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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. As a Cybertronian, I feel for the other ethnic groups who were not included in this poll.
  2. Alternatively I could just nuke everyone from orbit and not have to bother with mind control either.
  3. I continue to push for an update with Machis above Samuto and an elimination of the tiers below Bottom. Except the Bishop one, I guess.
  4. lots of cocks cocks everywhere! and by cocks i mean penises
  5. Lilina starts with 4 AS, Myrmidons have 9 AS at base, that Lugh was Level 2, so if Lilina was in that situation she would have been doubled even if she had gotten a point of speed (35%) from her first level-up.
  6. Kanon? Air? Edit: Damnit to above post, that's what I get for having so many windows open. >_>
  7. Actually, I think it's majority opinion that Star Fox 64 was better than this.
  8. Nobody's claiming we descended from apes. We learned to speak through a decentralized process taking thousands of years. I'm no expert, but I would think relatively human-like species developed before language did. Indeed. Insufficient intelligence and vocal cords less suited to speaking. Because that wasn't how it happened. I don't see the relevance of the question. What's your explanation for it, the Tower of Babel story?
  9. Played it awhile ago, haven't touched it in some time. During which I've replayed Star Fox 64 multiple times.
  10. Personally, I'd consolidate the silly "Fail" and "worse than Est" tiers both into Bottom Tier. Doesn't make sense to have a tier worse than Bottom, and you don't need 3 tiers for 4 units. And make Machis above Samuto happen.
  11. Actually, he totally was hated on by the RNG. 20% growth, 19 levels, not a single Defense level-up?
  12. Crash Man is way easier once you understand his pattern. >_>
  13. At this point would it count as flaming to call Loki a moron, or would it simply be a statement of fact?
  14. I had a cult once. The only useful thing about them is the potential to make money.
  15. Ratsel may look like Quatro, but his personality is completely different.
  16. IIRC, some of the anime you mentioned are based on virtual novels that actually do include hentai. >_>
  17. Machis > Samto. Joins a few chapters sooner, is more durable, has more Strength, and has the option to mount. Samto is faster, but Machis already manages 3 AS with Steel Sword upon joining time, and he does similar damage with an Iron Sword that Samto does with a Steel anyways. And having 1 more Move unmounted isn't enough to make up for Machis having 2 more Move (3 post-promotion) on outdoor chapters. Machis is also probably beating out Doga because of the classes involved.
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