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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I was a wolverine.(27 Points) Characters: Lycas, Nilo, Sirin, and Drenis in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Marcus in "The Wild's Call" Powers: Fighting ability—strength, speed, and toughness Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative. Best matches: Bears, Cougars, Wolves Watch out for: Crows, Owls, Swans But I'm calling bs on the description. I'm a DE not a LB.
  2. I can sub after the 8th of May.
  3. None of them need a sequel(nor should they get them) but they all need prequels. They wrap up their own stories fine, but they still leave have all these tales that we know next to nothing about.
  4. Yeah I sucked in this game. I knew I would be pretty bad the first day, but I hoped I could increase activity day 2. And I just couldn't. Ah well I didn't hurt the slot too much given that it took a night 3 vig to kill it. But still GG.
  5. So you shouldn't hit people in the nuts? Oh yeah bulcholz had sunscreen and pine tar on his arm. I think it was in Toronto when the tv analyst got upset.But i guess what I'm trying to say is, should we be concerned about them using these substances? And why do people get so upset when it's revealed people use them? Why are people upset with Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons for making the game more interesting?
  6. But in instances like PEDs and Pitching Enhancers it is really cheating, when everybody does it and everybody knows that everybody does it? If everybody does it nobody gets an advantage.
  7. As I'm sure some people have heard MLB has a pinetar issue rearing its ugly head. Only a year after the Miami PED scandal with Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez, Mike Pineda uses pine tar while pitching against the Red Sox last night. Everybody does it but he rubbed it over his neck and got a ten game suspension. Making the media very annoying about cheating in baseball. http://www.sportingnews.com/mlb/story/2014-04-23/michael-pineda-pine-tar-ejected-yankees-pitcher-red-sox-foreign-substance-illegal So it got me thinking who cares if you cheat in professional sports. I personally don't give a shit. Just don't be so stupid or obvious about doing it. It makes the game better and more interesting and yet there is all this condemnation for using steroids or other such substances. So my question to everybody is, why do we care if people are doping? Or why do we care if the are using illegal equipment? Or very simply, why do we care if professional athletes cheat?
  8. Reasoning:Great lord gives Lucina reliable one two range and better defense and resistance. Assassin gives more strength and more (superfluous) speed and bows(Useless but still nice). Personal preference. Better offense at a the cost of defense. Really just either one. Though grandmaster does give you magic but not sure that's important for a plus strength MU. Dark magic is worth it.
  9. Sign me up as a sub. Preferably after the 29th.
  10. I stayed up to see it. And then it rained. Thanks New England.
  11. Yeah I kinda forgot about Nihil during the building process. So once I realized I knew I was dead.
  12. Lazy Horace. Um Demi band Ranulf attack Ike.
  13. Well I'm fucked. Let's have Ranulf go after Ike.
  14. Republicans are probably gonna push Paul Ryan. He's a decent choice at the moment and could probably beat Clinton, but he'd get beat pretty easily by Biden. Christie is probably the Repiblicans best bet to actually win, but the democrats are going to continue their three year job of making shit up about him so he loses the independent votes.
  15. Well. That sucked. Ike silver sword Zihark.
  16. Much wow. Such same. Either way Taurneo VK crit block Zihark.
  17. Fuck it same thing as last turn. Giffca attacks Ike.
  18. Oh yeah provokes a thing. So let's have Giffca maul Ike.
  19. I could be a dick and just roar with giffca but that's really horrible so Taurneo uses his VK to fish for crits on Zihark.
  20. Graphing exponential formulas can be a real pain in the asymptotes
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