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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Incidentally, I just realized that Panem is basically an Apartheid state. They herded all the Black people into District 11, and all.
  2. Herald from blah2127! They tell us that in the event "Verdante's successor" they went with Trapsnatch shall lead us to glory!
  3. Nah, first to DC, then to Minnesota. "Rightful" implies that they have been sadly robbed from their legal owner.
  4. Shit I haven't updated that since I first joined and Awakening was the only one that I played. Comrade Marx feels great shame that Nohr's story was apparently shit. Comrade Marx resolves to put Comrade Leon in charge of building gulags for those responsible.
  5. The LP will be on hiatus again because I'm visiting my relatives in the Rightful Provinces of British North America.
  6. Well. Been a while, huh? I was caught up in a bunch of stuff so I didn't have time to write, and unfortunately I won't have time to write for three more weeks. Rest assured, however, that I will not let this die. I will see this through to the end. In any case, here's the next update: Chapter 5 The Bear, the Dragon, and the Rising Sun Of all the nations who participated in the Second World War, only one would benefit greatly from it at relatively little cost. That nation was the Empire of Japan. At the start of 1938, Japan had taken all of the Chinese Empire’s pacific islands, as well as the Chinese tributary of the Philippines. Now, as Japanese bombers were bombing Chinese cities almost with impunity, Japan prepared to move into Southeast Asia. In February of 1938, Japan attacked the Chinese tributary of Malaysia. The army of Malaysia itself was quite weak, as well as outdated. They were, however, safeguarded by a substantial Chinese force. Japanese Field Marshal Yamashita, however, utilized every advantage Japan had. He made use of Japan’s elite, well trained infantry to secure beachheads around the north of the country, in the jungle. In this way, they were able to cut the Chinese army off from supplies. The Japanese assault against the cut off Chnese divisions and the Malaysian army began on February 24. It was hugely successful, forcing Malaysia to surrender by March 15. The surrender of Malaysia was only one of the woes China suffered in March. In accordance with Huey Long’s declaration of war against Britain, the Democratic Republic of India, led by Shripad Dange, declared war on the Axis, including China. The massive Indian army moved into the Chinese tributary Burma, sweeping aside token Burmese resistance. Burma fell by April 2. For China, the Southeast Asian heater had become extremely important. The Chinese high command reacted to these developments with panic. Their response was to shift a great deal of men from the Siberian front and to the Southeast Asian front. This amounted to an entire field army, under Chinese general Zhu De. This army, creatively titled the Southeast Asian army, took up defensive positions in Siam, repelling the Japanese army under Hayashi Senjuro on May 1. Zhu then shifted west, repelling the Indians from Rangoon on June 14, 1938. The Japanese and Indians regrouped in Malaya and northern Burma respectively, setting up defensive positions. Zhu, recognizing that he could not advance any further, set up defenses of his own. By June, the Southeast Asian front was beginning to resemble the Western Front of the First World War. It would remain so for quite some time. Meanwhile, in Siberia, the Chinese armies moved against Novosibirsk once again in March of 1938. At the second battle of Novosibirsk, Russian armor showed its superiority. Chinese troops attacked in human wave attacks against the entrenched Russians, but the T-34 tank was used to great effect by Marshal Zhukov. The Chinese exhausted themselves after a week of fighting, and Zhukov counterattacked in April. Although the offensive did succeed in destroying a large amount of Chinese divisions, the Russian tanks had to withdraw back to Novosibirsk after a few weeks due to lack of supply. Zhukov waited until summer for the big offensive to recapture territory. In Korea, Korean and Japanese troops continued to feed Chiang Kai Shek’s forces into a meat grinder. The Chinese attempted to strike south towards Pyongyang in March, but they were again stopped by the mountains in northern Korea and by spirited Japanese counterattacks. The Chinese were pushed back across the Yalu river by May, but dug in so as to repulse attacks against their positions. By July, Zhukov had prepared the offensive designed to decisively break Chinese power in Siberia, called Operation Mars. On July 15 of 1938, a massive Soviet Tank assault started, smashing into the lines of the Chinese armies. As the Chinese were sent reeling, the Russian infantry was sent in to finish the job. Russian forces turned south, reaching Ulaanbataar, capitol of Mongolia, by November, despite a great sea of strain on Russian supply lines. The Chinese army was in full retreat on the Siberian Front. If the year of 1938 had proven one thing, it was that the Chinese war doctrine of massed infantry assaults was woefully outdated. Their troops had been unable to break the defenses of Imperial Japan, manned by the elite Japanese infantry. Meanwhile, Tsarist Russia skillfully combined infantry assaults with tank warfare, and made mincemeat of the Chinese soldiers. Since then, China was firmly on the defensive. However, a dragon is at its most dangerous when cornered in its nest, especially when said dragon boasts seemingly endless manpower.
  7. I don't know, this seems like a bit of a close one to me. I mean, Hitler did horrible things, no arguments there, but was his story as horrible as Awakenings? I am going to have to say that Hitler was better than Fire Emblem Awakening.
  8. Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall, wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall: Zum Rhein, zum Rhein, zum deutschen Rhein, wer will des Stromes Hüter sein? Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein! Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein! Durch Hunderttausend zuckt es schnell, und aller Augen blitzen hell; der Deutsche, bieder, fromm und stark, beschützt die heil'ge Landesmark.
  9. Hopefully Arrow won't get too Cross: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_Cross_Party My god, that was a bad pun.
  10. I'm going to assume that if you do challenge the battle frontier fainted Pokemon there will not count as dead.
  11. God dammit if I could go back in time Id totally ask you to name Seadra Simo Hahya.
  12. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! After a vacation in a hotel with unbelievably crappy internet in our room but curiously not in anyone else's, I'm back to provide entertainment and military history, all in a Pokemon game! So, I have a confession to make. I lost some screenshots. Basically, I went to Celadon, got some tea from an old lady, gave it to the guard in Saffron, and he let me in. Are we up to speed? Good. Now, at present, it would appear that Team Rocket has taken over Saffron City. I'm both surprised, because Team Rocket is so incompetent, and unsurprised, because the Cops are so incompetent. I'm leaning towards Team Rocket being more incompetent than the cops now. So this is Silph Headquarters, which Team Rocket has taken over. I'm supposed to save a corporation here. My om would hate me for it, as she's extremely anticorporatist, but the LP must go on! No hilariously incompetent Mafia knockoffs are allowed here, either, but that sure didn't stop you. So I need to search 11 floors of this building in order to find one lousy card key. Great. You know, people here seem pretty opposed to young children running around in buildings controlled by organized criminals ...that actually seems pretty reasonable. Pfft, don't make me laugh. All that awaits me at home is child labor at the hands of Oak. I will make my own home! Of fuck, not Sonic Boom! It was powerful enough to destroy fans faith in Sonic the Hedgehog in a single attack! betray [bih-trey] Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin verb (used with object) 1. to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty: Benedict Arnold betrayed his country. 2. to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling: to betray a trust. 3. to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to: to betray one's friends. 4. to reveal or disclose in violation of confidence: to betray a secret. 5. to reveal unconsciously (something one would preferably conceal): Her nervousness betrays her insecurity. 6. to show or exhibit; reveal; disclose: an unfeeling remark that betrays his lack of concern. 7. to deceive, misguide, or corrupt: a young lawyer betrayed by political ambitions into irreparable folly. Well, now that thats done this place should be rather easy. This, incidentally, is proof that the Pokemon world is our world. Guyana is also mentioned at a later date in the game. Team Rocket really seems to like Animalmon, doesn't it? Well, I wonder what lies beyond this warp panel? ...well, Woodrow, I suppose you would be stupid enough to join Team Rocket. You fit each other perfectly! Next time: 7.8/10 too much Woodrow!
  13. If you want my personal opinion, people shouldn't have to justify why they like something. I thought the story of Dual Destinies was fine, although admittedly not nearly as good as the original trilogy.
  14. Well, they don't actually die. I roleplay Nuzlockes as the trainer not wanting any weak Pokemon, similar to Paul in the anime.
  15. You chose Panzer? Well, to celebrate: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jsdawgd0azk
  16. Yeah, I'd probably do the same if, say, Bill Waterson died.
  17. For my LPs, I use emulators on my IPad and take screenshots with that. I'm pretty sure there's also something that lets you take screenshots on a 3ds.
  18. Is this a lets play or are we just sharing playthroughs?
  19. Panzer. What can I say, I'm influenced by this gentleman: Achtung Panzer!
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