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Status Updates posted by Phoenix

  1. Yeeeah where HAVE you been? :(

  2. *comes crashing into profile*


    *flies back out*

  3. Thanks everyone ^_^

  4. Thx everyone for saying stuff on my profile! It's been awhile XD

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Phoenix


      *flies over to Train's profile*

    3. Phoenix



      Like that? ^_^

    4. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare

      Write more stuff on people's profile

  5. Argh stop changing your name! I have no idea who you are sometimes XD

  6. Not one I use. I'd probably make a better one once I actually had some videos to upload.

  7. Hey there you are! Welcome to this place I hang out at >.>

  8. Better question. Why do you care?

  9. Ditto and ditto lol

  10. Thanks for the welcomes ... now go read while I disappeared in the first place lol

  11. Eh I'll save time and make a topic about it in FfTF


    Hmmm that smelled of generic <_<'

    I guess the gift will have to make up for it.

    *gives you an assault rifle*

  13. Eh yeah kinda.

    Doom Salvation ... same thing ^_^

  14. Until today I was continuously plotting, but merely behind the scenes. Oh what horrors you have avoided -_-

    And no I'm not spriting the LoAF. I have my limits and that is in a league beyond said limits.

  15. Happy Birthday, Psych. As my present to you, I won't be plotting the downfall of your characters in the rp. Instead I will be focusing my energies on more productive things. Your welcome ^_^

  16. Hello there, Proto. Happy Birthday ^_^

  17. Forgot to do this and I have five minutes left til midnight. Happy Birthday. Now if only it mattered.

  18. Temperature Normal. Mood Normal. Heart feeling quite warm and bubbly.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. ReformBlade


      Good to know you agree.

    3. Phoenix


      I think you can can adapt with one month notice and a lot of points invested properly, yes.

    4. Jaybee
  19. The BIG 19! Congratz! You're now one year closer to menopause! Hurray? ... yeah, sorry I said anything -_-

  20. Nah, you be grateful, cause the last thing you need is an immortal firebird tailing you everywhere XD

  21. Happy Birthday from your friendly neighborhood Phoenix ^_^

    Can't think of anything else >_>'

  22. The Phoenix is feeling somewhat better now ... a little post traumatic sickness syndrome but mostly alright. No thanks to Psych XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ReformBlade


      Haha, you're a woman!

    3. riariadne


      that was a fail psych

      bad and you should feel bad

      very bad

    4. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      /ban #LordOfAzureFlame Psych +1000years

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