HKO anyway during the time Kent's DAing (and Sain isn't). They have like 5% difference in their speed growths so it's not particularly significant... even if their base speeds are one or two points apart.
  20. or should I say... MARK

  21. hi mekkah I love you

  22. I use Sain more out of favoritism although I'm pretty tempted to say Sain's better because his Speed is pretty good and his Strength goes up like a motherfucker. Kent's more balanced but... I still prefer Sain. (Also I'm more biased now because on a recent playthrough sain maxed Speed/Strength before promotion <3 Nothing to do with why I believe Sain > Kent but I love Sain for it).
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