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Everything posted by Randa

  1. ##Unvote##Vote Randa Baaaa Jk ##unvote But actual question, ace why did you change your vote?
  2. ##Vote: Refa Down with the hidden SK.
  3. [spoiler=really long url]http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://kamikouryaku.com/fe/kakusei/%3F1%25BE%25CF%2520%25BA%25D5%25A4%25AB%25A4%25EC%25A4%25BF%25C6%25FC%25BE%25EF%2520%25A5%25EB%25A5%25CA%25A5%25C6%25A5%25A3%25A5%25C3%25A5%25AF&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://kamikouryaku.com/fe/kakusei/%253F1%2525BE%2525CF%252520%2525BA%2525D5%2525A4%2525AB%2525A4%2525EC%2525A4%2525BF%2525C6%2525FC%2525BE%2525EF%252520%2525A5%2525EB%2525A5%2525CA%2525A5%2525C6%2525A5%2525A3%2525A5%2525C3%2525A5%2525AF%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D671 This should be good for all the info we need.
  4. All valid points but I'm seeing more along the lines of move Lucina down rather than move panne up. Not sure what others think so I'd like to hear opinions on which one should move.
  5. Compared to soul Also I found soul's dirty little secret.
  6. Personally speaking I think this'll just be another piece building towards WW III. I figure it's all but inevitable at this point. History will look back and compare this to the reseizure of Hungary by the nazis. Least that's the way I see it. Yeah appeasement. So effective.
  7. I can't justify putting vaike higher than b rank. He needs to wait till at least chapter 10 to get a master seal and then units like sully, panne, sumia, or Cordelia want it more and give higher pay out with the master seal. So his actual promotion time is around chapter 13. He just doesn't have the time to get his defense up. Not to mention six base speed means he needs Lon'gu as partner or he won't be doubling for a while. Usually the first second seal will go to panne or sully for a wyvern in desert maps. If anything avatar gets the chapter master seal. However Miriel does have decent stats and the option for a quick promotion for rescue. But all of that can also be said of Ricken. I might move her up to lower b. The only problem that I have with putting panne up in s-tier is that the rest of the tier can do their jobs without a second seal. Obviously sully wants one, and panne becomes monstrous once she's reclassed, but she requires a reclass. Which makes a bit hesitant to put he in that specific tier.
  8. Well difficulty is the mode we judge the rankings off of. Efficiency indicates that the game will be played with some form of speed, ie not super turtle grinding. Paralogues are to be played as soon as they are available with the exception of some of the children paralogues. The rest should be intuitive. As a descriptive the tiers are ranked from s-d with s being the best. And avatar is a god so they get their own tier.
  9. So ressurecting the long dead tier discussion for FE13, because I feel like the old list didn't really work with the current view of the game. The major outline for rules and the actual list itself are taken from SDS's list. Let's have some fun. Difficulty: Hard Mode. Lunatic and Lunatic+ are a bit too constraining for there to be a worthwhile tier list for it, and any lunatic tier list would likely be just a more extreme version of the current tier list. Efficiency: We are moving at a brisk pace, but this isn't an absolute minimum LTC tier list. No "character <x> shaves a turn in chapter <y>" arguments here. Do not argue over what defines efficiency please. Paralogues: Assume all available are completed. Paralogues are done as early as possible. The more difficult child paralogues may be delayed due to map difficulty. Barracks: Not allowed. Skirmishes / DLC / Spotpass Battles/Shops: Not allowed. Map Shopping: Allowed, but you may not buy Anna Shop special items. Event Tiles: No items obtained from event tiles are allowed to be used. Supports / EXP gain can be pushed forward slightly by them, but otherwise no real impact. Renown: Assume 0 renown start. That means the following items are obtainable via Renown at the following times: Glass Sword (after Chapter 4) Second Seal (after Paralogue 3) Orsin's Hatchet (after Chapter 11) Seed of Trust (4 maps after Chapter 13) Levin Sword (6 maps after Seed of Trust) Energy Drop (6 maps after Levin Sword) Beast Killer (7 maps after Energy Drop) Non-Lucina children will have a list made up for them at a later time. It may not be based on efficient play but rather min-max, I don't know at this point. God of The New World: Avatar S Tier: Sumia Cordelia Sully Frederick Lucina (Avatar) A Tier: Panne Chrom Stahl Lon'qu Lucina (Sully / Sumia) Nowi B Tier: Tharja Libra Cherche Olivia Lucina (Anyone Else) Vaike Anna Gregor Gaius C Tier: Say'ri Tiki Miriel Kellam Lissa Maribelle Henry D Tier: Virion Ricken Donnel Basilio Flavia Please keep discussion somewhat civilized. Aside from that have at ye.
  10. Don't get me started on Manziel and espn right now. You'd think he was actually a starter or even the better QB. Brian hoyer will outplay him. Now the question is will he be able to stay healthy.
  11. Don't get me wrong, they have the best front four in football. They have a top 10 secondary. But they also have the 32nd best starter in the NFL. According to current coaches and GMs. They won't get better with Geno Smith, and it seems to me that they're gonna try for a while to make the playoffs with geno. I don't think it can be done. He lost you four or five games last year. Not, didn't win, flat out lost them for you. That's why they won't get better it's not the defense or the lack of talent it's the stubbornness with bad QBs.
  12. I've been bored and probably won't actually manage the team. But it is somewhat amusing.
  13. [spoiler=Team] QB C. Newton M. Stafford RB A. Peterson A. Morris B. Tate J. Bell L. Miller WR B. Marshall J. Jones V. Jackson V. Cruz S. Watkins A. Dobson K. Benjamin TE G. Olsen I know I have no kicker or defense I don't care.
  14. ._. Both of those might take a while to actually happen. Also as a side note am I the only one who has been really underwhelmed by the dolphins and bengals this offseason.
  15. count me in since i got some free time coming up
  16. you cant just go and reclass in the middle of a chapter. but i can see the point you make. but you only get one chapter before you have to switch so i dont think its too bad
  17. Chapter 9.5: radd got a custom iron lance. dont remember specifics, but i thikn it was mt and crit. Chapter 10: 10/100 Meathshields distract the draco/pegs/minerva/reinforcements so my team could go left than jagen+castor killed the hero then jagen uses his armourslayer to murder the boss. Speedwings can wait till i get astram. also caesar unfortunately died. but whatever i dont have the energy to raise him so i don't think i'm gonna go back. Chapter 10.5: Promoted ogma. God he sucks right now. 6 str, 5 mag, 10 spd. uck. anyways slapped the godess icon on radd. and made castor a +3mt, +20 hit hammer for castor. reclassed jagen to pally for ridersbane and better move. Chapter 11; 11/111 wow thats a lot of ones. anyways khozen was a pain to deal with. the rest not so bad. Chapter 11.5: nothing interesting Chapter 12: Promoted casator mid map.my forces went left through the treasure room and then radd went and spent a master key to get the boots. Chapter 12.5: 11/122 Castor goes general. midia and dolph go sniper and hunter respectively. midia gets the energy drop from chapter 11. Chapter 12X: Something sub 20 like 13 turns i think. Training for midia, dolph and radd. Unfortunately dolph kinda died, but midia got strength and defense on her level up so i did not restart. And since i fell like taking a break stats Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 18 85 Lord 31 15 0 10 15 20 10 0 A Sword Jagen 10 17 Draco 24 9 1 13 11 5 14 3 A Lance E Axe Horace 3 00 Warrior 30 14 0 11 12 7 7 1 D Axe D Bows Ogma 5 50 Sorcerer 37 6 8 10 12 10 6 9 B Tomes D Staves Radd 9 66 Cavalier 33 10 0 4 8 5 14 0 C Sword E Lances Castor 3 99 General 42 17 1 9 10 7 18 2 D Lances C Bows Midia 2 42 Sniper 36 10 1 15 12 8 8 3 C Bows Remainng Booster:Speedwing 1 Arms Scroll 1 Master Seal 1
  18. I might actually finish this draft before we even finish drafting it. chapter 6.5: forged marf a +2 silver sword Chapter 6X: Free(18)/67 Training/10 6.5X: Made a +5 iron sword in preparations of radd. also sold the bullion, i think. jagen went sm for armourslayer action as well. Chapter 7: 8/75 Rush to the bottom and cover the forts with disposables. Couldn't even kill the white wings. Chapter 7.5: Made a +5 Iron axe for Caesar. Chapter 8: 7/82 Run to the boss. Also buy a couple of silver sword. Chapter 8.5: Reclassed casear and radd. Radd got the seraph robe. Chapter 9: 8/90 Caesar got the treasure, radd got a couple kills but unfortunately didnt level up. Probably gonna promote ogma first so i can get staves. And so castor can maintain axe usage. Might give Radd the goddess icon. Not usre yet.
  19. I've been recruited to play college football, only d3 but whatever, can run a 5.13 40 and bench 300+ pounds. Kinda athletic. I dunno some of my freinds are complete physical monsters though so I'm never really sure.
  20. you mean the guy baldrick just took. also more chapters. chapter 4: 11/52 Not too bad. Castor was able to get a couple kills so he got two points of speed and strength. Ogma some how got a point of magic, and very usefully, strength. Rest was a mid pace so i could maximize exp. Chapter4.5: Forged ogma a +5mt, +5 crit fire tome. allows me to actually deal with armors in a decent fashion. Chapet 5: 6/58 Simple enough. The wolfguard laid down their lives for the team. Chapter 5.5: Jagen went sniper with his +4 mt steel bow Chapter 6: 10/67 Not bad. Jeigan and ogma did a lot of work while i usesd meatshields to secure my use of the gaiden.
  21. TC's for my first three chapters. Chapter !: 17/17 Marth gets as many kills as was humanly possible. Also Sheeda is the only non drafted unit who survived the rest were meat sheilds and died for gaidens. Chapter @: 15/32 See above. Ogma did decent definitely gonna miss the extra steel sword. Recruited castor and fed him a level. Chapter #: 9/41 All non drafted units died. So sad. But hey i got castor two more levels so #worthit. Between: Jagen man goes draco, reclassed ogma and castor. Also forged an iron axe with +3 mt, +20 hit, cost about 2200 gold.
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