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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. If all it really takes for Ross to win from there is promotion, couldn't you just promote him right there and have him start winning? Also not sure why he's lacking supports.
  2. According to the current list, Cormag > Tana on Eirika Route. Anyone else find this odd?
  3. I may be half-crazy here, but does anyone think Isadora has a chance against Lyn?
  4. Clearly the communists are not interested in the plight of their robot brothers.
  5. Alright, adding all the changes together for High and Upper-Middle we get: -High- Ninian/Nils Matthew Sain Kent Lowen Oswin Hector Eliwood Lucius Erk Guy -Upper Mid- Pent Harken Florina Dart Geitz Dorcas Hawkeye Canas Legault Lyn With Eliwood vs. Lucius/Guy/Erk possibly being something we need to work out, but this should do for now; they're at least in the right tiers. And Farina to above Rath.
  6. Uh, no she's not, that's a clear but slight combat win, and she could just promote now if you wanted her to win more.
  7. Also thinking Florina > Dart? Seems like most of what he has going for him is an offense lead after he gets going, but Florina has availability lead, is definitely better than him when he joins, has flight, and a major durability win against magic. Why is Priscilla above Serra?
  8. Seems likely at this point that Pent and Harken are moving down to top of Upper-Middle and Hector passes them on his way up, and then Erk/Guy/Lucius also have a shot at High. At which point the only units separating Geitz and Pent/Harken are Dart and Florina anyways. Have a feeling CATS may have overdone it a little with Farina's level, but Farina > Jaffar looks good to me. Farina > Rath, too?
  9. Adding my agreement here. Yes. Eliwood also might get the second Heaven's Seal if we're playing Lyn, in which case he can have fun winning Cog of Destiny. Makes sense I suppose. Also, wondering if Farina has any hope of rising, though not out of her tier. Her cost apparently doesn't matter (see: Dart), she could plausibly get a B support with Florina, and last I checked nobody liked Heath anyways.
  10. technically master asia takes down mobile suits
  11. This is what happens when a Fire Emblem board on gamefaqs doesn't have enough trolls.
  12. Hector vs. Harken: Hector is second best unit early on and has basically top tier performance until other people start promoting, at which point his position he declines quite a bit. Harken probably joins too late to do all that much in Pale Flower of Darkness, but then he wins for three chapters until Hector promotes. The Berserker only has 1 empty slot, Harken's likely not coming to that. 3-2, Harken's favor. Then we've got 4 "real" chapters left in the game if we go to 32x, though spots are a bit limited there so Harken might not get to go. But even if Harken wins all the remaining chapters, which is arguble, Hector by that point is a more than competent combat unit himself and he had all that early game epic win and mid game lesser utility, so I'd see him winning overall fairly easily. Hector to Bottom of High, Harken to top of Upper-Middle?
  13. What would be your reasoning? Hector is second best combat unit early on and remains so until other people start promoting. Even once that starts happening, his durability is such that the only things he particularly fears are high-end magic users while he's still stuck unprompted. He's fast enough to double most of the unpromoted Steel Lance or Steel Axe swarms and there's Wolf Beil to help take down Armors/mounted people if needs it. Unsure if he can OHKO unpromoted Mercenaries with Swordreaver. Chapters 27 (Kenneth's version anyways) through 29 aren't kind to him with the magic users, but then he promotes and does pretty well the remainder of the game, though he's not dominant anymore. And for obvious reasons Hector is rather essential for efficiently completing Chapters 11 and 30. Harken has no early or mid game utility, and I wouldn't consider it likely for him to get supports. Pent only joins a chapter before he does (though there's no issue with adjusting your strategy to insure you don't get Karel instead) and loses durability but more than makes up for it with A staves.
  14. Anyone disagree with Hector jumping the tier gap to High and Harken going down to below Pent?
  15. Trewd down a tier? I'm not sure if I see him as necessarily better than even Kein/Alva, and I'd certainly think there to be a tier break between him and Machuya. Trewd, Kein, and Alva all join with fairly poor performance, and while they're not terrible if raised, they're still definitely below average and don't really offer anything special to make them actually worth using. (inb4 Awareness hype)
  16. Probably mine. It bears the scars of a forgotten name fad.
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