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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Hello and welcome to the Forest! Hope you like your stay, there is much to do in here and many people to talk to.
  2. Light Lord


    I can see the love around here... Like Kai I never did an intro topic, but anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you like it, there are too many trees and people around, a good experience.
  3. Lyn: That's why I would not play such a game. Marth, how does it feel to be the first Lord ever created in the series?
  4. Claiming a few quotes now, it's amazing how much I change things here and there when watching the forums: "I fight for my friends." "You'll get no sympathy from me." Both from Ike in Smash Bros Brawl "When the time comes, don't hesitate, just act." By Wolf O'Donnel "Life will find the way." from Jurassic Park
  5. Like playing guitar, checking a few things in a fanfic, spritting and sketching, things like that. You?

  6. Tibarn: Those animators of IS made a mistake when editing my transformed form. Or maybew my transformed form takes my coat's color. I'll have to test it. Tauroneo, which are the requirements for a Daein general to wear the white armor?
  7. Quite well, working on small projects

  8. Hi there! How you doing?

  9. *they both point at themselves then stare angrily at the other* Shanam: I'll show you the strength of Shanan's preten- I mean, of Prince Shanan! Samto: Oh yeah?! I'll show you that of the great Navarre! *epic duel starts until Shanan and Navarre appear, both Samto and Shanam disappear in a cloud of dust* So Sephiran, how could you ignore the fact Micaiah was alive when Zelgius (aka The Black Knight) knew she was alive? Never mind, a mistake of mine
  10. Time for more claims! Rushuna (Grenadier), Rosette (Chrono Crusade), Blair Flannigan and Mindy (Yugioh GX), Mina Simington and Sherry Leblanc (Yugioh 5Ds), Mana (Yugioh), and Janne FE 4.
  11. Leaf: Kill her? Maybe. She was raised by Trabant, so I would have considered it. After all, he killed my parents. Thanks Fin told me about it. Zelgius, if you had a duel against Aless who would win?
  12. If they are not claimed I claim: Selfina FE 5, Eda FE 5, Radney FE 4, and Cecil FE 3. I used the search in topic this time and it did not send any results on either of them. If they are claimed I would like to share.
  13. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest.

    Hope you like your stay.

  14. Kieran: Ego? What's that? I don't know such a thing, I, Kieran, Captain of Crimea's Fifth Platoon of Knights am awesome thanks to all my deeds like slaying the Whippoorwhill of Southern Crimea, I train all days since the dawn to the dusk! I'm way better than any knight in the kingdom, all thanks to my training! To any member of the Crimean knights, when Kieran talks, does he get on your nerves? Ninja'd...
  15. Maybe I should have said from the beginning, it's a NM playthrough. As I said, I'm focusing an capping good stats that could serve, for example, I know Ike needs the strength and speed stats because that way he will be able to cap speed in RD earlier. By the way, I've been reading your suggestions and I've been liking many of the ideas, thanks again for the help guys.
  16. Happy Birthday to you!

  17. Sylvia: I have them on! The fact is I'm a dancer, so I have to wear this to get people's attention! That's all! Jill, who would you blame for your father's death Petrine or Ike?
  18. Yeah I searched for her but only as Caeda, I forgot to look for her as Sheeda or the ohter names. Thanks for pointing out and I would like to share.
  19. Yeah I was hoping to see a topic like this! It would be funny to see the Serra and L'Arachel thing, tough it may not be a calm tea party. Imagine Lekain meeting with Yodel. Two sides of the same coin, one being honest to his job, the other one being as corrupt as possible. I'll post another when I think of it.
  20. Fin: Are these members of China FE knights of a kingdom or something like that? If that's the case, of course I would be proud, but I would keep improving. Largo, I have the perfect test of strength for you: Face 2 Red Dragons, 1 Lion, 2 Tigers, a Wolf and a Hawk like Tibarn. Do you accept? If so, then tell me how you did on the challenge.
  21. Yeah I do. You know, when I say him and Sain, I thought he would get a paired ending (too bad in FE 9 it never happens) in both of his games. Then I saw FE 10 epilogue and I was like "...My goodness! He failed abruptly!" On second thought, maybe he was like Sain, but never thought of having a family like Sain could.
  22. Well, I'm playing it yet again to transfer better stats or weapon levels to Radiant Dawn. These are the characters I would like, but of course I would like others opinion or experience with them, so here we go. 100% sure to train: Ike Boyd Rolf Nephenee Jill Soren Sothe Mist Maybe: Kieran Oscar Mia Astrid Rhys Marcia If you have any other recommendations or opinions, I would like to hear them. Thanks in advance.
  23. Time to check fanfic!

  24. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay and the soon to come welcomes.

  25. Can I claim Caeda/Sheeda? I searched and nobody has claimed her yet I guess. Also I would like to claim Cleric Elice, I saw somebody claimed her as a myrmidon, I don't know if I can do it like this.
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