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Everything posted by Randa

  1. Anybody up for an average stat, cuts supports and weapons?
  2. The sad part is that they're going to try a face cam version of this with the same people. This can't end well.
  3. I made a joke OU monotype team. And somebody was actually bad enough to lose to it. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/oumonotype-103925957 How? I made a horrible team designed to troll people.
  4. Wow. Kieran go commit gambling suicide on Rolf with your silvr axe.
  5. I can go over this more in depth in the morning, but I got go for now. As a quick explanation though. I was trying to find scum who used it as an easy excuse as to why they couldn't have preformed the kill.
  6. This was actually a little bit of a gamble. I was hoping somebody would bring up that maybe the kill was untraceable if a watcher or tracker had been played and then catche them in the lie. Didnt work. But the card did give some information on how modifiers worked.
  7. The vouyer was from the Red eyed orange dragon deck day 2. The ninja as was specified by SB earlier was from the Elemental Hero Batman. And the announcer was from hundred eye restrict.
  8. It's a complete lack of activity. Not really helping, but kinda responds whenever a point was brought up against him. I think that what it is.
  9. Yeah I kinda feel sorry for him. He tries to come in to fix Bears mess. And instead he has to try to fix mine while I make it worse.
  10. I still nothing on Scorri. It was a two line post saying to go back to her case on me. And Prims happened 3AM yesterday morning. I didn't notice it until it was pointed out. And it's not immediately its after two hours of looking through the thread and ISOs.
  11. So looking at Prims a couple more questions come up. Who wouldn't you be ok with lynching? You said you'd be fine with, Eury, Shin, Myself, and Eclipse/Shinori. That's half the game. I'm don't think that's normal for day 3. I don't know maybe it could be but that's a fairly large portion of the game. And looking back at your total reads a couple pages ago, why does GP voting Bear clear him? Bussing your team isn't unusual look at SB. And the role cop doesn't really help the case. Why are you so sure Bear is not scum. Well now its Cam, but the point still stands.
  12. Since nobody seems to want to do literally anything right now I have a few questions I'll ask. @Scorri Looking back at your day 2 case on me I have to wonder. Why did you bring up a new case in the last 12 hours? In your very next post, less than an hour later, you say we have to be consolidating our votes. Yet your trying to form a new wagon. Put in the context of GP's wagon steadily gaining momentum it seems like an attempt to turn people's attention away from GP. In addition, if you were so sure that I was scum at the end of day 2. Why did you not push the case at the beggining of day 3? Did you not want to be the leader of a quick mislynch? Or did you want to continue to stay out of sight? @Prims Why the super push on Shinori/Eclipse? And why the hell would you want Poly to suicide on somebody that only you and Poly are even suspicious of? That's all for now. Hopefully people will actually post about these.
  13. I have her set up in the exact same fashion. She had guard but we banned that so adept almost as cool. Not really The issue is I want my other units to hang around for longer considering they are more useful.
  14. Wait till you see what I got setup. It's kinda rage inducing if you don't handle it correctly.
  15. I. Extremely stupid today. My mistake saved my ass though. I meant to use the the VK not the Killing edge. She doesn't even have one. Anywho.Use the VK on Marcia.
  16. Okay just gonna come straight out and say this. Your own life should be your priority, as scum or town. For the most part you only know one town member. I have played in a fashion which is intended to keep me alive, allow to gain information through night actions, and work off of that information to find scum. It makes the most sense to play this IMO. WRT Scorri. That hasn't changed. The post, as I have already said, was designed to get responses and actually give us some reads. We were 24 hours and the activity was dead. I figured a bad post could create conversation, so,I made one that was bad, but not to the point where I would get lynched. I openly stated didnt think she was scum. That has not changed. Really that's all I've talked about. Is there some great big discussion I'm missing. Doesn't seem like anybody else is posting thoughts or reads about well anything. Doesn't seem like anybody else even gives a shit. Don't get on my ass over tunneling when you've all done the same exact thing. Our activity was crap day 2 and its crap again today. I am, or at least I believe I am, answering questions and explaining my thoughts on a consistent basis.Not something a lot of people can say right now. Think this through if I was scum would I be the one person who has been out in the open all day. No I'd do what they did yesterday. Cost of off the low activity and take an easy win. Looking back the last two parts might be a bit aggressive. But they do convey what I intend to say. So I'm not changing it.
  17. Everybody should probably go back and the post were poly actually explains the action. I will quote it when I'm not on my phone so you can be lazy but in the means time I will just quote the phrase from the ISO."Yes I have Pac with her today. I figured if I could clear her then it might prevent a mislynch" it would be great if he had actually been trying to find acum but instead he triesto clear her when he himself isn't in a good standing. It's a poor move that makes no sense when approached from either move. He didn't say he's gaining information about a suspect he tries to just flat put clear her. Town gains nothing from this evil can clear two people. And can you guys actually let poly defend himself instead of doing the work for him.
  18. It was at first but now not so much. Who ever did this should've just done something silly. Like old timey gentleman. And no it wasnt me. I used used my vouyer card. I think that's how you spell it.
  19. Anon wants someone impartial to make the first post so that neither of us change our team to gain an advantage.
  20. Does your role allow you to put these in spoilers? I just don't want to continuously scroll down and I've been getting distracted them. Granted I don't have the longest attention span. And I've been very self conscious all game. It's nothing new. I accept I'll probably be lynched in the next couple days, but I'd rather not have it be because I've done something extremely stupid. That does kinda sound scummy. Whatever not gonna change anything at this point.
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