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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. But... but... eh it makes sense. We should bump Mekkah's topic.
  2. He's usable, not God tier. There's a distinct difference here. He's not the only one who can kill Priests and long distance magic users. In fact, babying him with them is kinda stupid because it's easier to just go and get the kill. ... if most enemies in the game are Armors, how is he doing damage? Hell in the early game (when he comes in, anyway) he'll have about 20 evade more or less and they'll hit Robert a lot. Ballistas have high Def too, and thieves don't get doubled/killed by him for a while. No because it's often biased and the fact that the RNG works way differently for everyone. The theoretics are all that we really care about since it's completely free of bias and randomness.
  3. No it's not. :< It's a lot better than Arenas anyway.
  4. http://fea.fewiki.net/fea.php?game=5 http://fea.fewiki.net/fea.php?character=roberto&game=5 He maxes Speed/Luck at level 20/8, but that's beside the point. Terrain doesn't help much considering we're still only talking a single RNG game. Their attacks may not even be 40% the entire time; 50% seems pretty realistic as well. At base though it's more like 70 or 80% which really kills Robert. He can't counter attack which is what we're talking about. His Speed growth his good, his speed base is mediocre. I forget where I dug up the elite thing, but that's a point he doesn't have... so he doesn't gain levels faster either.
  5. He doesn't have 20 speed/luck throughout the entire game. Only when you max him out, which takes ages because he starts out mediocre at level 1. I dunno if he has Elite (something tells me he does) but if he does I guess that helps but not much because his base kinda sucks! 20 Speed/Luck = like 60 Evade. In a single RNG game. And damn, the boss doesn't mean anything. It doesn't speak for the millions of enemies this game has. Of course, Robert isn't double attacking immediately. He's not doing much when he does considering he can only use an Iron Bow for a while.
  6. They can't "kill just fine." They can't even kill on the enemy phase because the AI actually has some degree of common sense in this game. They're restricted to only one attack per turn.Doesn't Robert suck with weapon levels anyway? I can't help but recall that I only got a D with Bows after getting him to Level 20/0... Bosses are perfectly stationary anyway. It's not like they speak for every other enemy in the game! The only way for Robert to get action is if he's ganged up on and counter attacks a ranged attacker that decides to attack him. In which case, he'll barely survive through that shit and it's situational as hell. I'm sure the Archers would rather go for a unit that doesn't have a ranged attack available anyway!
  7. But why is Kashim like a tier below Darros (two slots below seems fine really) even though his offense is pretty much just as good? If it's purely the defense, then a 4 point lead in HP really isn't that significant.
  8. Darros is getting 19 at the very end of the game. Throughout, he'll start decent (11) and then it will lag until he gets a lot more level ups. Kashim doesn't have this problem; he has decent AS from start to finish, where Darros hits a rough spot around the late early game and the mid game.
  9. Wait until we get the numbers before saying this. Except this is like 20 vs 15 not 30 vs 20. Chapter 15 onwards.
  10. nintendo made a pretty big error when putting in Maji's growths lol
  11. 3 points. Nothing = nothing. The 4 HP is just about as irrelevant, if anything still a minor lead at best. Not enough to matter. You make it sound like it's barely enough. If that is the case (which I heavily think it is), then Kashim's consistently doubling just about everything as a Mercenary. AS matters just as much, especially when one grows it a lot more than the other. But he's _not_.(Can someone get the stats of like... every enemy past Chapter 15; the average ones are fine really... because I heavily doubt about 16 Speed after promotion is enough to double).
  12. It's four points of HP by 20/20. It won't stack up too much especially since HP is the type of stat where a difference of three or four isn't significant.Defense I will give you; if I did my math right, it's going to start out +1 and eventually become a +3 lead by 20/0. +4ish at 20/10 and +5-6 at 20/20. Same could apply to his Speed. But that proves my point; they shouldn't be a tier apart. Start out the same = base Defense. Silly. Much more HP = 10 HP. Darros' HP isn't even that high. Growing once every five levels, he'll have 14 Speed by Level 20. As a Mercenary too, he has even poorer speed with all the other classes (aside from Hunter, which has poor base speed).Castor's speed grows roughly once every three levels. By level 20, as a Merc, he'll have 17 Speed. That's much more. I somehow doubt this is the speed requirement, especially when he has 15-16 in the later parts of the game. Irrelevant? A 15% lead in Speed is about as irrelevant as the 15% lead Darros has in Defense.
  13. ... they both start out with a Strength base of 1. Twice naturally, it's 15% otherwise. They start out the same. If they do, hypothetically, they will have the same stats aside from a 2 point Skill lead (one point speed also, but guess who has 25% more growth) on Darros' part. When you bring them up, Castor has loads more AS and Darros doesn't have much; his AS is purely from class growth (20% as a Mercenary lol).Darros has only defense to fall back on considering they have exactly the same Strength. Castor is a much better Mercenary too.
  14. That's just the High and God tier. I'm vouching for lower mid. There also shouldn't be a one tier gap between Castor and Darros considering their base stats are incredibly similar. Take off the class bases and you have a skill lead of 2 on Darros' side, everything else is the same. their growths aren't too far off either. Castor has a lot more skill and Speed but a bit less HP and a lot less Def. There shouldn't be that big a tier gap.
  15. According to the site, Maji has 10% growth in FE3 Book 1. Is this true? I'm skeptical because of his 100% growth in FE1.
  16. His HP is fine, though. He can't afford to get ganged up--but nobody can.I think a couple level ups to boost his Speed then a couple level ups as a Knight sounds pretty good though.
  17. We haven't defined it yet have we?(I tried self-made ranks back on FESS once. :< It never really got off the ground aside from the Funds rank. Good luck.) If we're going to judge solely by how fast you can charge, the Warp staff users should be in Top and everyone else should be a lot lower.
  18. You don't have to charge. There's nothing that tells us we have to. There are no ranks in this game, we don't have to charge.
  19. that's more like four Also, Draug should be like low-mid because his offense tends to grow well as a Fighter/Pirate (though his defense is still shit). 80% HP, 45% Str, 35% Skl, 50% Spd sounds cool even if there are 0% in Def/Res. His bases aren't too bad either. Level|HP|Str|Mag|Skl| Spd|Lck|Def|Res|Mov|Class Draug 1|22| 6| 0| 2| 10| 1| 3| 0| 6|Fighter Draug 1|20| 6| 0| 2| 9| 1| 4| 0| 6|Pirate HP|Str|Mag|Skl|Spd|Lck|Def|Res|Class Draug 80| 45| 0| 35| 50| 30| 0| 0|Fighter/Warrior/Pirate/Berserker Fighter sounds a lot more appealing here, but either way.
  20. That's five units in total, at the very, very best. Not like Gordin is getting much EXP, whilst Norne (if she were played) isn't getting much at all and Jagen's EXP acquiring rate thing is low so that means that the three cavvies and Marth are getting the EXP. The rest of your units don't have a prologue. Not like Merric will have trouble catching up anyway.
  21. 16 uses lasts two chapters. And 3.5 is easily more levels than your fighter units--there aren't many enemies in this game.
  22. Oh, unpromoted. That's impossible without RNG abuse.
  23. Rhys could transfer Magic and Speed pretty well too. 22 cap in FE9 ftl :<
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