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Xator Nova

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Everything posted by Xator Nova

  1. 12 Years a Slave was an adaptation. Edge of Tomorrow is criminally underrated. How To Train Your Dragon franchise is based from a book. Disney animated films are for the most part adaptations from fairy-tales/novels and for the most part are good/great (Snow White, Pinocchio, Bambi, Beauty and the Beast being the best examples). The Secret of NIMH is a great animated film, and is better than the book than it is based on. A Clockwork Orange, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Godfather, Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, The Grapes of Wrath, Fight Club, Life of Pi were based on books. Nobody remembers? The Sound of Music and My Fair Lady are adaptations from stage (theater) to cinema, and they are gold in the musical genre. In fact, both of them won Best Picture. And obviously, The Lord of the Rings franchise, which might be better than the books themselves. This is just a little fraction. i could go on and on.
  2. the reason why units later on become "worse and worse" is because their bases aren't competent enough for the moment they join.
  3. I hate scrubs, so I generally use units with solid base stats. If a chapter is warpskippable, I do it.
  4. ...because I forget to do my calculations with pair-up bonuses in mind. Even in character discussions. :(
  5. As far as I'm concerned, Transfer!Jill is pretty much Nolan with wings, so she really is the "Haar of the DB chapters".
  6. If you kill 50 enemies with the same weapon, your weapon gains the Critical skill. The Silver Sword in the Prologue is the best candidate for this, along with the Hero Sword on Chapter 3. Also, I can't believe that everyone forgot the most important advice, which is to spam Sigurd, and to slap on him every item you get in order to optimize inheritance.
  7. HHM is a walk in the park. How to beat FE7: - Train a cavalier and Florina in LHM so that they reach promotion level. - Promote your cavalier, and slap an Angelic Robe + Energy Ring on Florina. - From Chapter 12 onwards, spam Marcus. - From Chapter 16 onwards, spam Marcus + your promoted cavalier + Florina + OP prepromotes you'll get (Hawkeye, Pent, Harken, Vaida). - Save Pure Waters and 1-2 range weapons for Cog of Destiny. - Get Filla's Might, and save a Luna tome for Athos, so that he can OHKO the final boss. GG
  8. this is the first time I've seen that capybaras are pets. wtf
  9. Xator Nova


    welcome to the forest. enjoy your stay and become part from the ltc community mwa ha ha!
  10. grammar corrections (sorry for being a grammar nazi) like I said on the other forum, promote garcia to hero, the social knights to paladins, and abuse duessel when you get him. however, better players than me should give you better tips on this.
  11. what the title says if you have, post your opinion about it. I found it better than the first one, and it could have been a serious candidate for best film of the year. 9.5/10
  12. in GBA FEs, never. in DS FEs, a lot. never attempted to record the SNES FEs.
  13. I once read there that Sain flirted with Lucius. I don't trust that page anymore since then. Though its Game Breaker page about Fire Emblem is surprisingly well-informed.
  14. films currently in theaters, or any film in general? inb4 people suggest pink flamingos or human centipede 2. or both. *shudders*
  15. male: frederick cuz he's the jeigan female: it's between lucina and nowi, but I'm going for lucina.
  16. Lord moves - Rescue on Dancer - Dancer refreshes - Rescue on Lord - Lord moves. Now you've advanced 4x faster than usual. or... Lord moves - Rescue on Dancer - Dancer refreshes - Rescue on Dancer again - Lord moves. Now you've advanced 3x faster than usual, but you can use the combo next turn.
  17. FE1: The one with Camus. FE2: The last map from Chapter 1. FE3: The one with the Dragons on a fiery valley. FE4: Chapter 5 and Final Chapter. FE5: Chapter 18 where Leif promotes. FE6: Chapter 21, the one with Murdock. FE7: CoD FE8: The one with the Gorgons. FE9: Chapter 17 FE10: Chapter 3-6 FE11: The one with Camus. FE12: The one with the Dragons on a fiery valley. FE13: Final Map.
  18. Maleficent. I thought it would have a similar emotional impact on me like Wicked did. It didn't. I don't think Maleficent is a bad movie from a technical standpoint... but it is disappointing.
  19. scrubs i completed fe13 l+ in -0/0 turns in an hour on my first attempt [/troll]
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlMBcTGJ4YM (how do I put it in form of an embedded video?)
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