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Everything posted by Randa

  1. "Shoot me now or shoot me later. Every school boy to his sport." I don't care if I get lynched anymore. I am going to vote who I think is scum. I don't give a shit how I look. That being said ##Vote Psych though I doubt it will happen, there is enough time to turbo lynch him. You've all seen my case I'm not gonna post it for the fourth time. I'm not moving my vote again unless something big comes about.
  2. I should've said I can see why he would be scum. But I just don't think he is. It's one of the most obvious reads. But who the hell makes it so obvious. It doesn't make sense. Unfortunately that's what I have been doing. Nobodies actually bothered to comment on the people who I've asked about. And whenever I try to bring forth somebody else to consider I look like the bad guy. I'm getting very frustrated here because so many people are trying to just cover there own ass. And I know that's exactly what I'm doing. And god damnit I hate myself for doing. But right now I don't see anyway I look good in this case and I'm probably gonna be lynched day 2. Lets face it the wagons gonna pushed and I'm gonna get killed that's how it's going to happen. It's so frustrating. Cause I've actually read other games. When he's played as scum it's always in a more refined fashion never really out in the open actually doing the searching. Which is exactly what he's doing now.I don't know what to do. ##Unvote
  3. I feel like I should put down a vote before the phase ends so I'm gonna just write out what's going through my head right now. You guys can judge it however you want. Vhaltz: The more he post the less certain I am he's scum. He's not showing any of the tendencies I expect from scum and has actually been helping in evaluating others. He's had a wider range for his reads than most which think is helpful in giving us material on him and everybody else. I really can't justify voting him at this time. Poly: He's acting so weird that I'm compelled to say he's either drunk or scum. But something say he's just drunk. I don't think he would be so open about his style of play and showing why he would be scum if he where scum. I could bullshit a reason and justify voting him but that doesn't seem like what I should do. SB: He's probably the one person that I have the hardest time reading. I don't know which way he goes. Psych: My biggest scum read of the game. Makes stuff up to start a case on me and when I ask for proof of his claims he disappears. Doesn't add anything to the other discussions at all either. But everybodys just passing this over like he hasnt even posted. He is who I think we should lynch but there's no way in hell the wagon will build quick especially with me leading it. Prims: The more time passes the more I think he's scum. He seems to reserved for his usual style. He's playing back in the shadows not even trying to direct us towards any reads of his own. But again how the hell am I supposed to get a wagon on him going. Even if it does start he probably be able to break it up quickly. All that being said I only really have one option if I vote Vhaltz I look like I'm covering my ass, if I vote poly I'm contradicting myself, if I vote SB I'm trying to blend in, and I can't vote for people without a wagon causes that's just being too safe. No matter how I play it I look bad. That being said I think I got one option that I can at least accept. ##Vote: SB
  4. I would also like to have Ranulf moved up. If Ike lived he would've been even better thanks to 22 more avoid.
  5. Well lets have Oscar finish off gatrie with his silver axe.
  6. Time to broke for go. Astrid use your silver axe on Gatrie.
  7. Oskar stabs Maklov with his silver lance. Just to confirm Nihil cancels Parity correct.
  8. That actually wasnt my plan. I just guessed were Nihil and parity were and avoid them like the plague.
  9. Well it's a concept I've been trying to test for a while. Hence the full laguz team that I built earlier. He's as bulky as a VK general with speed that's higher than sword masters and strength equivalent to a warrior. The only downside is his sucky weapon. But that's all fixed with crits and super strength.
  10. Now comes the hard part. Overtaking two Nhili users.
  11. "Damn that Ranulf is scary so lets leave him alive."logic/10.
  12. I'm going to say this again because people apparently didn't see it when I answered Bear and Prim on the exact same question. I was not asking people what everyone thought on the other people who were still voting on Vhaltz. I was quite simply asking why Vhaltz chose to focus on Kay. Not trying to throw people into doubt, just very simply trying to see why Vhaltz was so focused on Kay.
  13. Just a quick question has anyone else noticed that Eli put 18 slots in the player list. Does that indicate hidden players or anything special?
  14. Yeah you aren't pulling quotes out of your ass. Cause you don't have any quotes.Here's the conversation in an immediate four posts. 84-87 if you wanna go actually read them. First I would like to point out that I proposed the idea to speculate on the decks. I still would. Obviously not now when everybody has already picked their decks but I have no problem speculating early in the day phase.Second where the hell am I the one proposing the idea to share which cards we play. I would need to be the one proposing it to withdraw it. Unless I'm misinterpreting you. Third show me the post. You say you can quote than do it. Stop the bullshit about it being true when I have never gone back on that sentiment. Go through my ISO and you won't ever see me going back on it. The foundation of your case against me is bullshit. My opinion on you doesn't change.
  15. I'm reworking my Psych segment because he posted an I'm gonna look at it. So in the mean time everything else is still my opinion.
  16. Opinions about everybody right now. My lynch preference is Psych but I'm 99% sure that a wagon won't be going by the end of the phase. However I feel like I'm in the same position with Kay right now so I'm gonna Unvote. I will probably wind up going with the wagon I most agree with in the next two or three hours. ##Unvote Would like to lynch: Psych: Weak vote with untrue information as its backing. In the same post though he shows some minor understanding of the situation so skimming might be a reason. Would like to hear who else he thinks is scum. Willing to Lynch: Kay: Didn't like the vote it seemed a bit forced and also seemed to pressure GP into voting Vhaltz. Would like to see her at least acknowledge some of the questions. Prims: Doesn't really seem to have any solid reads on anything has made small notes about everybody but hasn't really been pushing anybody except for Eurykins. This is probably closer to a null than an actual scum read but I would like to hear who else he thinks is scum. Might lynch: Vhaltz: Really defensive about his votes and IMO puts too much weight on Meta. Also put out some weak votes on Shinori and Scori. Mostly a Null with slight scum lean. Green Poet: A very wishy washy vote on Vhaltz. Also a complete focus on Vhaltz not even mentioning anybody else. Also seems unnecessarily hesitant to actually vote. SB: Seemed very defensive of green poet. Hasn't really shown any opinions other than Eurykins. Aside from that all he's done is show Vhaltz the games in which Poly was scum. I don't agree with lynching him just because people don't like his idea. Would not be comfortable lynching: Garland: Would actually like to see a post before I vote against him. Also has the best ISO. Poly: Too much of the case against him is based off of meta. But he does seem to be acting weird so I get a very mixed read. Scorri: Seems like she's just trying to fly under the radar. A null read if any read. Doesn't feel right but I'm not sure there's a case to be made here. Bear: Don't have a lot to go off of. Haven't been impressed but not really getting a scum read. Eury: I still don't agree with the wagon against them. Shinori: I don't have a problem with Shinori and don't see anything which makes me suspicious Kirsche: I feel pretty confident he's town. Can explain if people want me to. Wouldn't Lynch Shin:He just switched in not gonna lynch him right away. Like I'm gonna lynch myself: Randa: Just look at the line above my name. Sorry if I forgot anybody.
  17. @Scorri: From what I know of the Eury wagon she White-Knighted Vhaltz and people weren't satisfied with the explanation as to why she did It.
  18. For the record I do not mean Shinori's post asking for votals I mean #162.
  19. I still believe that what Prims said was valid at the time. However Eury's explanation as to why she was trying to get the focus off of Vhaltz was was good enough to keep her as a null read. And the point about Kirsche making a poor vote on SB is still valid. However I still have an overall town read on Kirsche. If you want to elaborate on these I will gladly do so. But I I don't have a lot of time right now so that will have to wait. I'm going to address both of these at the same time. The reason why I asked about others is because it seemed, from point of view, that Vhaltz was focusing on Kay too much and I wanted to see why he did so when his reasoning could be applied to others.So bear what do you think about Psychs post? Prims what do you think about the growth of the SB wagon? And SB what do you think about Shinori's most recent post? And finally since you claim to be able to read Prims, Vhaltz what is your opinion of Prims relatively low activity?
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