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Everything posted by Randa

  1. to be honest i dont care too much whether its five or three. just dont go insane like +10 mt +30 crit killing weapons. or something else that insane. also have fun with hunter>berserker and cleric>sage. and then i guess ill take lorenz.
  2. Pretty just don't go over board with the forges. Also I'll take Radd.
  3. Forges are allowed to +3mt, +20 hit, +5 crit. so a little different from normal, but just if you do go higher don't go over board.
  4. Have cav>Draco and sorcerer I guess. I guess I'll take dolph. Also if im not on when its my turn again somebody just give me a class set b unit.
  5. Sorry, the physicals took longer than I thought and fucking traffic in Connecticut meant a seven and hour car ride home. OP is updated and uhh I'm just gonna take ceaser.
  6. I'm at orientation for the majority of the day. I will update the OP when I get to the break.
  7. Myrm>sniper Navarre and peggo>paly palla. Also I'll take midia.
  8. I'm taking Astram and I'll finish updating the OP in a minute.
  9. Just follow the chart on the last page. It'll tell you who you pick for.
  10. PKL already chose dm for barest. Also PKL you only choose the class for baldrixk. Venno picks my classes and Horace picks vennos. Also mage>bishop Hardin. Cleric > sage for Athena. Because I feel like being mice. And I'll take Horace.
  11. i dunno. i just think this way is simpler and its not horribly different, but if you guys would prefer the other way i got no problems changing it
  12. Archer>Swordmaster Cain. And i think i'll take ogma. Also in case i didn't mention this or make it clear, the reclasses will not be snake style. Instead use this list for who your picking. I pick for PKL Vennobennu picks for me Horace picks for Vennobennu Baldrick picks for Horace PKL picks for Baldrick
  13. In all actuality near almost screwed the whole thing up and almost got killed. But I think the moment where mello dies helps to reinforce that Light does not see a difference between men and women. There all pawns to be played and moved as he wants.And honestly I think Ryuk was one of his biggest problems early on. What with the whole not be willing to help and not telling light anything in a timely fashion. He could've got him killed with penber or made the early portion of lights plan go a lot smoother, like with penbers wife. In conclusion Ryuk is an asshat. Still the best character though.
  14. There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: 3. PKL 1. Randa 4. Vennobennu 2. Horace 5. Baldrick Timestamp: 2014-07-08 01:00:16 UTC and so three people on catridges go head to head with two on emulators. lez go
  15. You know misa gets a lot of shit, but I honestly think that this is more meant to highlight the charisma and, very interestingly, the depravity of light. Ohba had the liberty to show light's brilliance and cunning through the use of L and Near, however they at times fail to show a clear distinction between good and evil and thats why a character who otherwise be completely innocent is needed to show light's evil side more clearly. This happens again with the last couple chapters where takada and mikami are both used by light to accomplish his goals. I really think misa wasn't an example of sexism so much as another example of light's (insert choice word here). Bakuman had no signs of sexism to me. I'm sure that if we had just followed the girls we would be saying the boys were just used to enhance the characters.
  16. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Marth, Jagen and Nagi/Gotoh are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on H3. Extra Shit Because I can: 1. I'm gonna make this a SOYO reclass. 2. If you don't know what this means then go to the link I have provided. 3. When choosing a reclass you may assign a base class and a master class. 4. Your base class and master class must have the same offensive orientation.(Str vs Mag) 5. The SOYO only applies to reclass not the units them selves. 6. Each drafter may only be given one of each class (until they have one of each, then you may begin giving a second of each - keep in mind, you cannot make a unit that joins before Etzel into a second dark mage/sorceror. (Plan this one out carefully in other words) Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors. 3. Gaiden chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5. Other: 1. Wi-Fi Shop, and usage of the Warp staff are strictly prohibited. 2. You may not use loaner units. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Teams: 1. PKL: Cain,Hardin, Athena,Navarre, Palla,roshe,sedgar,macellan,elice 2. Randa: Ogma,Castor, Horace,Astram, Midia, Ceasar, dolph, Radd,lorenz 3. Vennobennu: Abel, Sheeda, Julian, Wendell, Catria, Minerva, vyland, Beck,linde 4. Horace: Dogea, Gordin,Wrys,Bord,Darros, Lena merric, matthis, rickard 5. Baldrick: Barst, Xaniey,Wolf, Cord, Roger, Jake, eztzel,ymir [spoiler=classes] PKL: Cain(Archer > Swordmaster), Athena(Cleric > Sage) , Hardin(Mage > Bishop), Navarre (Myrmidon > Sniper), Palla (Pegasus Knight > Paladin),Roshe(Cav>Draco), Sedgar(Sorcerror) macellan(hunter>berseker), elice(cleric>sage) Randa: Ogma(Dark Mage > Sorcerer), Castor(Fighter > General), Horace (Warrior), Astram (Berserker), Midia (Sniper), Caesar(pirate>horseman),Dolph(hunter>hero), Radd(cav>swordmaster),Lorenze(something if i actually bother recruiting him) Vennobennu:Abel(Curate > Bishop/Sage/IsTherAnyActualDifference), Sheeda(Myrmidon > SM), Julian, Wendell (Sniper), Catria (Mage > Sage), Minerva (Paladin), vyland (cav>draco), Beck(Chicken>Duck>Turkey)linde(archer>swordmaster) Horace: Dogea(Knight > Warrior), Gordin( Myrmidon > Sniper), Wrys (Archer > Paladin), Bord(Dark Mage > Sorcerer), Darros (Hunter > General), Lena (Cleric > Bishop), merric (myrmidon>sword master), matthis(cav>draco), rickard nixon Baldrick: Xane(Really), Barst(Dark Mage > Sorcerer), Wolf (Horseman), Cord (Knight >General), Roger (Mercenary > Warrior), Jake, etzel(hero), ymir(berjerker) [spoiler=units remaining] Bantu Jeorge Maria Tomas Boah Arran Samson Est Tiki Link: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=28049
  17. Just gonna point out that early game horsebirds are more dangerous than any flying lizard. Except Vaida with the uber spear, but that's for different reasons. Also it's not really touchy responses. If people feel like your being callous or saying something that they don't agree with they can voice the opinion. And that's not a proper way to respond to there opinions and statements
  18. Nope. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. Never actually had that thought though.
  19. Might be a bit late on this one, but this vid sums up the few problems i had with this movie.(and i find the ending funny)
  20. The answer is none of them should be spending a prolonged period of time in this class. However since thats doesnt really seem lke the answer you want, the avatar(obvious) and then kellam assuming you go off growths and modifiers and not base stats.
  21. Swagger is banned to ubers and there is discussion of whether it should be allowed in ubers or get the moody treatment.
  22. Actually I wouldn't have to spam as much if I set the team up correctly and given dazzling gleam to mew. But you can throw klefki at everything except thundy and have a good chance of winning. And the only reason you can't go for thundy is faster Taunt.
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