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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. See, he can't even make a proper joke. Why do we need him?
  2. They usually deserve it, though. Your reply tells me you certainly do.
  3. For all that is good and awesome, BAN HIM
  4. Wow, I did not expect to see this here. I saw that posted on the FEDS board IIRC, during the Month of Anarchy. For more works by the same guy: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/984332/Naglfar
  5. What's the deadline for when this starts? Are we waiting for a certain number of people? A certain date? Whenever DD feels like it?
  6. My sig is still the best, though.
  7. The guy near the back with the crazy glasses is Melvin from Sailor Moon. Or at least, that was his dub name.
  8. Malcolm X was shot, Frederick Douglas let THE WHITE MAN take the bullet for him, just like how the white man has always taken everything from blacks.
  9. Indeed. I should know, I was going to change that to my user name in response to this topic but it sadly didn't fit.
  10. itt, someone needs to learn science liking penis while having a y chromosome releases a chemical into your brain that negatively affects tongue muscles the more you know!
  11. I'm sorry we didn't kneel down and fellate you.
  12. ...Since when are rednecks known for stealing groceries? Incest, yes, but groceries?
  13. i had a story like this written about me once and it was awesome hey lyle, whoever you are, let's go have sex and get aids
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