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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. First of all, I already admitted that a monarchy would not really work in the America of today. What exactly is the difference between a presidential veto and a royal veto? The President surely shows restraint, but I don't see why a monarch is any less likely to show restraint. Now, the world most certainly needs monarchs. It needs them to provide a head of state above politics, to restrain the power of the people if need be, and to provide a better symbol of unity than any President could. It's clear that at this point this debate is going nowhere, so should we bury the hatchet?
  2. Wait, what is that place? It looks like a pimped out game corner.
  3. So would you suggest the monarch as a mere symbol? Maybe my system isn't pure democracy, I don't know" maybe it isn't perfect, but neither is pure democracy. I believe that sometimes the people need restraining as much as an autocratic ruler. You might disagree, but to each his own. A Constitutional Monarchy just seems like a good compromise to me.
  4. The issue here is that the monarch, since they are not elected, do not have to pander to a certain party. In the two party system, politicians need to affiliate themselves with a certain party in order to have any chance at winning. An un affiliated monarch would be a way to curb the influence of both parties. First, a deadline would be set for each issue. Think back to the Obamacare vs government funding thing a few years ago that resulted in the government shutdown, only that shit wouldn't happen because of the monarch. Second, I'm not really debating my system vs yours, I'm debating my system vs the status quo. How would people vote in your system, though? But isn't a royal veto exactly that? If something passes, it must be the majority, and a veto is there to stop stuff like a bill that reintroduces slavery (purely hypothetical). That is a good point on filibusters, though. Finally, regarding elective monarchy, it gives someone who owes their power to someone, be it a corporation or a party, power for life. That is a recipe for diasaster.
  5. I'm not Nuzlockeing this, so that doesn't really matter. Hey, compared to me Shuuda is pretty much Jesus in terms of updates. Shuuda, use this thread as an example of how not to manage an update schedule, for all of our sakes.
  6. Actually, no, they don't have to pander to anything. The monarch is there to keep the nation moving along in spite of democracy. As long as the elected government is able to keep the nation moving (they will be allowed a fair amount of time for debate) then the voice "of the people" (honestly, it's debatable if a bipartisan system can properly represent the will of the people) wins out. Regarding filibustering, having it as important doesn't make it any less stupid. It's a dirty tactic used to easily deny the will of the majority, and to render it in effective is a true victory for democracy. Now, I am not in favor of taking the voice of the people away. I am, however, in favor of the notion that sometimes it must be restrained. Fascist movements lend themselves well to democracy and populism, and it is very easy for demagogues to create a snowball effect of conformity for their supporters. See the rise of Hitler and Mussolini. If a monarch can curb the influence of said Fascist government enough to stop them from doing really evil stuff, even if it means that a little bit of the voice of the people is taken away, that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make.
  7. Why do you disagree? And no, not to my knowledge.
  8. Yeah, Firered actually has a lot of great Pokemon available really early. The fact that you can buy evolution stones also makes it really easy to have fully evolved Pokemon early on.
  9. Wait, did Shin add in new areas? I don't recognize most of this.
  10. First of all, the difference in this case would be that the title of monarch is hereditary, while the PM is elected. This means that the monarch is above politics, while the PM is not. And no, that is not my ideal monarchy. Jordan is a pretty good example of the kind of monarchy I want, but pretty much the monarch would be around to give authority on issues that the governing body has been deadlocked on. This not only provides more stability, it also gives the governing body an incentive to get off their asses and stop bickering, lest they lose their power. I would certainly hope America would choose a Constitutional Monarchy over a totalitarian dictatorship, for both our sakes. Its also not true that the war for independence was against monarchy as a system. The colonists were actually against Parliaments, who did not represent them. There was a strong post war monarchist movement, which included Alexander Hamilton. Here's the problem with that example: Charlemagne's empire fractured in the Middle Ages, when it would take days or even weeks to transmit messages. It was much harder to hold an empire together back then. Now, though, modern technology makes the transition of power much smoother. Also, most monarchies have actually been killed due to revolution (Russia, Germany, Bourbon France) or military defeat (Rome, Napoleonic France). Come up with an example that is more recent. Frederick II of Prussia, Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine II of Russia all disagree with you. Monarchs have historically had no real problem with reforming. In fact, most monarchies banned slavery before most republics. Thats because the monarchs generally didn't own slaves, and so were less biased than elected citizens. Finally, I've provided an example here, so you provide yours. How is there any difference between this and the head of government in a Republic? The death of FDR and JFK both caused a great deal of confusion in the USA. Well, I would take up arms to let them rule me, but to each his own I suppose.
  11. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! This will be the last update in a while, as I a about to go on vacation in Eastern Europe. So yeah. We start our glorious odyssey today in front of Fuchsia Gym, where we shall defeat the Gym Leader Koga. Blah2127 has a long history of not caring. Also, that cannot possibly be true, as Animalmon only came out in 1998, and Im pretty sure Ninjas were around before then. Kid, let me put it this way. I'm going to be someone people brag about being descended from. Now get out of my face. Thanks :). "You should have used the crosswalk, you good for nothing criminal!" *ahem* Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to vacate the premises, as Ninjas stopped being put to use in Japan after the reforms of the Meiji Emperor, so yeah. ...I'll take that as a no. The a button renders me not caring. This isn't Zigzagoon City, asshat. So yeah. First up is Muk. The State tries to use Dig, but it misses because Muk used Minimize. To solve this, I bring Blitzkrieg in, because its Shock Wave always hits. This should do the trick! ...or not. Fortunately, Richtofen snags a lucky hit, saving me a major headache in the form of +6 evasion. Anyway, next up is two Koffings.Vorbeck defeats the Koffings with one Mega Punch each. Koga's final Pokemon is Weezing. Vorbeck should be able to handle this fine! So, Vorbeck does a pretty good job of banging up Weezing with Mega Punch, but Weezing poisons him with toxic! How will Vorbeck get out of this one?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Oh. With another Mega Punch. Okay then. Oh, so resorting to bribery, are we? Fine, I'll take the badge, you keep your gym! Next time: We find out whats going on here.
  12. Neither am I. The monarchy I support would be constitutional, although the monarch would still have power. Wait, so an elective monarchy? I don't know about that, because both examples of that (HRE and Poland-Lithuania) failed horribly. If there would be a monarchy in America, the throne should be given to a member of the a House of Windsor, the legitimate occupants.
  13. Wait, the story was worse than Awakening? Shit.
  14. Yeah, we kind of owe the LP to Something Awful. Chorocojo (who did art for the Quartz LP) is my favorite because he provides a blend of styles, all of which he does well; he does a good walk through, and he creates enjoyable characters out of the silent protagonists. His art is also very funny.
  15. Chuggaaconroy is disappoint. In all seriousness, great LP. I vote that the entire military be refitted with Pickelhaubes as helmets for standard issue. Make it snappy!
  16. Plus it was almost certainly encouraged by the US government; basically they did to Mexico what Putin is now doing to Ukraine.
  17. Yeah, Zorak and Chorocojo inspired my LP, and I stole my style from them as well (doing the commentary partly in character)
  18. The best part about the story, IMO, was that Ashnard consistently remained the main villain throughout. He was a good enough villain to be just as threatening as some bullshit dragon.
  19. Oh yeah, Quartz already did some serious damage: http://lparchive.org/Pokemon-Quartz/ Namely, to this poor bastards psyche. Seriously though, it is an alternative, I suppose.
  20. Well, for Joker its justifiable, as he wants to know why a relationship needs to be serious.
  21. Well, let me make like Phoenix Wright and turn this on its head and ask you why you shouldn't embrace Elizabeth II as a powerless head of state?
  22. Then again, what defines a nation state? Canada itself is a nation made of many ethnicities, descended from immigrants, plus the Quebecois, so I don't see what's so terrible about having a non Canadian head of state who is powerless if it ties Canada to the Commonwealth with all the benefits that go with that. Also, Obama costs more than Elizabeth II.
  23. Fair enough. I thought it could be interesting to play as the Camus, but the plot was apparently bungled.
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