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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Will post in about an hour. In class.
  2. Wow I'm stupid. Just noticed that BBM posted and moved his vote. And Poet also posted. Point still stands about Bear thoug.
  3. If your just looking for scum off of voteparking, why don't you look at BBM, Bear, or Green Poet? They've all been there for a while without posting anything.
  4. For the record I am sick right now. I slept for nearly 13 hours. I was working on my post when I was prodded. I can't remember if I already stated this but one of the major reasons that I don't like Kay right now is making Green Poet. Seems like hurrying a lynch before we even looked into to anybody else yet. Which seems Anti-Town to me. And in my honest opinion my scum ranks go: Neko Kay Vhaltz Psych Prims I prodded Neko about 20 hours ago. Still have seen any content from him. He said he's post today hasn't and its getting on my nerves. The issue that I have with Prims is that he hasn't really been doing much since the votes came off of him. And aside from that he is like SB in my mind. Vhaltz I'm still waffling on. I see and understand the cases made against him. However they aren't something I would act on right now. And Psych irks me because he seems like he's trying make a case where there isn't one. And to get that he is using untrue information.
  5. No I'm not diving into Rolespec now. If you actually paid attention to what I've posted you would see that in #127 I mentioned that I wouldn't be surprised by a mayor, which means that I have reason to believe there is a mayor in this game. I'm not going to disclose those reasons, but that belief is the major reason I didn't vote for Vhaltz. And talk about hypocrisy. I don't need to talk about the major wagon. You haven't talked about anything. Your first post in a long time was the reiteration of all the points which have been made. With the exception of your dislike of me. I don't post just to say that I've posted. I post when I have the need answer questions or provide an original thought. You have been the antithesis of that. And don't give me the bullshit about four reads. Everything you said about Vhaltz has been discussed. It's all that's been discussed. If you want to say you Eury post was original than must be Prims or Kirsche because they posted everything you said long before you did. And your defense of Kay is just "LOL look at who's voting". For the record I don't think Poly is scum. No matter what image this post may paint. I just think he's a hypocrite.
  6. Don't put words in my mouth. Go read post 128. I said that I would still be willing to share the information. At no point have I said otherwise. I said I know why others don't want to, but I am still willing to share that information. And just a quick question to poly. What else would you have me post on? I was sleeping for the majority of the discussion about Vhaltz and when I woke up he was in L-2 while I'm suspicious of a mayor in this setup. And apparently I need to go fix my votal chart.
  7. Congrats dude. I always think you've been here longer.
  8. ##Unvot I feel like SB is in the same situation as me where there aren't a lot of post of all of them lack deep content. But it could be the same reason as me and being offline when everything happened. Also looking back I still would be willing to tell people what cards I played, but I do see why others disagree. However I don't think that having the idea in and of itself is scummy. And again I'm still not in favor of voting because of unmemorability after 24 hours. I don't completely agree with Kirsche vote on SB but I don't disagree. More of a null read than a scum read. And not a town read. Vhaltz has a lot of post with a lot of words and not a lot of it really strikes me as useful. Seems like an attempt to protect themselves by shoving the attention of on others. Minor scum read here. Prims: Everything said about SB, except the card idea, can be said about Prims. However in his most recent post he does make a decent point about Eurykins and Kirsche. The only reason people think he is more memorable than SB is that he had an early wagon against him. Null read that's closer to scum than SB. Not a town read ATM. Kay: Very few post. Doesn't bring anything new to the Vhaltz discussion. Doesn't really back up his vote on Vhaltz. Looking at his ISO he gives bad Self-Meta as a reason to vote Vhaltz and not Poet who he expressed doubts about in the same post. My largest scum Read at the moment so ##Vote: Kay
  9. Sorry I'm still trying to catch up on the day while forming opinions. For now I have three bullets of note. I have a small scum read on Vhaltz. I'm very cautious of Prims. And I'm looking more into Kay. Also I wouldn't be suprised to see mayor in the setup so I'm gonna ask of votals from a mod.
  10. ##Unvote ##Vote: Neko Rex You've been lurking for over three hours. Lets hear what you've got to say on Prims or SB.
  11. What makes you think that not wanting to read twenty one line RVS joke post is scummy? It seems more like he was being lazy. But not really because its three hours of joke post.
  12. So anybody want to speculate on what each deck holds?
  13. Admits hes no town. ##Unvote ##Vote: SB
  14. Ok so I think we should just use the thread for our last match. Sending my new team to Horace now.
  15. Looking for an opponent in FE9. Rules are in the spoiler. [spoiler=Rulez] -No Dragons -No Royals -Boosters -Full Skills -No Ragnell
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