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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. As in, a guy that looks like Char, or a guy with a mask? The former would probably be Reinhard von Lohengramm, one of the main characters, I don't recall any of the latter existing.
  2. For those interested in possibly watching, here's a short summary: For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Alliance, a conflict that involves thousands of spaceships and millions of soldiers on both sides. Two new commanders enter the conflict with great hopes: Imperial Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm and the FPA's Yang Wen-Li. As they deal with superiors and subordinates, maneuver through complicated political arrangements, plot strategies, and win battles, each will be tested, and ultimately, changed, by the reality of war. And a review.
  3. They got removed over New Years, along with most of the series that made that site worthwhile. Agreed.
  4. For those looking, Veoh has the first 15 episodes up. The My Conquest is the Sea of Stars movie takes place prior to the series and was made before it, so you might wanna start there if possible, though you'll be fine if you miss it. The Overture to a New War movie is basically a remake of the first 2 episodes with additional backstory on the characters, though AFAIK the only subs for it are fairly poor.
  5. They are making a new series, but I haven't seen anything confirming for sure that it's going to be more closely based on the manga. It's been widely speculated that's what it is though, and it makes sense.
  6. I've finished the main series and movies, currently working my way through the side stories. Epic old anime is epic. And really long - 110 Episode OVA is like wut. Totally worth it, highly recommended.
  7. I liked the anime a lot, but then the plot just totally cratered in the last few episodes. I read the manga too, not particularly fond of it; at this point I'm just reading it to see how it ends, which, judging by how events are shaping up, appears to be only a few months away.
  8. Ahahaha. I read this topic but it didn't occur to me open the curtains and look outside. My roommate had to tell me it was snowing.
  9. Eirika's supports help her out a lot, but I'm not sure if they do so by enough to actually make her better than Gerik. Lots of characters may want Gerik's support. Saleh would probably take whatever he can get. Gerik would be Joshua and, assuming Bottom Tier characters are not at all likely to be played, Ross's 3rd choice for a support as well in case they don't get their first two choice. Innes...yeah, maybe he won't get that one very often. Point is, while what Gerik has for a second support is probably going to vary a lot depending on what the rest of your team is like, I'd say he's got a pretty high chance of getting something for it.
  10. Topic poster hasn't been active since the 4th. I say we argue off of Mekkah's list. -Ross is losing to Eph Route Marisa? wut? -Without extra kills or something, Ewan is failling pretty badly. Recruited in Chapter 12, promoting to Mage in Chapter 14 or 15, not promoting to Mage Knight until 2 or 3 chapters after that? Bleh. Even Dozla is beating that. -Gerik is below Eirika on Eirika Route?
  11. I deserve a medal for my contribution to making that board how it is. It was even better before the European release; the on-topic topics were outnumbered by awesome topics by like 20-1. srsly.
  12. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=u4cLp6G2OMY
  13. I think Prime Minister is what you're looking for.
  14. Buh-wha? I can see us not including support abuse - though we'd need a good reason for doing so - but not including supports at all?
  15. Are we allowing tower/ruins/monsters/arena use in this list, and if so, to what extent? It seems to me that we need to either allow support abuse or make this a "minimum turn tier list." Support abuse has no risk or penalty, but is very rewarding and takes little time and no effort. (It might even save you time in the long run by making future chapters easier and therefore taking less time to complete.) Since this game doesn't have rankings, I'm not inclined to care that my rather irrelevant turn counts are high as a result, unless getting a low turn count is the entire point of the list. And yeah, as said previously, some characters' join time is several chapters apart depending on Route, which makes a difference. Those characters would be Eirika, Ephraim, Cormag, Gerik, Marisa, Innes, Saleh, and Duessel. (Tethys too, but I'm not sure if her lost chapters make much of a difference - are there any characters she would be above in one case but not the other?) Splitting them by route is a better way of doing it than trying to find an average position between their different performances. Until the above are dealt with, most of the specific changes I could suggest wouldn't be worth much.
  16. I'm sorry that I made one of these before you did even though you got the idea first.
  17. Starts with 3 AS with an Iron Axe, the chances of neither his Strength nor Speed increasing when he levels up are only 22%, so he's almost certainly able to start doubling at Level 3. 27% chance he's also doubling the 1 AS folks because both Strength and Speed went up.
  18. Wikipedia says it means Black Petes. >_>
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