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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Shove and Smite are valuable tools, especially if you don't send Mordecai/Lethe up there alone.
  2. ... I don't think Ymir's capabilities are Bottom tier worthy. Elice and Ymir deserve Low tier both, anyway. But... this is irrelevant because it has nothing to do with Ymir's contributions. It matters whether or not they're good or bad, not whether or not it matters. Because all it determines is how well more characters will do, and really it shouldn't be used as a way to trivialize a character.
  3. Not everyone in the game can handle normal mode. And Ymir can certainly handle it better than many others anyway. Normal mode being piss easy isn't a valid argument, either. It merely means that more people have a chance to go higher because more characters can handle the mode they're in...
  4. But... he still does well in those chapters. How does that not put him above all of the bottom tier? If individual worth matters, then he's good because he can handle Normal mode just fine. If usefulness matters, hell he's a decent fighter so he's still put above bottom tier in both instances.
  5. Red Fox: Alt + 130 with Number lock on gives you é. The numbers on the numpad anyway. Also, the fact that Nailah is a woman scars me a bit. She's ugly and manly. |:
  6. Or irrelevant if you've used up all Master Seals by that point anyway.
  7. He'd be broken if he had like 4x the EXP gain rate of your other units and had the potential to reach that level. But alas, reality bites us in the ass once again.That really wouldn't make him broken, considering how his caps all even out at 25 anyway and he's not even getting past Level 25ish anyway. He could reach Level 30, but even with a cap of 40 he wouldn't get anywhere near without Arena whoring.
  8. My argument that Ymir does well in Normal Mode as a Hero?
  9. Or every other Lord shouldn't promote like him. (Sigurd didn't promote).
  10. Censorship is bullshit.Anyways, Tropic Thunder and Step Brothers only exist for comedy. Anyone who takes them seriously should be shot. They're rated R for a reason, too.
  11. It's taking a slot away from another unit, on top of taking away another unit's existence. That's why it matters. I don't see how it should be any more trivial when their quality is factored in. How can you say you've never said it? It's your entire mindset behind the "well, the only reason Karel goes down for something no one else goes down for is because he's not nearly as good as Harken." lolhere's to say, I didn't expect much better 15-12? lolIt still doesn't matter how many slots they are. Lower tier units are taking away slots that upper tier units can use. (The reverse applies, too).
  12. http://www.serenesforest.net/general/truehit.html99.85% :<
  13. Intersecting Vows being the name should imply that half hte cast will fight the other half of the cast. Well, it's more like 2/3 vs 1/4 but oh well. (I'm aware it doesn't add up, there's still like 1/12 that you haven't recruited yet). This was a fun rumor to hear back when the game was released. I really wanted the game to be like that... So? Haar is a fucking badass. Try bringing the Meteor tome to the Mercs and hitting Micaiah with it. Staff attack? :P
  14. I imagine the reference had more to deal with the Crimean War as opposed to the Yugioh card.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_of_the_light_brigade not really yugioh at all.
  16. Kurthnaga/Ena have Laguz Stones anyway. Their meters go down really slowly overall, so it's not a big deal; an Olivi Grass at best otherwise. Giffca probably does as well as Nailah, actually. Though, after the first turn it's basically Giffca's game... Nailah might have some trouble here and there. At the same time I said that I was thinking Caineghis, but either way. Even still, Nailah's endgame is not lackluster at all. None of the laguz kings suck.
  17. Dark Traveler is rape. That sounds too complicated. I had Callil, Nephenee (with Javelins), and Heather (Steel Knife) where the Archers were, did not let the yellow units do shit, pumped like 6 levels of BEXP into Haar, and had Brom/Haar guard the Left/right respectively. I had the yellow units move on the last couple turns so Haar could have some leeway to take on those units at once (Thunder mages make me cringe, to be perfectly honest, and Haar's evade is slightly unreliable). The Crimean Knights took on only like three units near their entrance (axe users). Really, it was a Haar/Brom solo with a little support from Heather, Nephenee, Callil, and Elincia doing healing/some crossbow cunt killing. I had Haar retreat to Leanne so he could rape some more but... yeah. I did this on the last two turns. Short/Hand Axes raped everything except Ludveck, with Ludveck being the last thing I took care of.
  18. mekkah's not a fierce debater he's just a badass That's more or less correct, though. Lilina also has a bad join situation overall.
  19. Levin, which tier are you arguing Ymir for? I'm making myself look like an idiot as of the last eight pages so we may as well clarify first.
  20. http://tempfess.superbusnet.com/forums/ind...mp;#entry321905How well everyone else is doing != how well they are doing individually. Elice's use as a Healer is going to be better than everyone else's use as a pitiful fighter. Ymir's performance as a Hero is better than many's performance as Hero or Fighter; it's cool that people are doing better than him at that time, and that determines that those characters are higher than Ymir, not that Ymir is automatically Bottom because of it. Everyone else being better means he's worthless. Tiers judge quality and potential, which is different from worth. And he's potential enough for a lower tier. Worthless doesn't mean he can't be useful, because worthless applies to half the characters in an FE game ever (like Sothe in FE9), many of which actually do have potential to be useful. We're arguing normal mode at any rate. H5 comparisons are irrelevant. Read the first post a bit (I'm guilty of not reading it specifically either, just the tiers themselves).
  21. Not specifically, just generally. If everyone else is doing better, his performance doesn't get any worse.
  22. Nailah's endgame is fine, if I recall correctly. Just not as good as Giffca.
  23. Zeldafreak007: already discussed. What is it with people and being hostile La la la character comparisons etc. Why does "everybody else doing better" have anything to do with how he's doing anyway? Sounds right I suppose. She's around for only slightly longer than Ymir and being a good physic user is definitely better than an axe user.
  24. Low skill units still have a hard time hitting regardless. There's just a point you need to reach (like 15 or 16 lol) before it becomes negligible.
  25. Then he should say that instead of "nobody should use Karel." But even then, it has no effect on Karel's use; it just affects his placement on the tiers the same as Harken's arrival affects him. Which I'm pretty sure you agree with. But he is still a quality unit regardless. His lateness is why I vouch Low tier at best - the rest is irrelevant.
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