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Everything posted by Randa

  1. And leipard get wrecked by the biggest threats in ubers. Mainly GeoXern and MMTX.
  2. It's legit but it's a tad bit annoying. Granted I don't really have the right to say that, given I'm running a full BP team.
  3. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-128423594 Forgot to give mew a coverage move, like seven misclicks and I still won.
  4. Okay I don't think I'm gonna get out of this nor do I feel like trying to. So I'll comfirm this now I am Scum. Yea, congrats you found the easiest one. My teammates are Poly, and Shinori and as you know Refa. The plan was Refa buses the rest of us lurk. Of the remaining members one is a 1x Watcher Godfather, the other is a 1x BVP ninja. I'm a goon if you care. And more interestingly Marth you never visited BBM last night, that was eclipse. Is there something your not telling everybody eclipse. I wonder. Thought I don't know why Marth claims the shot. Oh and I killed SB just in case your curios.
  5. I'm going out to breakfast, so I will be back later. Don't quick hammer me while I'm gone. And I will finish reading when I get back.
  6. I feel like anybody has made more effort than me. And that's probably because I had to go to Maine to do some work and I had no wi-fi. Not a good reason and I know that I probably should've subbed, but I should be good now. Anyways just give me some time to read while not skimming.
  7. That's because I'm not good at list post. But if I don't do them, people say I'm not scum hunting hard enough so I must be scum. And if do them, they suck, so I must be scum. I don't win. @Boron: I already my reasoning for my vote. He had a vote in which he gave no reasoning for, and he was talking about two other major points more so than Marth, but chose to vote Marth. Who he only mentioned at the end of his thoughts on Refa. Not mention that in his previous post he called out Kay for a poorly backed vote. That's why a shit vote. This is second time I've explained this. Any other questions will have to wait till after the AP test.
  8. Don't really agree with Eury but I got a null so I don't mind hearing other opinions.I voted scarlet because it's who I think is most likely scum. The other being tentative towards Marth and Shin. And I still feel weird about BBM. I don't know why. It's kinda irritating, cause I can't figure out why.
  9. Why would you rank Eury, Eli, Scarlet, and myself above the rest? Anything in particular for that?
  10. Just to clarify I mean Eury's case like thing on Mitsuki. Apparently I did this wrong earlier and I still haven't heard a valid reason not to so: ## Vote Scarlet
  11. Just a couple questions.1. How do you let Raymond/Scarlet/Whatever put out a weak vote on Marth after calling out Kay for the exact same thing in his previous post and not think that's weird? 2. In EO2 were you and Shin clearing/covering each other or was it one way? The problem I have is that they both did it in a short period of time. Seems off. 3. What do you think about Eurykins and Mitsuki?
  12. Raymond= Scarlet. I already said BBM is strictly a gut red. Eli is IMO neutral. Hence why I said null. I already said most of these aren't original. I'm measly stating what I think and what I agree with.
  13. The reason why he voted Marth when his entire post only mentions him for ten seconds. After focusing of Eli and Refa Wagon.
  14. So the original vote isn't that bad. The Refa matter is still poorly handled but beating a dead horse there. This doesn't accomplish anything when we are barely out of RVS and you could be contributing to the discussion about Elie and Marth. This is the original post about fakes. I really don't know what to think about this. It's weird but I can maybe understand asking about them. I still don't like it though. Talks about Eli and the Refa wagon and then votes Marth. Please explain this. I know the case has been repeated but the way it is this vote just sucks. The bolded are the points in question. Both pass of the case on the other as being standard deep play. And both vote Eli. I question how this would have gone if Poly were on line for the SB-Shin interaction. Yeah the whole relation wasn't my original idea. But I do think its a valid point of inspection if one of them flips scum.
  15. So quick notes before I do a mega post. Shin: Tunneling Eli IMO. But his tunneling is really just bringing up the same point(I think I'm kinda confused if you can't tell). Null/Minor Scum. Has an interesting moment where he and Poly seem to be buddying. Not sure what to make of that. Really depends on how one of them flips. Marth: Definitely overreacted but I don't think its as bad as I originally thought. Null/Minor Scum. Raymond: The votes bad. No doubt about it. And looking back I really don't even see him try to justify it. I do see him prod people for better reads, but I don't think that's an alignment tell. Scum. Would definitely like an explanation. Eli: Don't think he's scum. Not sure he's town but I'm kinda solidly Null on him. Also I'm kinda weary of BBM. I don't know why but I got a gut feeling. Anyways time to dig up quotes. With no ISO's. :(
  16. @ Eurykins: I don't think we need more votes being thrown around like party favors. Especially when the cause of distrust is two shitty votes barely out of RVS. If i remember correctly. Now that I have the time I'm going to try to catch up and reread.
  17. No I'm just panicking about my knee. Depends on whether or not I'll need reparative surgery on it. Which would make me lose my freshman season of football. Which scares the hell out of me. So nope just RL whit.
  18. So I'm gone just touch on some things for now. Elie: Horrible test. But I don't think it's an alignment tell. Raymond: Shitty Marth vote. A bit hypocritical about Kay's lack of reasoning with their vote. Marth: Really wtf is that Refa reasoning. And how the hell does Eli's test you he's scum. And then just as a general question, why did you ask about Fake Claims? However I don't think any of these are valid reasons to vote so I'm going to continue looking. I'll be on for another 20 minutes then I got a doctors appointment.
  19. Is self voting something people usually do?
  20. Shin can you actually post something please? I'll go full post later when I'm not on my phone.
  21. Mornin everybody. @Marth: That can be said about any RVS vote. I don't see what your talking about, then again 6:00 AM so maybe I'm just not awake.
  22. Fuck it I'm gonna get 5s anyways./in
  23. What if Denver becomes the new Buffalo? They make the big one and then lose for four straight yearsAnyways Go Pats. I don't think anybody wants to hear my opinion on the pats offseason. And just to touch on the Talib topic, the only problem I have with his signing is the duration of the contract. 5(I think) years to a corner with injury concerns. I was saying it before he left New England I wouldn't give him mor than three. But Denver has the same problem it did last year, when your going into the wind Manning no longer has the arm strength to throw downfield. It's one of the reasons why we beat them in the regular season and why San Diego beat them. I believe Arizona is a dome so if they make it to the Super Bowl this shouldn't be a problem, but Denver's probably won't be so mellow this year during the playoffs.
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